Bibliography of the Plecoptera
PAAVOLA, R., T. MUOTKA, & P. TIKKANEN (2000): Macroinvertebrate community structure and species diversity in humic streams of Finnish Lapland. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 27:2550-2555.
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PALMA, A., R. FIGUEROA, V.H. RUIZ, E. ARAYA, & P. BERRIOS (2002): [Composition of the diet of Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum 1792) (Pisces: Salmonidae) in a river system of low anthropogenic action: Nonguen stream, VIII Region, Chile.] Composicion de la dieta de Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum 1792) (Pisces: Salmonidae) en un sistema fluvial de baja intervencion antropica: Estero nonguen, VIII Region, Chile. Gayana, 66 (2):129-139.
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PARDO, I., E. EIROA, & F. NOVOA, (1991): Contribution to the Stonefly fauna of Galicia. pp.:325-329. In: AlbaTercedor, J. & A. Sanchez-Ortega (eds.) Overview and Strategics of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. - The Aquat. Ins.Sandhill Crane Press, Inc. (Gainesville, Florida) 588 pp.
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PARFITT, E. (1879): The Fauna of Devon. Neuroptera. Rep. Trans. Devorishire Ass, Advancem. Sci., Plymouth, 11:386-421 (Plec.:394-396.).
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PARKER, M.S. (1993): Size-selective predation on benthic macroinvertebrates by stream-dwelling salamander larvae. Arch. Hydrobiol. (Stuttgart), 128 (4):385-400.
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PASCOAL, C., F. CASSIO, & R. GOMES (2001): Leaf Breakdown Rates: a Measure of Water Quality? International Review of Hydrobiology, 86:407-416.
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PASS, G. (1987): The "Cercus Heart" in stoneflies - a new type of accessory circulatory organ in insects. Naturwissenschaften, 74:440-441. (German).
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PATRICK, B.H. (1993): Hawkdun Ecological District Invertebrate Survey. Science and Research Series, Dept. of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand.
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PATRICK, B.H. & R. CUTHBERT (1999): Lepidoptera and other insects of the Seaward Kaikoura Range. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 13:123-127.
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PATTÉE, E. (1959): Influence de la saison sur le métabolisme de deux larves aquatiques d'insectes et Phénomène d'accoutumance à la température. Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg. (Paris), 93:320-334.
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PAULIAN, R. (1949): Recherches sur les insectes d'importance biologique de Madagascar. IV. Découverte de l'ordre des Plécoptères à Madagascar. Mém. Inst. Sci. Madagascar, Tananarive, (A) 3:359-363. Jahrg. 6.
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PECKARSKY, B.L. (1985): Do predaceous stoneflies and siltation affect the structure of stream insect communities colonizing enclosures? Can. J. Zool., 63:1519-1530.
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PECKARSKY, B.L. (1996): Alternative predator avoidance syndromes of stream-dwelling mayfly larvae. Ecology (Washington DC), 77:1888-1905.
PECKARSKY, B.L. (1998): The dual role of experiments in complex and dynamic natural systems. pp.:311-324. In RESETARTIS, W.J., JR.; BERNARDO, J.: Experimental ecology: Issues and perspectives. Oxford Univ. Press.
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PECKARSKY, B.L., S.D. COOPER & A.R. McINTOSH (1995): Extrapolating from individual behavior to populations and communities in streams. Symp. on New Concepts in Stream Ecol., Savannah River Ecol. Lab., GA, 16 (2):375-391.
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