Dear Parents,

Once again we can offer your son &/or daughter an opportunity to learn a new skill or to improve their skills kayaking & canoeing. A Scout Badge can be achieved for this water activity, in addition to a BCU award.

The club has a base at the 25th Southampton Scout H.Q. at Crosshouse Public Hard, Crosshouse Road,just by the Itchen Bridge. We teach BCU courses at various levels from beginners. These courses are extremely good value at £3-00 per session, if your child attends a member group.Course details are shown on the attached sheet.

Health and safety is important to us so we advise you thatcuts & abrasions must be covered with waterproof plasters before arriving for the activity and a shower should be taken after the session. In the unlikely event of flu like symptom occurring after canoeing please contact your doctor.

Personal Kit required:Old trainers, nylon lightweight anorak, swim wear, T-shirt, shorts, jumper & towel.

Wet suit and waterproof trousers optional

All other equipment will be provided including Buoyancy Aids, which must be worn at all times.

All Scouts wishing to go afloat must pass the District Swimming Test,which can be arranged through your leader. The District has hired a pool test session for those requiring a test on 22nd March 6-30pm at Regents Park School.

Next year your child may wish to attend the District bi-annual WYE VALLEY ACTIVITY CAMP, where they could take part in kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking & archery. It would greatly enhance their enjoyment at this camp, if they had the water based skills in place this year, ready for 2017.

Ifinterested, please fill in the form at the bottom of this letter and return to me by 23rd March 2016and keep the top portion of the letter for details.

You will be notified by telephone, the start date of the course which you have chosen as soon as we have sufficient numbers.

Yours sincerely

Colin Brown Club Captain 02380292251

42 Whartons Lane, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7EF


To be returned by post or e-mailbefore the 23rd March 2016

Group/Unit ______Leader______

I wish ______my son/daughter to attend

Please select from the following options(Delete days not available where applicable)

1. PADDLE POWER START AWARDTues or Wed evenings

2. PADDLE POWER PASSPORT / 1 STAR COURSEMon or Tues or Wed evenings

3. PADDLE POWER PASSPORT / 1 STAR COURSE Sator Sun two day sessions


5. 3 STAR COURSE Wed evenings

6. My son/daughter have a district swimming test certificateYes/No

Please state any ailments or disabilities ______

Tel No.______Signed______Parent or Guardian______

Please ensure a telephone number is included on this form as I will need to contact youfor your start date.