Item / Frequency / Last reviewed/renewed/
carried out / Comments/actions
Parish Council Insurance including Public & Employers Liability / Annually / 1/6/16 / Three Year Contract – due 1.6.2019
Data Protection/FOI / Annually / 14/2/14 / Registration no: Z6420322
Security no: 10310471
Gas safety check / Annually / New Boiler – Installed 2016 / Serviced 10.3.17
Electric safety check / Annually / PAT testing 27/01/14 / PAT testing ordered – date to be confirmed
Fire drills
Smoke alarms checked / Annually
Weekly (Thursday) / Training being organised
Emergency Lighting System / Weekly (Thursday)
Fire extinguishers – test and inspection by qualified inspector / Annually / 10.11.2016
Inspection of Playground and equipment. / 12 monthly by inspector for insurance purposes. / 2016 / Daily inspection of play areas and skateboard ramp with the removal of litter/broken glass etc., carried out.
Financial matters:-
Precept agreed and requested / Annually / January 2017
Income/Expenditure approval list / Monthly / On-going / Carried out at monthly Parish Council meetings, together with the signing of cheques/payment orders by regulated signatories.
VAT return completed/submitted / Quarterly / 12/16
Bank reconciliations / Monthly / On-going / Signed by Councillor
Budget monitoring / Monthly / On-going
External audit / Annually / 09/16
Staff matters:-
Salary reviews / Annually / 04/16
Staff appraisals/job descriptions in place / Annually / On-going
Record keeping:-
Minutes properly numbered / On-going
Standing orders / As required / 12/12
Financial regulations / As required / 11/12
Back-up of Computer records / Daily / Daily
Members responsibilities:-
The Code of Conduct / On-going / Oct ‘16
Declarations of interest / On-going / Minuted at meetings

The information given above was agreed at the Meeting held on

as being a correct record.

Signed: …………………………………………… Chairman

…………………………………………… Clerk

Date: …………………………………………….