Maracas Week Ten 11

Dancing with Teddy w/ Songbook – G# in E

  • Hold the book up or present the picture so everyone can look at it. Give kids permission to come up close and look or take book around if kids are really shy or parents are trapped under babies.
  • Point to picture singing on B/G#/E “What do you see?” “What is this? ” etc. Have group sing back what children say or point to: “Michael sees a teddy” “I see a ___”
  • Finger tapping and rock in the body to keep the beat as you sing about the pictures
  • Can continue with book or change to small actions.

Wiggle - D

  • Wiggling fingers – 1st phrase L/ 2nd phrase R / Last two phrases both
  • Scoop up kids and wiggle together
  • Yawn
  • Sleep
  • Shrugging
  • Kiss
  • Hug
  • Peek-a-boo

Sm to Lg

Jumpin Josie - D

  • Open them up and shut them Josie – Opening and closing hands on big beat – can repeat this verse
  • La la - Opening and closing hands micro
  • Tap your toes and lift them high – tap toes on floor and lift feet up while sitting macro
  • La la la – tapping toes
  • Everyone up and Jumping Josie
  • Boing Boing Boing – jumping
  • Light as a feather and floating Joise – slower tempo rocking side to side floating
  • Floating Floating – moving around room/could spin
  • All around the room and waking
  • Doo doo – walking
  • Fast Fast Fast fast Fast FREEZE 2x
  • Tum ticka tum – Good ole bluegrass stomp
  • Tum ticka tum – clapping
  • Jumping verse 1x
  • Everyone down and sitting Josie 1x
  • Let’s all take a deep breath josie – slower tempo with breathing and finish last phrase on la with big audiation of resting tone

TP’s major

All Around the Kitchen - C Bluesy

  • Shaker play
  • 2-4x singing All Around the Kitchen phrase with shaker action
  • Potato – pretend the shakers are potatoes and use a clear macro down beat as if putting potatoes in the pot open arms on ‘hot’
  • 2-4x singing All Around the Kitchen phrase with shaker action
  • Pancake – two hands banging eggs on ground macro throw arms up on ‘catch’
  • 2-4x singing All Around the Kitchen phrase with shaker action
  • Jelly- Two hands front/back micro shake as if holding a bowl/cup and throw head back on ‘eat’ as if eating jelly
  • 2-4x singing All Around the Kitchen phrase with shaker action
  • Peanut – tapping one egg on top of other as if top egg is the peanut/ large arm circle ‘round the bend’/ arm pulling train whistle on ‘toot toot’
  • Play with different actions till end of song singing All Around the Kitchen and whatever variations – can add the doodle doodle doodle section. Listen to the end of the song on the CD for ideas of how to play around with it. You might find if you don’t sing the cocka doodle part the parents fill that in and you can riff of the first half of the phrase for a while.
  • Can call out what’s in your kitchen and improv jazz it out!

RP’s and 1-8 Stop

Doodle CD teacher mix

  • Form = Doodles – quick movement/ Doos – three slow movements
  • Intro plus 2 verses - Doodle = shaking hands, doo, doo, doo = clap clap clap
  • Guitar jam –put focus on a body part IE hands
  • Doodle verse – circle right with quick fake run and three stomps 2x
  • Flute verse– put focus on a body part IE feet
  • Deedle verse – Into the middle wiggle and three jumps / wiggle out and three jumps back 2x
  • Guitar jam – Put focus on new body part
  • Sshhhhh! Sneak Sneak Sneak – Make sshh sound looking around and sneak walk three steps
  • Flute break – Turning/ Free movement
  • Free boogy! to finish

Stick play

  • Can use contrasts on the Doodle sections like small/big, soft/loud, yes/no
  • Doodle = 4x - drum sticks on floor and click click click
  • Interlude with different vocable extending the notes = Micro action
  • Doodle = 4x – drum sticks on floor and click click click AUDIATION
  • Interlude with different vocable extending the notes = Macro Action
  • Doodle = 4x - drum sticks on floor and tap tap tap (head or body part)
  • Interlude with different vocable extending the notes = Kid action
  • Doodle = 4x – drum on the floor and tap tap tap (head or body part)
  • Interlude with different vocable extending the notes = Kid Action
  • Doodle = 4x - drum sticks on floor and click click click with last repeat no click keep drumming and getting slower with audiated last note

