Clatsop County Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
June 24, 2015
Chair Scott Lee called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm., in the Judge Guy Boyington Building, 857 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. Also present were Commissioners Sarah Nebeker, Lisa Clement, Dirk Rohne and Lianne Thompson.
Staff Present:
Scott Somers County Manager
Heather Reynolds County Counsel
Vance Swenson Survey Technician
Bart Catching Code Enforcement
Tiffany Brown Emergency Management
Jennifer Bunch Senior Planner
Monica Steele Budget & Finance Director
Jill Quackenbush Prevention Specialist
Chair Lee asked to remove items 7j - Approval of Oregon Health Authority Developmental Disabilities Agreement and 7k – Approval of Clatsop Behavioral Health Agreement for Developmental Disabilities from the agenda as the paperwork from the state had not been completed. Lee looked for a motion to approve the amended agenda. Nebeker so moved and Clement seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Vance Swenson, Survey Technician, gave a presentation on the road right of ways and processes for dedications, vacation and legalization. Swenson explained a right of way is a type of easement which is the right to use land without actually possessing it. Easements have different uses such as an electrical transmission line or a driveway which need to be recorded in writing in deed form to be recognized. An easement is on or over another’s underlying ownership of property. Most easements are permanent. A right of way is a type of easement which usually has few rights within, a common one is the right to travel back and forth. A public right away is an easement that is owned by everyone. Public right a ways require elected representatives, such as Board of Commissioners, to make any decisions for Clatsop County pertaining to these right of ways. The determination of status may change if there is a county road that is not maintained and not on public right of ways. Dedications are the appropriation of an area of land for a particular use such as a road right of way, the dedicator is usually a single land owner. A historical right of way dedication is typically a group of landowners which would petition the County Court to appoint a road viewer to find the best route for this right of way. A road vacation is an action taken by the board by resolution and order when the public interest in the road is eliminated. Once the County receives a request and a petition for the road vacation, the County Engineer must survey the area. Lee asked if the Planning Commission deliberates on the road vacations. Swenson said the Planning Commission would have a recommendation but the final decision is the Board’s decision. If it was approved, the public easement would be lifted. Legalization is the Board’s determination of the location of the county road. This is used to clarify the written record of the right of way boundaries of a road. Thompson thanked Vance for the presentation. Nebeker appreciated the historical documents. Lee asked if a road was vacated and becomes a private road then couldn’t the homeowners turn it into a gated community. Swenson said it takes a long time to do a road vacation and they are very methodical.
No business from the public.
Lee looked for a motion to approve the consent calendar. Nebeker so moved and Clement seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
a. Non-profit funding agreement with CEDR Page 1
b. Cancellation of delinquent personal property taxes Page 5
c. Revised Section 15 Travel Policy of Board Rules Page 17
d. Approve the 2014-15 budget and appropriation adjustments Page 25
e. 2015-16 Contract for Services Agreement with Seaside Temps Page 29
f. Renewal of Worker’s Compensation Insurance Page 35
a. 2015 Hood to Coast Relay – County Road Event Application Page 37
Bart Catching, Code Enforcement, would like the Board to approve the use of county roads for the Hood to Coast event. Catching recommends conditional approval of the application and of the agency deposit. This is the 34th annual Hood to Coast event in Clatsop County, with over 400 participants on county roads at a time. This qualifies as a large county event which requires Board approval. The applicant has provided the required insurance documents. The financial aspects of the event have been approximately $19,000.00. Thompson asked if the $500.00 fee for the ordinance adequately allows for enough staff time. Catching said this would definitely cover the expense. Thompson stated that Hamm Radio operators volunteer at this event. Catching agreed. Lee entertained a motion. Rohne moved to approve the County Road Event Permit for the 2015 Hood-to-Coast Portland to Coast Relays subject to the conditions and deposit recommended by staff. Nebeker seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
b. Ambulance Service Advisory appointments Page 85
Tiffany Brown, Emergency Manager, is looking to fill vacant positions on the Ambulance Service Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee recommended appointing Jill Tillotson for the nurse position and Duane Johnson for the citizen position. Mell Jasmine, committee member, spoke about the importance of this board. He has been a member for eight years and spends time with Medix in the dispatch center. Lee honored Mel for his volunteerism in the community. Lee entertained a motion. Nebeker moved to approve the recommended appointments and Rohne seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
c. Appointment of two planning commissioners Page 91
Jennifer Bunch, Senior Planner, spoke about the appointment of planning commissioners. One of the goals is to get citizen involvement. The members shall be residents of Clatsop County and no more than two representatives shall reside within incorporated cities. Members will serve without compensation. The terms of two planning commissioners, Bruce Francis and Robert Strickland, will expire on June 30, 2015. Both gentlemen have reapplied. Bunch has also received applications from Charles Dice, Christopher Farrer, Myrna Patrick and Doug Ray.
