Parent Handbook - LDC

Jilly’s Educational Centre, Miller st

Parent Handbook


Long Day Care

© Jilly’s Educational Centre, Miller st Pty Ltd.

ABN: 59 097 038 036

Information correct as of 1 January 2008

Centre address: Level1, 75 Miller st Nth Sydney, NSW

Postal address: PO box 77, AUSTRAL NSW 2179

Ph: (02) 8084 1515 Fax: (02) 96069291 att Nth Syd

Email: Web:



Philosophy & Goals

Management of the Centre

Parent participation

Settling Your Child

Some Details About the Centre That You Need to Know

Hours of Operation


Priority of Access

Children with Special Needs

Current Fees

Payment of Fees

Child Care Benefit

Arrival and Collection of Children

Signing In and Out

Family Access

Termination of Care

Complaint Procedures

Our Children’s Activity Program

Activity Program

Centre Routines


Swimming Excursions

What Should Your Child Wear?

Food and Nutrition

Personal Toys

Birthdays and Special Events


Guiding Children’s Behaviour

Health & Safety Issues




Unwell Children at the Centre


Occupational Safety & Health

Sun Protection

Emergency Drills (including fire)


First Aid Qualifications

Revision control


Welcome to our centre. Please read this information carefully, to assist you in settling your child/ren into the centre and to answer any questions you may have. If you require more detailed information, or a copy of the activity program, please do not hesitate to consult with the LDC Authorised Supervisor or a staff member. The Centre’s Policy and Procedures Manual is available in the office for you to view at any time.


Jilly’s Educational centre is a privately run service licensed for 38 ‘Long Day Care’ children, together with separate funding for OOSH as a private operator for 15 ‘Before School’, 40 ‘After School’ and 30 ‘Vacation Care’ children (at a different venue).

Staff in LDC

Position / Responsibilities
Director / Overall direction of the Centre. Mgt team member
Authorised Supervisor / Overall management of staff in direct contact with children and responsible for the children themselves. Mgt team member
Office Manager / All accounts, human resources, payroll. Mgt team member
Teacher (University trained) / Room leader
Trained (TAFE or College trained) / Room leader

All staff employed for LDC have the following Attitudes:








Student placements and Volunteers

All students are screened with a “working with children’s check” prior to placement. They are provided with the staff handbook, routines and programs. They are able to access the Polices and Procedures (P&P) manual of the service to become familiar with the running of the service.

Volunteers from the local community, community services and parents/family members are encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences with the children. They are informed prior of their role and responsibilities whilst in the service or on excursions.

Philosophy & Goals


At Jilly's we believe in providing more than just childcare, we provide quality. We understand that the first five years in a child's life, is critical in shaping their future. Therefore …

In relation to the child:

We believe in nurturing the child, to facilitate their motor, cognitive, emotional, social, intellectual and self help developmental skills. One where individuality of the child is respected regardless of their diverse backgrounds, or additional needs. Where education,language and understanding are looked on as a vital component of a child's educational process. Where the relationship between children and staff is one of mutual respect.

In relation to the families and community:

We believe in an association of trust and support for families. To be sensitive and respectful of all people who use our centre including people with disabilities, multicultural, religious and linguistically diverse speaking backgrounds. To welcome the wider community with open arms.

In relation to our staff:

We believein providing qualified, experienced and caring staff to work as a team and to meet the individual needs of each child. Our teaching staff have a sound base of knowledge of early childhood approaches and curriculum. We are open to employing untrained staff for training within the educational field – trainees. We extend our professionalism to workplace students from universities and colleges, as to give back to the community students with knowledge and understanding.


For the children;

  • 0-2’s: To provide a warm and nurturing, caring, stimulating and sensory environment for the child as a whole, with the introduction of literacy, creative arts, the building of social/ emotional and self help skills.
  • 2-3’s: To provide a secure environment where the child is valued and respected. Where the child is encouraged through a supportive network building self-help skills such as toileting, recognising and looking after personal belongings, developing and building of confidence, social and emotional skills. Fostering understanding and respect for not just the individual but also others within the learning community that is – building a sense of responsibility. Providing and engaging in stronger links to literacy and numeracy skills.
  • 3-5's: To provide an environment where there is a balance of both stimulating educational planned and spontaneous experiences allowing the child to problem solve, make decisions and seek choices. These experiences will be based on stage appropriateness of each child, thereby allowing them to explore there environment according to their individual requirements, eventually leading into the centre's pre-school program.
  • All Children: We aspire to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the children to learn, build friendships and grow as an individual.
  • The Centres Program: Exhibits sound links to language and literacy, mathematics and numeracy, physical and personal development. The learning environment reflects our centres diverse community, with cultural understanding and support of families through interaction, support of community services - with regard to home languages and customs thereby building knowledge and respect for all.

