YVSC Community Meeting Agenda

October 7, 2015, 11:30 – 12:30 p.m., Rm 113-114

Environment. Community. Economy.

I. Call to Order

III. Approval ofMinutes from September

IV. YVSC Updates

1.  Talking Green – Oct 27 Greenhouse Gas Legacy of Waste – with Mark Easter of CSU’s Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Art Depot – better understanding the costs related to recycling and waste. Nov 17 – Solar Tax Credits (location still TBA) are rolling from 30% to 10% credits in 2017, with two speakers about buying into the last part of the solar array and applying solar to the home.

2.  Waste Diversion – Final 2016 numbers:
Total Staff time: 720 hours Total compost collected ~ 7,017 gallons

Total Recycle collected: 9,069 gallons

Total Trash: 1185 gallons (outside trash at events brought in)

Total events: 43 but if you count each individual strings it would be 55

Total attendees at events: 46,000

Water Monster events: 17 saved a total 1,800 gallons of water or 14,400 bottles of water

Total volunteers: 55 @ 275 total hours

Total Staff time: 720 hours

Community Recycles Drop Off Day is this Saturday! Bring your hard to recycle items to the Meadows Lot between 9am and 12pm, learn more at www.yvsc.org for fee structure

3.  Green Building – 7th Annual Tour on October 25 Sunday – registration is now live on the www.yvsc.org/gbtour webpage - theme is mountain modern. Energy efficient, LEED (one of four in country), 1958 remodel 400sf studio, and the County Justice Center solar and HVAC.

4.  Energy Efficiency – September for Cen$ible Energy: 37 rebates submitted (128 total now for 2015) totaling $8591.75 in funds returned to the community. 9 from Craig, 1 OC, 1 Yampa, 26 Steamboat (numbers outside of Steamboat are increasing). Vendor work for the month is $10,077 to local contractors.

5.  Sustainable Schools – Robotics Team update, showing their Trash Trek presentation that will go to regionals in November. They will also be helping to make the 600-teacher COLAB event on Friday Zero Waste.

6.  ReTree Steamboat - Documentary is now live – celebrating the 5 years doing ReTree. Sunday was last planting – 48 volunteers at Chuck Lewis Restoration Project . RMYC’s Conservation Corps will be finishing the Water Boxxes in Stagecoach next week. Art Show launched with SSAC for Oct and Nov – 45 artists with “inspired by ReTree” show; also hosting 3 workshops with artists and repurposing during those two months. View at www.yvsc.org/retree

V. Partner Updates

1. County (Comm. Cari Hermacinski): reviewing building code for solar panels so unnecessary permits for installing solar panels for remodels AND new builds – will update next month (currently $1000 fee for installing). Will let us know when it’s on the agenda. Environmental Health Dept is helping to offset the Community Recycle Drop Off Day for hard to recycle items (paint, oil, etc)

2. City of Steamboat Springs (Councilman Kenny Reisman): Budget Meeting approved funding $10,000 to the Cen$ible Energy program for 2016 – which comes out of the City manager discretionary fund, which shows as a line item and giving it identity for future years. Also struggling with the River Ranger program- how do we better manage the river? And trails and usage. Discussion is ongoing of how to best manage the care of our tributary. Thoughts welcome at City Council meeting at October 17.
3. Conservation Colorado (Sasha Nelson): State Legislative Planning season, join their list to learn more: www.conservationco.org. Rural perspective is important to maintain. On Sept 22 Greater Sage Grouse has been removed from Endangered Species List. 60% increase in species in recent years. Bloglinkto a blog post on Greater sage grouse

4. RC CSU Extension Office: The Master Gardener Course is now going to annual (was bi-annual), so sign ups will be accepted in January. Master Food Safety Advisor Certification Program also running in spring of 2016, stay tuned for more.

5. Community Ag Alliance: New Yampavore marketing for their local food marketplace now live – www.caamarketplace.org If you haven’t signed up, do

6. CMC: Food Recovery Network- Sedexo packaging full meals for Lift Up and Skate Church, getting Food Recovery Certified – only campus in country with that designation. CMC hired Natural Solutions for Sustainability Plan done by February and presented at the Sustainability Conference in April.
7. Watershed Group - Lyn Halliday (new contact) – starting on the next phase of the implementation plan, due to be finished July 31, 2016: identifying projects within the watershed, RiverWatch school based program/citizen science getting school groups to do water quality analysis and entered into a database. Meeting tomorrow at 2pm

VI. Open Forum

VII. Upcoming Events

Oct 10 – Community Recycles Drop Off Day

Oct 25 – Green Building Tour

Oct 27 – TG: Greenhouse Gas Legacy of Waste

November 17 – TG: Solar Tax Credits

Next meeting

November 4, 2015
11: 30-12:30 pm, Centennial Hall room 113-114

YVSC is a 501c3 and never endorses a specific political party or candidate. We always endorse education about issues related to sustainability.