Lee stated he would like to appoint Bruce Francis and Myrna Patrick. Lee has enjoyed working with Robert Strickland but thinks it is a good idea to have that geographical piece. Thompson also reiterated that the geographical dispersion is a good idea. Nebeker stated she feels sorry for those that have served and have brought experience but will not be continuing their service on the Board. Nebeker hopes that the applicants will reapply when there is another vacancy. Lee entertained a motion. Rohne moved to appoint Myrna Patrick and Bruce Francis to the Clatsop County Planning Commission to fill a four year term that ends on June 30, 2019. Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Bunch said the staff would like to publically thank Mr. Strickland for his service and they have enjoyed working with him.
d. Adoption of FY 2015-16 county budget Page 111
Monica Steele, Budget & Finance Director requested the Board’s approval of adjustments requested by the County Manager to budgets based on information that was not available when the budget was approved by the Budget Committee on May 12, 2015. Additional funds are being appropriated for projects that were not completed during the 2014-15 fiscal year. The offsetting revenue for these projects will be rolling over to the beginning balance of 2015-16 as they were unspent in 2014-15. An additional change that has a zero impact on the budget is changing the classification of expense line items from the category of Special Payments to the category of Materials and Services which meets the description. Adoption of this budget represents the Board’s final action in the annual budget process. Lee looked for a motion. Nebeker so moved and Clement seconded. Thompson read a statement she prepared.
“In my work and volunteer experience, we always had performance measures. As workers, line staff and administrators and board members, we always held ourselves accountable in a collaboratively-developed and defined way. I’ve been asking for Board work sessions or a Board retreat to do this. I want us to develop an accountability system for this Board so that we can collaborate, all of us together, in defining our intended outcomes and the work we’ll do to achieve them. We also require resources to achieve them: our time, staff time, travel money, and so on. This is work only we can do. Because we have not yet done this work, my conscience dictates that I cannot vote to approve the budget. The rest of the budget stands on its own, so I will not vote against its approval. I will vote to abstain and hope this moves us forward to act so that we develop collaboratively what we need to do as a Board.”
Nebeker asked Thompson if she would like monies appropriated for this collaboration. Thompson stated that the County Commissioner’s portion of the budget was the only area that didn’t have performance measures. Lee called for a vote to approve the resolution adopting the Budget of 2015-16 by organizational unit, imposing taxes, categorizing taxes and making appropriations for Clatsop County as approved by the Budget Committee with the staff recommended changes. Motion carried 4-1 with Thompson abstained.
