Acolyte: Stephanie Forney Liturgist : Helen Ferguson

Greeters: Pat & Henry Greenawald Lay Reader: Barrett Rhoads

Sermon: Lucy Twitchell Nursery: Larry Porter/Linda



Sound Volunteers: John Butari, Bruce Neely, Bill Miller, Jeff Karchner

Lay Support: Cards: Helen Ferguson, Patti Feit Flowers: Pat Greenawald Telephone: Vi Bretz

This Week’s Schedule

Monday - Womyn’s Chorus – 6:30p; Council – 7p

Tuesday - Zumba – 6:30p; Craft Workshop@Betty Todoroff’s

Wednesday - Friendship Club – 12p; Be Joyful Study – 7:30p

Thursday - AA Mtg. – 7p; Hbg. Assn C&M Mtg. – 7p

Friday - T.O.P.S. – 10a

Birthdays (June 15-June 21): Blake Shaffer, Marie Keiser, Kathryn Usner, Bill McCahan, Mary Jane Fledderjohn, Craig Chestney, Betty Fleisher, Kevin Krause, Tah Yogo. Birthday information is available in the Messenger each month and can also be found on our website at

Attention all Parents of Young Children! Six different Activity Bags for infants-toddlers, ages 2-4 & ages 5-8 are located in the narthex and are available to help keep children occupied. Bags can be taken into the sanctuary for use and then returned to the table after worship. Also Bible activity sheets are available from the ushers.

During worship we invite you to leave your children in our Church Nursery. Infants will remain in the crib nursery with caring volunteers. Supervised play for the older children will take place in the preschool room next door. Both are located in the hall beside the Sanctuary.

Welcome to CPUCC!

Thank you to Sylvia Morra for writing today’s liturgy and to Lucy Twitchell for preaching. These individuals volunteered to assist with worship today, as Pastor Bonita attended the Penn Central Conference Annual Meeting this week (and was originally scheduled to be at the Annual Meeting today, before the congregational meeting was scheduled).

The Alter flowers today are presented to the Glory of God in loving memory of George T. Hoffman by Janet & family and in memory of Frank August & the work he did with our youth by Lee & Greg Huntingdon.

Today the Remembrance Book is open to the pages acknowledging the Gifts given to the Glory of God in memory of Mildred Wynn.

Our sympathy is extended to Ed Folk and his family following the death of his wife, Ferne Folk. Services were held last week. If you’d like to send a card, his address is Country Meadows, 1910 Trotley Road, York, 17408

Our sympathy is extended to Liz August and her family following the death of her husband, Frank. Please keep the August family in your prayers.

We are promoting church family connections by sending cards for special occasions, illness or injury, and sympathy. Please sign your name or write a note on the cards on the table at the back of the Sanctuary. This week’s cards: Ed Folk & family, Liz August & family, Fred & Betty Gutshall and Greg & Lee Huntingdon who are both celebrating their 53rd Wedding Anniversary.

There will be no Nursery coverage during the congregational meeting. Children must be picked- up immediately after the 10 am service and before the beginning of the Congregational meeting. Please feel free to bring your children to the meeting. Busy bags for children will be available for those who need them. Thank you.

Thanks to everyone who participated and donated to the Ice Cream & Music Festival! It was a beautiful day, with great music and good food! Check out the website ( or our Facebook page (at Colonial Park United Church of Christ) for pictures of the days events. Special thanks to Chairpersons Lisa Collins & Peg Reda, Sandy Frantz & Mary Fraunfelter for organizing the food & supplies, Karin Wetzel & Michael Shafer for organizing the Ice cream booths, Bruce & Kathy Neely for organizing Tents, set up and clean up, Al & Ken, all who donated money, food items, tents, Joe Tertel and all who helped with advertising & promotions, and all the tremendous volunteers! Thank you to everyone who came! I hope you enjoyed yourselves!


For the remainder of the summer the Adults will combine classes in

Fellowship Hall at 9:00am

Next Sunday, June 22, we’ll have a Hymn Sing with Mary Van Buskirk.

Book Study - This summer we will study the book “Be Joyful (Philippians) Even When Things Go Wrong, You Can Have Joy” by Warren Wiersbe. Join Michael Shafer and Lydia Graeff on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the church Parsonage. You can pick up this book for less than $10 on Amazon. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Michael at 602-5542 or or Lydia at 576-7482 or .

Children & Youth fAITH DEVELOPMENT

Sunday School classes will be from 9-9:45am thru August 31

Beginning July 6 the elementary Sunday School class will be

held on the main level in Room 1.

Do you like Carnival food, games & fun? Lydia Graeff has agreed to organize this year’s Kid’s Summer Carnival scheduled for Saturday, August 2 – she could use your help! If you’d be willing to participate in any capacity, please contact Lydia at 576-7482 or . She’ll need help planning & organizing, set up & clean up, workers for games & booths, registration workers & people to take care of providing refreshments.

CPUCC’s Softball Team plays once this week: Thur. 6/19 at Hbg State Hosp. Lower Field. Come out and support our team! There is a schedule posted on the Community Bulletin board in the office hallway. If you want to play, contact Chris Sanders at . GO CPUCC!!!

Dave Rogers will be riding in the Bike MS Tour in Gettysburg on July 26th to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and he’s looking for monetary sponsors.If you would like to support Dave’s efforts he can be contacted at 614-1529 or at . His fiancé Terri was diagnosed with MS 5 years ago, so this is a meaningful event for their family.

St. Thomas UCC is having their 10th Annual Blueberry Extravaganza. Each 10 pound box contains 13.5 pints for only $31 (that’s $2.30/pint). Orders will be taken until June 25 and blueberries will be available for pick up on Wednesday, July 2. Call 921-3388 or 652-7259 to place your order. Order forms are available on the bulletin board in the main hall.

Arlene Broberg sends her thanks for the flowers received in honor of her 87th Birthday!

Members of our church family are sharing their time and talents this week on the Mission Trip to the Morgan Scott Project in Tennessee. Please keep the following people in your prayers: Linda Randby (and 3 friends), Roni Laub, Bonita Zobeck, Scott Siciliano, Maggie Gassert, Sue Reinke, Natalie Lubold, Olivia Mountain, Maria Kerstetter, Sharon Clark.

You are cordially invited to attend this month’s Church Council meeting on Monday, June 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the parlor. There will be a seating area for non-Council members to observe the meeting. Additionally, there is a time at the beginning of the meeting for non-Council members to address Council. If you are interested in doing so, please contact me at 991-4124 by noon the day of the meeting, or via e-mail at . This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about how the work of your Church Council is being conducted. Hope to see you there! Cindy Gnech

We are still collecting ideas on ways to be more welcoming. We would love to have your input. If you've visited another church and were impressed by their welcome, or have an idea of your own, please pass it on! Just send an e-mail to Thank you!

From the Congregational Life Deacons: Please plan on joining us after Worship on Sunday, June 22. We will be having a special “good-bye” luncheon prepared for Pastor Bonita as she begins her sabbatical. We will have great food, fellowship, and a wonderful send- off for Bonita. Please indicate how many will be attending below and return to the office. Thanks, Greg & Michael