Alliteration Café Assignment
Your task is to create a detailed menu for a café of your choice, using as much alliteration of one letter as possible. To do this:
- Choose a theme, for example, “Suzy’s Space Sandwiches,” “Bernie’s Burgers on the Beach,” “Martha’s Mountain Meals,” or “Carol’s Cowboy Cuisine.”
- Your menu will reflect the theme of the restaurant you chose and also follow your alliteration letter. For example, Martha might offer “Mile-high Mighty Mashed Potatoes.”
- Your menu must include at least 10 items. Not every word of each item has to follow the alliteration, such as the words “high” and “Potatoes” in my example above. MOST of the words will, however.
- If you are clever, you will divide your menu into categories, for example: Appetizers, Main Courses, Side Items, and Desserts. Bernie’s place would, naturally, offer mostly burgers for their main courses, but might offer a special type of dessert burger as well, or a side of “Boogie-Board Beets.”
Alliteration Café Assignment
Your task is to create a detailed menu for a café of your choice, using as much alliteration of one letter as possible. To do this:
- Choose a theme, for example, “Suzy’s Space Sandwiches,” “Bernie’s Burgers on the Beach,” “Martha’s Mountain Meals,” or “Carol’s Cowboy Cuisine.”
- Your menu will reflect the theme of the restaurant you chose and also follow your alliteration letter. For example, Martha might offer “Mile-high Mighty Mashed Potatoes.”
- Your menu must include at least 10 items. Not every word of each item has to follow the alliteration, such as the words “high” and “Potatoes” in my example above. MOST of the words will, however.
- If you are clever, you will divide your menu into categories, for example: Appetizers, Main Courses, Side Items, and Desserts. Bernie’s place would, naturally, offer mostly burgers for their main courses, but might offer a special type of dessert burger as well, or a side of “Boogie-Board Beets.”
Alliteration Café Assignment
Your task is to create a detailed menu for a café of your choice, using as much alliteration of one letter as possible. To do this:
- Choose a theme, for example, “Suzy’s Space Sandwiches,” “Bernie’s Burgers on the Beach,” “Martha’s Mountain Meals,” or “Carol’s Cowboy Cuisine.”
- Your menu will reflect the theme of the restaurant you chose and also follow your alliteration letter. For example, Martha might offer “Mile-high Mighty Mashed Potatoes.”
- Your menu must include at least 10 items. Not every word of each item has to follow the alliteration, such as the words “high” and “Potatoes” in my example above. MOST of the words will, however.
- If you are clever, you will divide your menu into categories, for example: Appetizers, Main Courses, Side Items, and Desserts. Bernie’s place would, naturally, offer mostly burgers for their main courses, but might offer a special type of dessert burger as well, or a side of “Boogie-Board Beets.”
Alliteration Café Assignment
Your task is to create a detailed menu for a café of your choice, using as much alliteration of one letter as possible. To do this:
- Choose a theme, for example, “Suzy’s Space Sandwiches,” “Bernie’s Burgers on the Beach,” “Martha’s Mountain Meals,” or “Carol’s Cowboy Cuisine.”
- Your menu will reflect the theme of the restaurant you chose and also follow your alliteration letter. For example, Martha might offer “Mile-high Mighty Mashed Potatoes.”
- Your menu must include at least 10 items. Not every word of each item has to follow the alliteration, such as the words “high” and “Potatoes” in my example above. MOST of the words will, however.
- If you are clever, you will divide your menu into categories, for example: Appetizers, Main Courses, Side Items, and Desserts. Bernie’s place would, naturally, offer mostly burgers for their main courses, but might offer a special type of dessert burger as well, or a side of “Boogie-Board Beets.”