Five Little Mice – duple

  • Model mouse and pussy cat actions first with animal sounds
  • Straight all verses 1x
  • RP’s
  • Squeek Squeek Squeek Squeek
  • Meow SS SS
  • Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee Row Ooo!
  • Na Na Na Na
  • Start at 2 little mice and do with squeek and meow vocables in mouse and cat parts
  • Finish last one with dramatic cat character

I’m a Bell – F in D minor

  • Label the 5 and the 1 as you sing them.
  • On the 5 (A) play with imaginary small bell – Ring-a-linga linga
  • Sing on the 1 (D) big DING DONG pulling on imaginary rope
  • Get body rock going side to side
  • Song Starts on the 3 (F). Sing through 2x straight – add AUDIATION
  • Set up harmony:
  • Three groups – 1 (DING DONG) /5 (Ringa-a-linga)/ Verse
  • Or two groups with teacher on verse
  • Or whole class on 1 (Ding Dong) and teacher on verse

TP’s Minor

SM to LG

  • Ring a ling a ling – pretend bell – A
  • Side to side sway as body becomes bell – Ding Dong – D
  • 2 verses sitting with words then vocable
  • Ding Dong to standing - D
  • La la la same action or swaying from left to right foot in a triple metre (toddler waltz)
  • Swing kids like a bell or holding their hand and rocking them like a bell 2 verses
  • Create a theme and get suggestions as you go:
  • Actions – I’m a kid, see me jump, spin, march, fly, swim, etc etc
  • Animals – I’m a cat, see me pounce or hear me cry meow meow etc
  • Vehicles – I’m a car, see me drive zoom zoom, I’m a fire truck hear me cry, woo ooo
  • Finish with bell verse and take it to sitting on Ding Dongs or within bell verse

Play the Drum - B

  • “Listen Listen everyone, Let’s play the body drum!” –you can play on your drum or use your child as a drum.
  • Verse/Vocable
  • Listen to me play my Tum / Tum Tum Tum Tum
  • Head / No no no no
  • Hand / clapping
  • Toes / Toes Toes toes toes
  • Lips / Brrrr (lip trill)
  • Nose / Beep beep beep
  • Could finish with the floor and sing a drum verse with button ending.


  • Can get everyone playing their imaginary drum if you want or just go straight into modeling a drum with your sticks/shakers.
  • Start out with the drum theme and use the sticks/shakers to play the drum with different beats – macro, micro, big beat, drum roll – or play it soft and then loud.
  • Can then switch to “listen to me _____ my sticks/shakers” – scrape, tap, roll, buzz
  • Or could do an instrument theme – “listen to me play the trumpet” etc.
  • Add an AUDITATION verse to the above play
  • Set up clear ending.

RP’s and 1-8 stop play

Jack Be Nimble – triple

  • Start with tapping finger on palm on 1 of 123 – can add non voiced vocable for micro beat
  • Toe 1x
  • Knee 1x
  • RP’s in triple
  • Get Suggestions and ‘stub’ other parts of the body
  • Can take to standing here if needed on the Ooooooh – set a marching step for the verse and do two more reps of body parts/suggestions sitting or standing then “He made it!” ending

Hop Ole Squirrel G# in E major w/ Shakers

  • Shaker or just Macro/Micro play
  • 1st Verse – hopping eggs on Macro
  • Sing hop – hopping eggs on Micro
  • 2nd Verse – tapping eggs on cheeks Macro
  • Sing munch – tapping eggs on cheeks Micro
  • 2x Vocable verses with actions of kids or shaker play – label micro/ macro if you see it
  • Scratch ole squirrel – Macro
  • Sing Scratch – Micro
  • Other squirrelly actions with Micro Macro
  • Find a clean ending

RP’s 1-8 stop play

  • Small to large overview (roughly): 3 actions sitting, transition up, 4 actions up, transition down, 1 action sitting OR if starting up then 4-5 up, transition down and 4-5 down.
  • Can start with eating nuts and filling your cheeks and then popping them all on the resting tone
  • Hop old squirrel – hopping hand or bouncing knees (can do each verse 2x micro macro if you want)
  • Munch old squirrel – munching
  • Sitting action – hitting the floor (Bang old Squirrel), tapping toes on ground (dance old squirrel)
  • Hop up squirrel to standing
  • Hopping verse
  • Action verses locomotor and non locomotor IE:
  • Skip
  • Jump
  • Spin
  • Sneak
  • Tip toe
  • Fly
  • Verse to finish IE: Sleep, flop back down, dig, etc.


