Spring 2013P. Smith BIO 1224

TulsaCommunity College, West Campus

Introduction to Biology for Majors Syllabus

Tuesday and Thursday Lab Sections

Spring Semester 2013

BIO 1224

Introduction to Biology for Majors

Call #:21140 and 21144

Section #:401 and 402

Lecture TR11:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m., Room S196

Laboratory Tuesdayor Thursday 1:00 – 3:50 p.m., Room S256


Spring 2013P. Smith BIO 1224

Patty B. Smith, Assistant Professor

Office #: S274

Office Hours: T and R 8:30 –11:00

or by appointment

Office Telephone #: (918)595-8092


Science and Mathematics Division

Office #: S160

Office Telephone #: (918)595-8193


Spring 2013P. Smith BIO 1224



Course Description

This is an introductory biology course for majors with laboratory. This course includes an in-depth study of fundamental biological concepts, including metabolism, homeostasis, heredity, evolution, and ecology at the sub-cellular, cellular, and organismal levels. And, this course provides the foundation for other advanced courses in the biological sciences. Lecture 3 hours and laboratory 3 hours.

Text and Materials Required

This majors biology section is participating in the Mobile Instruction and Learning Pilot Project. Hence, this section requires the use of an e-textbook. The cost of the e-textbook ischarged to your student account after the drop date (January 25) and significantly reduced from the Campus bookstore price. Access to the e-textbook is through CourseLoad on the TCC Blackboard course site.

The laboratory manual is Introduction to General Biology: Laboratory Manual for Majors (8th edition) by Mary G. Phillips. The ISBN is 007804507X / 9780078045073.

TCC Blackboard

The TCC Blackboard course site is arranged with the following icons: Announcements, Faculty, Syllabus, CourseLoad Biology eText, Lectures for each unit/exam, Labs, Assignments, External Links, Discussion Board, and Student Grades. Current announcements are often posted daily or weekly, such as due dates for assignments. Syllabus contains a copy of the course syllabus with student support services available at TCC. Facultyincludes the professor’s office number, e-mail address, telephone number, and office hours. Student Grades contains the current grade postings of various assignments and exams.

The lecture and laboratory components of the course are primarily contained in the CourseLoad Biology eText, Lectures, Labs, Assignments, and Websites. Lectures are arranged with folders of Power Point lectures and presentations, handouts, and other support material. These folders are uploaded per each unit/exam. Labs are arranged with folders of laboratory exercises, handouts, and other support material. Assignments are also arranged with folders containing review questions and other course assignments. Websites include academic and government websites of interest. This portion also contains scientific reading assignments and additional information corresponding to the lecture content.

Course Objectives

  • To prepare students for advanced biological subjects, such as botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, and genetics.
  • To develop an understanding of the natural sciences and scientific methods, specifically the role of biological sciences in the modern world.
  • To develop an understanding of living organisms as integrated groups of small units, investigating this organization from the molecular to the organ system levels of development.
  • To examinebiodiversity as a function of evolutionary development, including the genetic mechanisms involved.
  • To provide insights into the basic ecological concepts governing the biosphere, increase awareness and appreciation of the biotic world,and consider man’s impact on these environmental issues.

Lecture and Laboratory Policies

Course Information and Schedule. The tentative schedules of lecture and laboratory topics are attached. Lecture presentations will be introductions to the important aspects of each topic; the material for lecture will be available on the TCC Blackboard course site. The material includes Power Point lectures and presentations with support material, reading assignments, and additional resources.

The laboratory work will demonstrate/experiment the aspectsof the lecture material. The laboratory session will meet each Tuesdayor Thursday afternoon from 1:00 – 3:50 p.m. in room S256. The laboratory session will begin with a brief presentation of the material covered in the laboratory experiment or observation. Students are expected to come to the laboratory session prepared bybringing their laboratory manual.

Attendance and Participation. Attendance and participationare required in both lecture and laboratory sessions. Only in extenuating circumstances, such as family crisis, illness, birth, etc., will makeup examinations be provided and late assignments be accepted. Advise your professor in advance of an absence as a result of such matters. Missed examinations and assignments cannot be made up unless validjustification for being absent is provided before the assignment is due. If a student is permitted to makeup an assignment, the assignment must be completed within one week of the due date, or the student receives a zero on the assignment. For missed examinations with valid excuse, the final examination unit grade will replace the missed examination grade. In addition, students will be allowed to only makeup one missed assignment, laboratory exercise / quiz, and/or examination!

Lectureand laboratory attendance and participation are essential! Attendance follows TCC policies. The professor may automatically withdraw (AW) a student from the course as a result of excessive absences (five or more absences) from lecture and/or laboratory sessions. Please do not make a habit of coming to lecture and/or laboratory sessions late. Tardiness will not be tolerated! In addition, final examinations are required by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education! Missed final examinations will result in an F (failed) not an I (incomplete) for the course. Students failing the course will not be given an AW (administrative withdrawal) or an I (incomplete) grade for the course.

The Discussion Board is restricted to academic discussion of this course (majors biology) only. If a student exhibits inappropriate online communication, the student will be excluded from participation in the Discussion Board. Also, any and all inappropriate behaviorwill be documented and reported to the Dean of Student Services.

Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct. Forms of academic dishonesty or misconduct (plagiarism, cheating, etc.) are considered serious academic offenses and will not be tolerated. These will result in a failing grade (zero) for the assignment, which often leads to a failing grade for the course. Please refer to the TCC Student Code of Conduct and Policy Handbook.

Plagiarism is the theft of someone else’s words, work, or ideas. This includes such acts as (1) turning in someone else’s paper or copying another person’s homework and identifying it as your work; (2) using another person’s data or ideas without acknowledgment; (3) copying an author’s exact words and putting them in your paper without quotation marks; and (4) using wording that is very similar to that of the original source, but identifying it as entirely your work. Hence, paraphrasing should be carefully worded and structured to avoid plagiarism.

Course Modifications. The professor reserves the right to modify the requirements of the course, the schedule of the examinations and/or assignments, and the arrangement of topics to enhance the learning process. Course changes will be announced on TCC Blackboard Announcements and/or class sessions.

ADA Policy

It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing student may text (918)809-1864. Academic accommodations will not be permitted unless appropriate documentation is provided from EAC to support the need!

Lecture and Final Examinations

Please refer to page 9 for Examination Rules and Procedures.

Lecture Examinations. Fourexams valued at 100 points each will be given. The examinations consist of many assessment forms, such as multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, definition, problem solving, and short and long essay. Each exam is comprehensive, that is, knowledge of the past material is required for an understanding of the current topics in lecture and laboratory. Lecture exams are scheduled forFebruary 7, February 26, March 28, and April 18. As mentioned previously, missed examinations cannot be made up unless validjustification for being absent is provided before the examination. If a student is permitted to makeup an examination, the final examination unit grade will replace the missed exam grade.

Final Examination. One exam valued at 100 points will be given. The final exam is comprehensive, that is, knowledge of the past material is required for an understanding of the final exam topics. The final exam is scheduled for Thursday, May 9, from 11 AM – 12:50 PM. Final examinations may not be scheduled at another time unless approved by the appropriate Associate Dean of the West Campus.

Lecture Assignments

Blackboard Orientation. Each student is required to review the Blackboard Orientation found on TCC Blackboard. Also, each student is required to submit the codeword provided from the Blackboard Orientation; the semester codeword is required to be sent to through TCC Blackboard under Assignments by January 24. If a student fails to review the Blackboard Orientation and submit the codewordthrough Assignments of TCC Blackboard byJanuary 24, the student may be barred from using the course website on TCC Blackboard. Hence, the barred student will not be able to pass the course.

Case Study Questions and Class Discussions. Five to six case studies will be provided; these cover current biology topics. Each student will answer the questions and then discuss the cases in group setting. Please refer to Lecture Schedule for class discussion dates. Case study questions and class discussions are valued at 30 points each; hence, the total value is 120 - 150 points with the lowest grade dropped. Case studies are administered and discussed every two – three weeks, ample time is given to complete these questions and group discussions, and the lowest grade dropped. Hence, missed case study questionsand class discussions cannot be made up!

Laboratory Assignments

Microscope Check Out Quiz. The microscope check out quiz will be administered on January 22 or 24. This quiz is valued at 25 points. Each student will learn how to properly use and handle both light compound and dissecting microscopes. Laboratory quizzes require extensive preparation and set-up time. Hence, missed laboratory quizzes cannot be made up!

Laboratory Exercises and Reports. Each student is required to complete laboratory exercises / reports of each laboratory session. Also, each student is required to visit the Tulsa Zoo (attach receipt to laboratory exercise) and complete the laboratory exercise by May 9. Each student will maintain their laboratory work; laboratory work copied from another student’s work will not be accepted. The value for each laboratory exercise/report is 20 points; laboratory exercises/reports from missed laboratory sessions will not be accepted for grading. The total value of the laboratory work is 180 – 220 points. Laboratory sessions require extensive preparation and time to prepare. In addition, numerous laboratories sections meet in the same room. Therefore, under no circumstances will missed laboratory sessions be made up!

Literature Review Presentations. Each student will research a current topic in biology and present their biology topic to the class during the scheduled laboratory session of April 9 and 11 or 16 and 18. However, all literature review presentations are due on April 8 by noon! NO EXCEPTIONS! The presentations must be submitted through Assignments of TCC Blackboard. Presentations will be computer generated using Power Point (.ppt or .pptx format). Presentations should be presented in approximately 15 minutes with 5 additional minutes for questions. The total value of the literature review presentations is 100 points. The professor will provide assignment parameters, evaluation forms, and grading rubrics for the presentations. In addition, the biological topics need to be approved by the professor. The professor approval date is scheduled for February 14.

