- Program -

The Civil Society Days event is a symbol of the cooperation between the EESC and the members of the Liaison Group representing European civil society organisations and networks.

This initiative contributes to assert the Committee as a special partner for those organisations and networks on issues of common interest.

This year, it will focus on migration and on how Europe can be made more open and adapt to what needs to be seen as a structural change.

In a time in which news relate daily crisis and problems to which we are obviously not prepared, it is clear that we must move from management by crisis to management by foresight and anticipation.

Europe must cast on this phenomena and problems a wider and deeper vision, based on an open debate and a reflexion rooted in our common values and capable of frankly coping with the problems that our societies face.

It will be developed along three lines:

·  Between security and freedom: a societal balance

·  Integration and inclusion

·  Responses to the causes of migration

As for the format, the Civil Society Days are a frame, as part of civil dialogue in line with Article 11 TEU, and is the moment for civil society to take a stance on the key questions of the future of the European project and the way of living together in our changing European societies.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

10.30 a.m. Registration & welcome coffee

11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Opening session

·  Welcome by Georges Dassis, EESC President

·  Gesine Schwan, President and co-founder of the Humboldt-Viadrina governance platform

Keynote speech: Reinventing Europe or a Europe of fear and regression?

·  Discussion with representatives from the EU institutions and civil society, moderated by Monika Hoegen, journalist :

o  Cécile Kyenge, Rapporteur for the Report on the situation in the Mediterranean and the need for a holistic EU approach to migration, European Parliament

Emmanuelle Grange, Head of Unit 'Disability and Inclusion' European Commission

o  Conny Reuter, Co-President of the EESC Liaison Group

The opening session serves as an introduction to the workshops, setting the topics and challenges to be addressed.

1 p.m. Lunch break

2.30 – 5.30 p.m. Integration and inclusion

Setting the scene by Christa Schweng, rapporteur of the EESC opinion on integration of refugees in the EU

Parallel workshops on

·  (1) Education and youth (Atrium 6)

·  (2) Social integration and the role of CSO (JDE 62)

·  (3) Responses to the root causes of migration (JDE 63)

5.30 p.m. Evening reception

Human Rights Youth Organization (HRYO) presenting "Intercultulasm: a New resource for Europe", a project involving migrants in social enterprises in Sicily.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Between security and freedom - a societal balance

·  Prof. Mauro Magatti, Università Cattolica di Milano

Keynote speech: 'On a fundamental rights perspective and balance'

Discussion with participants, moderated by Monika Hoegen, journalist

10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Parallel workshops on

·  (4) Freedom of expression (JDE 63)

·  (5) Freedom of movement (reestablishment of borders, social security entitlements and legal rights for EU mobile citizens) (Atrium 6)

·  (6) Living together … or in parallel societies: How can civil society help prevent marginalisation and radicalisation? How to preserve our freedoms in face of increasing security threats? (JDE 62)

1 – 2.30 p.m. Lunch break

2.30 – 4 p.m. Closing session

·  Jo Leinen, Member of the European Parliament and president of the European Movement International

·  Paul Dujardin, Chief Executive Officer – Artistic Director of BOZAR, in charge of Imagine Europe - In search of New Narratives

·  Responses from the workshops, linking to workshop results, with, among others Irini Pari (EESC), Gabriella Civico (CEV) and Anthony Valcke, (EU Rights Clinic)

·  Closing remarks by Conny Reuter

Detailed written reports from the workshops will be published on the website after the conference. ______

CSDays2016 – programme – EN – 26.05.2016 - final