  • Squirrelly sounds/actions – do we have any little squirrels who would like to climb up onto a grown up tree (or something) – What colour is your squirrel?
  • “hop ole..” big bounce on hop
  • Repeat “hop ole..” big bounce on hop with AUDIATION on the eidle dum phrases
  • “hop hop hop” steady bounce on micro
  • “scratch ole…” scratching back AUDIATION
  • “scratch scratch scratch” micro
  • “wiggle ole…..” wiggling AUDIATION
  • “wiggle wiggle” wiggling
  • “Roll over squirrel”.. roll backs to finish

Brincan y Bailan – A

  • Can do this song with scarves if you want to and modify the actions as necessary.
  • Spanish with la la’s and above action - Arms one way and other way and then hand together as fish swimming into centre
  • English with rowing action
  • “Let’s row around the river!” to standing rowing boats around the circle on La la’s
  • “Leaping and Dancing” Jump Jump “la la la” into the middle – Reverse
  • Jump Jump / tuuuurn
  • Skip skip / fast feet micro
  • Stomp Stomp / jumping micro
  • Up Down / Turing all around
  • “Leaping and Dancing all around the room”

Train to the City - E

  • Climb on the train – “where is your train going?”
  • On Choo Chugga vocables
  • Bouncing down the tracks
  • Turning round the bend – rocking side to side
  • Chugging up the hill - slow
  • Speeding down the hill - fast
  • On Choo Chugga vocables


  • “All Aboard” Have your families start by turning to one side and so that everyone is facing the same direction in the circle so they are on board the train.
  • Start with train horn sounds and then set up the beat on Cshh with forward back body and arm movement/ Start the train slowly and keep dividing the beat to get faster
  • “To the city” sitting
  • “This train is getting on it’s feet/ So we can all move to the beat”
  • “Grab on” – gesture to your shirt or shoulders and snake train around room/ can start going in circle and then break away
  • Could do a vocable verse with just choo/chugga to get the train going.
  • AUDIATION verse “Let’s all audiate now……let’s all audiate now…..let’s all audiation now…”
  • “To the Farm”
  • “Where else could we go?” Rhyme the second part of verse if you can/want or not 2-3 times – don’t be afraid to wait for response, just keep the beat in the body so the musical stimulus is still present. Can offer ideas “Where do you want to holiday/like to play/ does grandma live?”
  • Can do “To the Moon” and “Grandma’s house if group hasn’t offered many suggestions and if they’re up for it
  • This Train is gonna boogey….or going to the disco…..or gonna get down now…etc

Cloud Song with Scarves w/ CD

  • Choose scarf actions that highlight either the beat of the music or the phrasing of the music.
  • Woman – Clear action like - Sway back and forth with scarf in one hand over head
  • Girl – Clear action like - Sway back and forth with scarf in two hands
  • Flute – Clear action like - Guide same movement waltzing around room
  • Man – Clear action like - Up and down macro
  • Group – Clear action like - Up and down micro
  • Flute interlude – Clear action like - spinning (low/high)
  • Group – Clear action like - Throw and catch
  • Group – Clear action like - Throw and catch to neighbor
  • Flute interlude – Clear action like - Spinning low and high
  • Group - Dancing

Dee Da Dum w/ Sticks - Db in Gb Major

  • Stick Play  noticing what actions the kids are doing before the song starts. “I see clicking/scraping/digging”. These actions can then be incorporated into the song. On each Dee Da Dum phrase you can have an action ready (clicking rolling etc) or you can spontaneously do an action that you see a child in the circle doing right in that moment, “Like Nicholas!....dig dig dig”. You can also bring back an action you saw a child doing in the play before the song started.
  • 2x Dee da dum – stick action
  • Doot Doot Do Doo – stick motif – IE clicking R then L or trumpet playing
  • 2x Dee Da Dum – stick action
  • Doot Doot Do Doo – stick motif
  • 2x Dee Da Dum – Action
  • Doot Doot Do Doo – stick motif
  • 2x Dee Da Dum – Action
  • Doot Doot Do Doo – stick motif
  • 2x Dee Da Dum – Action
  • Doot Doot Do Doo – stick motif
  • 2x Dee Da Dum – Action and finish on last phrase