Summary of Assignments

/ Value

Lecture Assignments

Lecture Exam 1

/ February 7 / 100
Lecture Exam 2 / February 28 / 100
Lecture Exam 3 / March 28 / 100
Lecture Exam 4 / April 18 / 100
Case Study Questions and
Class Discussions / as scheduled / 150 - 180
Laboratory Assignments
Microscope Check Out Quiz / January 22 or 24 / 25
Lab Exercises/Reports / as scheduled; Tulsa Zoo (attach
receipt to laboratory exercise) - due
May 9 / 180 - 220
Research Presentations / April 8 by noon / 100
Final Exam / May 9 / 100

Grading. Grades Assigned from Total Points Earned:


Spring 2013P. Smith BIO 1224

A = 90% or greater

B = 80 % - 89.99 %

C = 70 % - 79.99 %

D = 60 % - 69.99 %

F = less than 60 %

As soon as assignments, examinations, and laboratory quizzes are graded, the grades will be posted on TCC Blackboard under Student Grades. Please do not ask the professor to calculate your grades. The grades and total percentages are found on TCC Blackboard. Please verify your assignments are received and grades are correctly recorded in TCC Blackboard Gradebook.


Spring 2013P. Smith BIO 1224

Institutional Statement

Each student is responsible for the information contained in the TCC Catalog,TCCStudent Handbook, TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy, and semester information listed in the class schedule. These documents are provided at Student Activities and the Dean of Student Services office.

Withdrawal, Audit and Incomplete Grades


The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for the deadline that applies to the course(s). Begin the process with a discussion with the faculty member assigned to the course. Contact the Advisement Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Withdrawal and/or change to an audit from a course after the drop/add period can alter the financial aid award for the current and future semesters. Students may receive an outstanding bill from TCC if the recalculation leaves a balance due to TCC. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student.

Learning Support Services

Many support services are available to students to enhance the learning experience; these services include the following: Library, Technology Learning Center (TLC), Math and Science Tutoring Lab, Writing Lab, Fitness Center, and Academic and Campus Services (Evening Operations). Please consult these facilities for days and hours of operation.

Inclement Weather and Class Cancellation Policy

When severe weather hits, you may assume that TCC will be open for classes unless it is announced otherwise on television and radio stations,TCC Main Information (595-7000), or the TCC homepage. TCC does not automatically close if Tulsa Public Schools close.

If your professor decides individually to cancel class because of inclement weather or other unexpected reasons, your professor will contact you via TCC Blackboard Announcements, MyTCC e-mail, and/or professor’s voice mail system (595-8092). Notify the TCC Registrar’s office and your professor if your contact information changes during the semester.

Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

Access to computing resources is a privilege granted to all TCC faculty, staff, and students. Use of TCC computing resources is limited to purposes related to the College’s mission of education, research, and community service. Student use of technology is governed by the Computer Services Acceptable Use Statements/Standards found in the TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook. These handbooks may be obtained by contacting the Student Activities or Dean of Student Services offices.

Student Etiquette and Responsibilities

  • TCC prohibits smoking or the use of other tobacco products on all College-owned or leased Campuses.
  • Eating and/or drinking are not permitted in the classroom and/or laboratory. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • During the laboratory sessions, students are required to wear closed-toed shoes. Students may also be required to wear goggles, gloves, and lab coats.
  • Students are required to clean up their workspace in both lecture and laboratory sessions.
  • Students are responsible for reading and understanding the class syllabus and TCC policies and procedures.
  • Students are responsible for purchase of the course laboratory manual. Thisis required to complete the laboratory assignments for this course!
  • Students are responsible for learning to use the course websites on TCC Blackboard and CourseLoad.
  • Students are responsible for attending all lecture and laboratory sessions. Also, students must plan to attend the full-term of each laboratory session. There will be a sign-out sheet for each laboratory session. Lecture and laboratory sessions cannot be made up!
  • Students should be on time to class sessions out of respect to other class members and the professor. In addition, please do not leave the classroom once the lecture and laboratory session begins.
  • Students are required to turn cell phones off for all lecture and laboratory sessions. This includes text messaging and checking messages!
  • Students are responsible for keeping up with the class schedule and assignments. Absence is not an excuse, nor does it mitigate the responsibility.
  • Students are responsible for participating in class discussions and laboratory procedures, reviewing lecture notes and course material, and reading the course e-Text. Most of students’ learning skills occur outside the classroom. That is, attending lecture and laboratory sessions does not ensure a student will pass this course. Grades are earned not given!
  • Students are responsible for handing in all exams and assignments in a neat, organized, professional format in compliance with the assignment parameters.
  • This is a science course. Hence, all references will be valid, scientific (peer-reviewed) documents.
  • Students are responsible for handing in assignments on time. Late assignments will only be accepted with valid justification before the assignment is due.
  • Students are responsible for communicating with the professor and their peers in Standard English. That is, all communication, including e-mails, should be conducted in a professional manner.
  • Please do not complain about the course work, expect to be accommodated, or ask for extra credit. This course maintains college education standards not high school or vocational/technical school education standards.
  • During presentation of lecture and laboratory content, students are not permitted to talk. This ensures that all students understand the announcements, presentations, and discussions. Inappropriate talking and/or disturbance will result in dismissal from the classroom session and possibly course.
  • Inappropriate behavior, including inappropriate online communication, is immediately documented and reported to the Dean of Student Services. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated in this course!

Examination Rules and Procedures