Directions for Editing and Use of the Lab Report Template


A few years ago, the Science Department at FCHS developed a “clickable” lab report template for student use. The goals of the project were 1) to make all student lab reports follow a “standard” format to make grading more efficient (teacher doesn’t have to search for different parts of report) and 2) to standardize the lab report format across different courses in the science department so students will be familiar with the expectations for reports upon entering ANY science class at FCHS.

Directions for Editing the Lab Report Template (converting to your own format)

Many teachers (if not all) like to do their own thing when it comes to using “standard” anything. Therefore, instructions to customize the lab template are included below:

Editing Comments

The comments are the instructions students see when holding their mouse over the colored portion of the report. These can be edited by right-clicking on the colored portion and selecting the “Edit Comment” command. To quit the editing process, simply click the “close” button on the editing screen.

Editing Text in “Clickable” Fields

The “clickable” portions of the template cannot be edited in the normal fashion. To edit the text the field displays, right-click the field and select “toggle field codes”. The text that the field displays will be within the brackets and can now be edited. When editing is completed, the field must be toggled back so it can be “clickable” again.

Directions for Student Use

The report template is for internet use. It should be posted as a word document. Students can either “save” or “open” the document after clicking on it. As the students fill in the required sections their text will replace the “clickable” sections on the document. Printing with more recent versions of Microsoft Office: The student must make sure to select “document” in the “Print what” dialogue box, or the comments will be printed along with the text. Documents printed from earlier versions of Office will not display the comments when printed normally.

Known Issues

This document was created with Microsoft Office 2000. It will work with newer versions of Office, but when students download it with Office XP, the download sometimes fails (unknown reason…and it is not known if this only occurs at FCHS or not). Updated versions will be generated and posted in a timely fashion.


Any questions regarding the use of this template should be directed to Chris Lee (FCHS Science) at .