For the families and community;

  • By providing a safe, clean environment both indoors and outdoors.
  • To provide for parents and families a network of service and community trained personnel who will facilitate the families and their child's needs to the best of their ability.
  • By having an open door policy whereby anybody at any time is always welcome into the centre and, by encouraging families to become involved in their child's learning, thereby fostering relationships and building support with staff. Staff and families need to work together as a team to completely understand and appreciate the services policies, procedures and child rearing practices in order to foster optimal development of each child.
  • To encourage families to have a voice, and to feel welcome and unencumbered in speaking to staff or management out issues or concerns. Families have the right to be informed and involved in decisions concerning their children's program and its implementation.
  • To utilise the greater community through accessing the many resources and personnel available to the service. The service of a bilingual worker or interpreter may facilitate this process.
  • We aim to establish a two-way flow of communication between the service and the child/ family/ community
  • Everyone associated with the centre (staff, parents, children) has the right to the protection of personal information.
  • Aim to build links with the community

For the staff;

  • By encouraging staff to further their understanding and knowledge by providing training resources, such as in-services, workshops, etc.
  • By encouraging staff to work as a team, where management works with staff for the good of the whole service.

Management of the Centre

The Centre is privately operated, however parental involvement is very important to ensure the service is meeting family needs. All families are welcome to be a part of the Parent Committee. The Parent Committee Meetings are held once a month. A list of current Parent Committee members is displayed on the notice board in the office. The minutes of these meetings are also posted on the notice board in the office. You are welcome to read them at any time. The Parent Committee is responsible for raising issues on behalf of the families who use the service.

During the year, the directors organises informal social events for parents at which you can get to know other parents and the staff. You are encouraged to attend these ‘get togethers’ to find out a little more about the Centre and to establish friendships with other families that your child will meet at the Centre.

Parent participation

Parents are our biggest support. Their encouragement and assistance, in whatever way, such as coming to a parent night, collecting bits and pieces for the craft corner, help with fund raising, attending excursions and helping at busy bees, would be of invaluable assistance.

You are encouraged to become involved with the program of the centre and your ideas and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. We are always happy to have people come into the centre with interesting things to show and share, sing, teach, and make with the children, especially activities of a multicultural nature such as traditional cooking or art.

You can be involved by discussing your child’s temperament, strengths, likes and dislikes and any special interest with the staff. Even though a parent’s life is very busy, we would appreciate a few minutes when you bring and collect your child to talk about how he/she is enjoying/participating in the program.

To give the children the best opportunity for positive involvement in our program, centre staff and parents work hand-in-hand. We want children to gain the best that is possible from our centre, so please do keep in touch and discuss any problems, concerns and/or feelings you may have with the staff.

We have a Parent Meeting is held monthly. Please see the Centre’s ‘Newsletter’ for details of the date and time. All parents, friends and staff are welcome to attend.

Settling Your Child

Our service caters for a wide range of pre-school school age children. Children may have had little previous experience of multi-age groupings. Some of the younger children in particular, may need time to settle and feel secure within the service. Our staff are experienced in encouraging children to feel at home and make new friends, and ensure that children of all ages treat each other with care and respect.

If you are concerned about your child in any way please telephone the service during the time your child is attending for reassurance of your child’s well being. The staff will always tell you honestly how your child is. Our staff are also happy to discuss your child’s emotional needs with you, if any issues arise.

Some Details About the Centre That You Need to Know

The following information will help you to understand the administrative requirements of enrolling your child into our service and the operational policies that you need to know.

Hours of Operation

  • The centre is open between 7:30am – 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.
  • A late fee will be billed to your account if your child is not picked up before closing time (6.00pm).
  • The centre is closed on public holidays
  • We are open 52 weeks per year.


Should you wish to enrol your child, you will be asked to complete an Enrolment Form (P&P A-3) requesting information about your child’s health, custody arrangements and emergency contacts. You will need to name all persons who may deliver and/or collect your child from the Centre. It is your responsibility to ensure your nominated people are responsible and available when required.