e. Adoption of FY 2015-16 budget for Clatsop County 4H & Extension District Page 119
Monica Steele, Budget and Finance Director, explained on May 13, 2015 the Clatsop County 4-H & Extension District Budget Committee approved the District’s 2015-16 annual budget. The Board held a hearing on June 10, 2015 to receive comments from the public. Steele requested the Board formally adopt the budget of $612,780. Lee entertained a motion. Rohne moved to approve the resolution adopting the Budget for 2015-16 by organizational unit, imposing taxes, categorizing taxes and making appropriations for Clatsop County 4-H & Extension Special Service District Budget as approved by the Budget Committee. Clement seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
f. Adoption of FY 2015-16 budget for Westport Sewer Service District Page 123
On May 13, 2015, the Westport Sewer Service District Budget Committee approved the District’s 2015-16 annual budget. The Board held a hearing to receive comments from the public on the June 10, 2015. Steele is requesting the Board formally adopt the budget of $152,910. Lee entertained a motion. Rohne moved to approve the resolution adopting the Budget for 2015-16 by organizational unit and making appropriations for Westport Sewer Service District as approved by the Budget Committee and Nebeker seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
g. Adoption of FY 2015-16 budget for Clatsop County Rural Law Enforcement
District Page 127
On May 13, 2015, the Clatsop County Rural Law Enforcement District Budget Committee approved the District’s 2015-16 annual budget. The Board held a hearing to receive comments from the public on June 10, 2015. Steele is requesting the Board formally adopt the budget of $3,030,690. Lee entertained a motion. Thompson moved to approve the resolution adopting the Budget for 2015-16 by organization unit, imposing taxes, categorizing taxes and making appropriations for Clatsop County Rural Law Enforcement District as approved by the Budget Committee and Rohne seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
h. Adoption of FY 2015-16 budget for Clatsop County Road District Number
One Page 131
On May 13, 2015, the Clatsop County Road District Number 1 Budget Committee approved the District’s 2015-16 annual budget. The Board held a hearing to receive comments from the public on June 10, 2015. Steele is requesting the Board formally adopt the budget of $4,265,810. Lee entertained a motion. Thompson moved to approve the resolution adopting the Budget for 2015-16 by organizational unit, imposing taxes, categorizing taxes and making appropriations for Clatsop County Road District Number 1 as approved by the Budget Committee and Clement seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Scott Somers, County Manager, thanked Steele and her staff for the hard work they have done. Steele let the Board know if they decide to impose performance measures, these can be included in next year’s budget. The budget process begins in January for the following fiscal year.
i. Approval of the 2015-2017 IGA #147784 with Oregon Health Authority Page 135
Jill Quackenbush, Prevention Specialist, is seeking the approval for the Intergovernmental Agreement with Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for the financing of community addiction and mental health services. The OHA provides funding to counties to provide services which include prevention and treatment of alcohol, drug and gambling addictions and mental illness. The OHA requires the county sign this agreement detailing the services to be provided, biennial planning for service delivery, laws related to service delivery, and the terms and conditions for financing community addictions and mental health services. Lee entertained a motion. Nebeker moved to approve the 2015-2017 Intergovernmental Agreement #147784 with Oregon Health Authority for the financing of community addictions and mental health services and Thompson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
j. Approval of Oregon Health Authority Developmental Disabilities Agreement
k. Approval of Clatsop Behavioral Health Agreement for Developmental Disabilities
l. Approval of Clatsop Behavioral Health (CBH) Agreement for Mental Health & Addictions
Quackenbush stated that the county contracts with CBH for treatment of mental health and addictions. CBH is the local provider that meets the approved statutory and program requirements of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). CBH has reviewed the contract but has not signed the contract as of this date due to the timing of the Intergovernmental Agreement with OHA. Heather Reynolds, County Counsel, stated that CBH does not get paid until they sign the contract. Lee asked if it was standard for CBH to sign the contract first. Reynolds stated it normally is but in order to keep providing services the contract needed to be brought to the Board in June for approval. Lee entertained a motion. Nebeker moved and Thompson seconded a motion to approve the 2015-17 contract with CBH for Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Services and authorize the County Manager to sign any subsequent amendments. Motion carried unanimously.
Thompson reported she visited Jewell school which has a duplicating machine to make books, a wood shop, metal shop, and welding shop. They have resources of tools and equipment and Thompson encouraged Jewell to allow other schools to use this equipment. Thompson attended a community conversation on poverty put on by the Community Action Team for Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties. The County College session was about mental health issues.