CSI Awards Application/Nomination Form

Please choose a category from the following. If you want to submit an application for more than one award, please complete separate applications for each one.

Award categories:

The CSI Awards 2016 invites nominations to award categories, as follows:

Award Categories & Judging Criteria

  • Most inspiring Scrutiny Panels – The awards will go to panels who can demonstrate:
  • A track record of achievements – to be illustrated by the reviews they have completed and the outcomes from these. The quality of reviews and the positive changes achieved will be more important than the number of reviews completed
  • Independence – the panel must be able to demonstrate that they operate independently e.g. managing their own budgets, choosing their own topics, networking with others to pick up on good practices, writing their own reports
  • Partnership – the panel will be able to demonstrate that they have an excellent working relationship with their landlord and board or councillors
  • Communications – the panel will be asked to provide examples about how it communicates with other involved tenants, wider tenant body and their landlord
  1. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel – small panel any landlord type with less than 2000 properties
  2. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel – stock transfer housing association
  3. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel – traditional Housing Association
  4. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel – Local Authority or ALMO
  5. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel– (Wales)

6. Excellence in tenant inspection and mystery shopping

  • A track record of achievements – to be illustrated by the inspections and mystery shopping they have completed and the outcomes from these. The quality of inspections and mystery shopping
  • Positive changes achieved for the benefit of all tenants
  • Independence – the ability of the tenant inspectors and mystery shoppers to work independently, with minimal support from their landlords. Including ability to summarise their own findings and to do follow on checks

Nomination Form – CSI Awards 2016

Category Nomination for: / Choose one from:
  1. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel – small panel any landlord type with less than 2000 properties
  2. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel – stock transfer housing association
  3. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel – traditional Housing Association
  4. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel – ALMO or Local Authority
  5. Most inspiring Scrutiny Panel – (Wales)
  6. Excellence in tenant inspection and mystery shopping

About you.....

Team or Panel name:
Individual’s name (for the most inspiring newcomer category only)
Name of the person we can contact:
Contact number:
Email address:

Your submission.....

We really do want everyone to do as well as possible! Therefore, it is really important that you read the selection/shortlisting criteria carefully before you complete your submission and provide as much relevant information as possible. So for example, we do want to know all about your arrangements/set up, but most importantly we want to know what you have achieved so that we can help you to celebrate the fantastic work you do!

Awards 1-6 - Scrutiny, inspection, mystery shopping

1. Tell us about you/your scrutiny panel/team of inspectors/mystery shoppers

(For example: when did you start? If you are a panel or team, how many people are involved? If you are applying for the inspirational individual award, tell us about what interests you and why you get involved.)

Maximum 1,500 words

2. Independent thinking (Scrutiny Panels, Inspectors, Mystery Shoppers)

Selection criteria: the panel can demonstrate that they operate independently e.g. choosing their own topics based on evidence, networking with others or learning from others, writing their own reports or writing reports with minimal help from officers or mentors.

Maximum 2,000 words

3. Partnership (Scrutiny Panels)

Selection criteria: the panel can describe how they work with their landlord, Board or Councillors and other residents.

Please provide as many examples as you can to demonstrate how you work with others to achieve positive outcomes for tenants and residents. It would also be helpful if you could include commendations/comments from Board, officers and other residents that support what you say about your partnership approach.

Maximum 2,000 words

5. Track record and positive change (Scrutiny Panels, Inspectors and Mystery Shoppers)

Selection criteria: the panel or inspectors or mystery shoppers can demonstrate that the reviews and other activities they have completed have resulted in positive outcomes for tenants.

Please note it is especially important that you provide details of clear outcomes (the changes that were made) and outputs (e.g. increased satisfaction, cost savings, improved performance) that resulted from the scrutiny, inspection or mystery shopping activities.

Maximum 2,000 words

6. Any other information you would like to add in support of your submission.

Maximum 2000 words

Please return all completed nominations forms to:

CSI Awards 2016 Nomination Form