Reply to:

Debbie Clancey

Property Services Team

South Area Service Centre

137 Lupus Street

London SW1V 3HE

Tel: 0800 358 3783

21 August 2017


Churchill Gardens – lift replacement scheme – Phase III (W800)

We are pleased to let you know that the next phase of the lift replacement scheme is due to start in September.

This letter contains important information about the timetable for the work and how it may affect you when the lifts are taken out of service.

Timetable for the work

Below is an outline timetable for the lifts in Phase III. The work included in this phase is planned to take place between September 2017 and January 2018.

Please note, that this is an approximate timetable and may change. If the dates do change we will write to you advising you of the new date. The lift numbers are located on the wall, above the lift doors.

Block / Lift No. / Start date / Expected
Completion of works / Duration
Coleridge House / LO67 / 18 September 2017 / 5 January 2018 / 16 weeks
Keats House / LO76 / 18 September 2017 / 5 January 2018 / 16 weeks
Anson House / LO52 / 19 September 2017 / 5 January 2018 / 17 weeks
Blackstone House / LO54 / 25 September 2017 / 12 January 2018 / 16 weeks
Shelley House / LO88 / 2 October 2017 / 19 January 2018 / 16 weeks
Sheraton House / LO94 / 9 October 2017 / 29 December 2017 / 12 weeks
Shelley House / LO91 / 9 October 2017 / 26 January 2018 / 16 weeks
Hungerford House / LO73 / 31 October 2017 / 22 January 2018 / 12 weeks

Our contractors, the ELA Group (formerly PDERS), have containers located adjacent to the blocks where lifts are being replaced.

The works may cause some noise and the movement of people and vehicles around the estate may be affected. Our contractors will continue to receive deliveries and there may be some further noise as staff meet before work and take breaks.

Prior to the start of works in each phase, we have asked residents to let us know if they any mobility issues that they feel might affect their ability to get in and out of their property.
If you feel that you may need assistance while the works are being carried out please contact me to discuss.

I have arranged for a residents drop-in session on Monday 18 September 2017 at the South Area Service Centre, 137 Lupus Street, London, SW1V 3HE between

5.00pm – 7.30pm.

At this session you will have the opportunity to discuss the works with the CityWest

Homes project team and ask any questions you may have.

If you have any questions about the scheme or would like more informationplease contact Customer Services on 0800 358 3783 or email quoting contract W800.

Yours sincerely

Debbie Clancey

Engagement and Consultation Co-ordinator