The details required on the Enrolment Form are needed by our staff to help them take the best possible care of your child. All information is strictly confidential. If any of the details on the enrolment form change you are asked to advise the Authorised Supervisor/ Supervisor immediately.

At the time of enrolment you will be asked to pay two weeks fees in advance, fully disclose any medical or health concerns relating to your child, and agree to lodge your application with the Family Assistance Office for Child Care Benefit within 28 days of your child starting care.

Our Enrolment Policy is located in P&P manual, section A-3.

Priority of Access

The Commonwealth Government has set specific priorities of access to childcare services.

  • The Commonwealth Government’s requirements on priority of access
  • Priority of accesspolicy in P&P manual section, A-2

The Commonwealth Government requires the Centre to provide access to the service according to the following priorities. This means that when the Centre is full, those families who are third priority may be asked to alter their care arrangements to allow a family with higher priority to access the service.

1st A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect

2nd A child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy, the work/training/study test under section 14 of the Family Assistance Act.

3rd Any other child.

Children with Special Needs

Our Centre caters for children with additional needs. This is covered in Caring for Childrenwith Additional Needs is covered in P7P manual A-17

Children with special needs that cannot be catered for within the usual Centre routine, will be integrated into the whole group with additional support from a supplementary (SUPS) worker. Referral to the SUPS worker or other professionals is made either directly by the parent, or by the Authorised Supervisor after permission is given by the parent.

Where possible, support will be obtained prior to the commencement of care. This will ensure transition into care is successful for all concerned.

Additional training of staff can be arranged for the use of any special equipment your child may need to use.

Current Fees

Our fees are reviewed on an annual basis. Our current fee schedules are:

  • Posted on Jilly’s Web site.
  • Posted on the Office door.

Payment of Fees

Our Centre’s operation is dependent on maintaining fees. Please read the following information carefully

  • Our Fees Policy is in the P7P manual, section A-4.

Fees must be paid for two weeks in advance. Parents pay for a place, therefore, if they are booked in, payment is required whether their child attends or not. Fees are payable on public holidays if your child attends 1 to 4 days per week, you will receive a make up day. Five (5) day per week children are not charged for public holidays. Casual care Fees will be added to the next statement. Casual care clients cannot always be guaranteed a place in the service, however the licence does allow to over book in emergencies.

The Office staff will provide a statement of fees due each fortnight (via email). You are asked to pay your fees promptly to ensure the viability of the service. You will encounter a late fee if your fees are not paid……….It is preferred to have fees paid by EFT. Receipts will be provided and put into your pocket on the wall next to the main entrance. Details of individual families accounts and all completed forms are confidential and may only be accessed by the family concerned and those centre staff who need to access the information.

Anyone experiencing difficulties in meeting their fees payments can speak to the Director who can make mutually agreeable repayment arrangements. If your fees are more than two weeks overdue and you have not made arrangements to pay or have not kept to arrangements made, your child’s place may be cancelled.

Unpaid Fees will incur an Arrears Fee.

Please inform the Authorised Supervisor in writing if your child is going to be away for longer than one week.

Parents should notify the Centre if their child will not be attending during their booked time, Telephone (02) 8084 1515.

Child Care Benefit

All families who meet Australian residency requirements are now eligible for Child Care Benefit (CCB). You can apply for this payment, which will reduce your child care fees or entitle you to a lump sum payment at the end of the financial year, at the Family Assistance Office.

  • Child Care Benefit is covered under the Fees policy P&P section A-4.

Copies of the Child Care Benefit application form are available at the Centre. Please ask the Authorised Supervisor. If your child is under 7 years old, you will also be asked to provide evidence of your child’s immunisation status to the Family Assistance Office.

CCB entitlements are payable on 42 allowable absences per year.

CCB entitlements are payable on all approved absences. These must be recorded with the adequate documentation. Eg. medical certificate.

Fee Reduction Families

Families’ income is assessed and is used to determine the amount of CCB. DEEWA are electronically connected to the Centres computer and will automatically update us of the CCB fee reduction estimate within 10 days. You must lodge your application within 28 days of your child beginning care to ensure your DEEWA Assessment reaches the Centre in time to backdate your entitlements to the time of beginning care The Centre cannot reduce your fees until you have been billed for one week and we have made a claim on DEEWA, who will then electronically inform us of the fee reduction for the previous week.