Rhythm Patterns (RPs) and 1-8 stop play

  • Pull circle in knee to knee and start with little finger guys coming out to look around
  • 1 x right hand finger guy comes out
  • 1x left hand finger guy comes out
  • Doo Doo – conga fingers – into hand dancing platform position
  • 1x dancing finger guy on platform macro
  • 1x dancing finger guy on platform micro
  • Doo Doo – conga fingers
  • Climbing high with fingers /Melting down with fingers
  • Climbing high with fingers to standing and Melting down with fingers
  • Doo Doo - Turn one way for one phrase then back the other for next
  • Walking forwards right
  • Walking back left
  • Doo Doo - Turn one way for one phrase then back the other for next
  • Step kick
  • Kick kick kick mircro
  • Doo Doo - Turn one way for one phrase then back the other for next
  • Tipppy toe to the right
  • Tipppy toe to the left
  • Doo Doo - Turn one way for one phrase then back the other for next
  • Jump on Big Beat
  • Jump on Macro
  • Doo Doo - Turn one way for one phrase then back the other for next
  • Fingers walking down body to finish sitting on the floor


  • De Da Dum - Bouncing Waving Kissing Hugging clapping opposite knee bounce etc
  • Doo Doo Doooo Dooooo – Some legato movement like rolling or rocking – could do the same one each time or alternate them
  • Finish on De Da Dum verse

Sad Little Puppy E aeolean

  • Could start with the songbook picture and sing about the picture or get the kids involved as we did earlier this term with ‘Teddy’.
  • Play with the dog sounds first to get your parents comfortable singing on the howls with you. Could even do a few phrases of the howling. This way if they don’t sing the wordy song with you, you have lots of good chorus singing on the howls.
  • Ham it up baby!
  • Straight (with audition on one of the howl phrases)
  • Use one clear action to act out each verse
  • Can sing just a vocable for each verse – tweet tweet, bock bock, boohoo, etc.
  • Repeat tag line and play with howls

TP’s Minor on a howl

William Tell - B below E

  • Reminder: Offer opportunity for parents to face kids/babies different ways (IE. facing you/ on your legs while lying down) if you have young babies 8 months and under in your class, let parents know that eye contact and exaggerated singing is wonderful stimulus to focus their babies on the music. (Be sure to really notice if you young ones in the class as this is unnecessary talking to add if you don’t!)
  • Horsey sounds and clip/clops (Sing to Big Kids “What colour is your horsey?” Do they answer on pitch?)
  • 1x straight
  • RP’s with clippity clop
  • 1x straight


  • Start with horsey sounds sitting, then take your horse to standing and gather everybody over to one side of your room (to the stable or whatever)
  • A section - gallop across room
  • B – waddle across (could say “let’s get off our horse” then do a big gag visually as adult about how much your legs hurt which causes the waddle walk)
  • C – Tickles those around you
  • A tag – Horsey riding across/around room
  • Repeat all – you could bring your group into a circle on the A tag and repeat in a circle format with waddles going in and out or you could stay with the across the room format. Add A sections to extend if needed or if REALLY loving it I guess could do 3 reps of the whole thing

Tsakinos - C

  • Can start standing or sitting but first introduce the pattern(s) you want to use in place or sitting. ( 2 reps?)
  • Get everyone’s feet going on a pattern and then:
  • Circle right 2 reps
  • In/ Out 2 reps
  • Circle left 2 reps
  • In/ Out 2 reps
  • Around the room
  • OR doing a winding spiral pattern – see video.
  • I recommend at least two verses for each one. You can keep it all in one pattern or you could do one pattern for the circling IE 3/2 and then change to a 4/1 for the in/out if you’re equally comfortable with both, either way is good. If you switch it up, you might want to introduce the new pattern in place before you start to move it around.

Frere Jacque - D.