
Presents: Sitting, clutching chest, breathing heavy, anxious

Chief Complaint: Chest pain: “There is a vice around my chest”

VS:A&Ox4, HR 88, strong & reg, RR 22, reg, labored. Skin: pale, cool, sweaty/clammy

Symptoms: mid-sternal, crushing chest pain, short of breath, nausea, weakness,

feeling of impending doom

Onset: about 30 min ago while hiking

Provokes/Palliates:worse with exertion, slight relief with rest

Quality: tightness, crushing, steady

Radiation:left shoulder & arm, into left jaw

Severity: 8/10

Trending:“It’s getting a little better as I am resting – still pretty bad”

Allergies: none

Medication:high blood pressure medication, "I have Nitro, Should I use it? (Don't know

how to take it)

Past Medical History:high blood pressure, father died of heart attack, "pre-diabetic"

Last Intake Output: sandwich and soda at lunch, 1 liter water so far today, peeing

pooping fine

Events:“I was hiking, the trail got steep. I was almost to the top,my chest started to

feel heavy part way up, now it is so bad I can’t continue.”


Presents: Sitting, left side doesn't move, moaning, holding head (with right arm only),

looking confused

Chief Complaint: “my head hurts, my head really hurts”

VS: A&Ox2 (person, place), HR/RR/Skin: as is.

Signs: slurred speech, confused, slow to answer as can't findright words. DO NOT

move left arm or look to the left

Symptoms: head ache, left arm is flaccid

Onset: not sure

Provokes/Palliates:nothing, head just hurts

Quality: unable to describe

Radiation: no

Severity: 8/10

Trending: think it is getting worse

Allergies: almonds

Medication: high blood pressure medication, hay fever

Past Medical History:high blood pressure, “Don’t always take my medication.” Lasik

surgery last year.

Last IntakeOutput:think ate lunch, can’t get the rest of the words out

Events: Don't know. Know I am here and you are here.


Presents:side lying, knees drawn up, holding very still & reluctant to move

Chief Complaint:“my belly hurts”

VS: A&Ox4, HR 118 strong & reg, RR 18 easy & not labored, Skin flushed, hot, dry. Signs: very uncomfortable.

Symptom: right lower quadrant pain, nausea

Onset: started last night, a little better this morning, now much worse

Provokes/Palliates: movement makes it worse, holding still is better, hurts to push on it.

Quality: steady pain

Radiation: no

Severity: 7-8/10

Trending: started last night, a little better this morning, now much worse

Allergies: dairy products

Medication: Ibuprofen, helped a little. Zantac

Past Medical History:indigestion, Gastric Reflux

Last Intake Output:dinner last night, nothing since. Peed this am, none since.little

diarrhea today

Events: nauseated after dinner, I woke up in the night with abdominal pain, took some

Ibuprofen, felt a little better this morning.Pain returned and now worse.Now right

lower abdomen very tender.Think I am going to vomit!

Kidney Stones

Presents: sitting,rocking back & forth, unbearable/excruciating pain, moaning, can't focus on questions

Chief Complaint:“right side/flank pain” "so much pain!"

VS: A&Ox4, HR 100 strong & reg, RR 20 easy, unlabored, Skin pink, warm, sweaty. Signs: anxious, obviously pain, can’t focus on questions due to severity of pain

Symptoms: right side/flank pain, nausea

Onset: acute onset this morning

Provokes/Palliates: "Nothing- can't handle this pain!"

Quality: “like a knife in my side”

Radiation: right flank into lower abdomen and into groin

Severity: 10/10, can't get any worse

Trending:some waves of worse pain, but never gone. "Can't take this much longer!"

Allergies: peanuts and cats

Medication: Albuterol inhaler,sometimes

Past Medical History: "Oh man, does this matter!? I am in so much pain!"

Last Intake &Output: "C'mon- just get me something for my pain!" Nothing since

dinner. “oh yeah, one gulp of water with some ibuprofen”I think I need to pee but

can’t tell due to pain! pooped last night

Events:“Pain woke me up this morning, bad pain, seems to be getting worse!I tried

some ibuprofen but nothing helps."Can you help me!? I am hurting so bad!"


Presents:awake, lying on side, knees drawn up, holding still. Get SUPER dizzy if they

sit you up.

Chief Complaint: abdominal pain

VS: A&Ox4, HR 118 strong & regular, RR 22 easy, unlabored, Skin: pale, warm, moist. Signs: obviously uncomfortable

Symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness

Onset: started yesterday after lunchwith a little nausea

Provokes/Palliates: lying still is tolerable, I get dizzy if I sit up, nausea worse with movement

Quality: "just hurts"

Radiation: no

Severity: 5/10

Trending: steady for the last 5 hrs

Allergies: peanuts, penicillin

Medication: epi pen if I need it

Past Medical History: head injury as a kid racing mountain bikes

Last Intake Output:No food since lunch yesterday, had left over chicken salad

sandwich. Some Gatorade this morning, threw it up. Can’t remember when last

peed.Diarrhea in the night and x 5 today.

Events: Feeling fine yesterday until sometime after lunch. Nauseated so didn't eat

dinner. Nobody else was saying they were sick. Diarrhea in the night and started

vomiting this morning & all day. Too weak to continue.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Presents: sitting on side of trail, holding head

Chief Complaint: headache, nausea

VS A&Ox4, HR/RR/Skin as is. Signs: looks normal but uncomfortable

Symptoms: wicked headache, nausea, weakness

Onset:"I wake up every morning like this, today is the worst"

Provokes/Palliates:"usually just gets better through the day"

Quality: miserable

Radiation: no

Severity: 7/10

Trending: "Worse in the mornings. Today has not really improved much."

Allergies: peanut butter, anything with peanuts

Medication: Ibuprofen,"not helping"

Past Medical History: “Frostbitten toes last winter when I had broken down

snowmobile” “I don’t want to talk about it”

Last Intake & Output: "Eating and drinking less until nausea goes away, peeing and

pooping fine, not throwing up."

Events:Out here camping solo, raining every evening, “pain in the *&#$ because I

have had to cook in my tent” “Last night I fell asleep before dinner was done.

Burned my chili-mac and ran out of fuel."


Presents: vomiting at the side of the trail

Chief Complaint: “I must be dehydrated! I have a headache nausea”

VS: A&Ox4, HR 90 strong/regular, RR 18 easy/unlabored, Skin pink/warm/dry.

Signs: vomiting

Symptoms: nausea vomiting, peeing frequently

Onset: headache this am “I was so dehydrated from Mexican food last night”

Provokes/Palliates: trying to drink water to get rid of my headache

Quality: feel miserable

Radiation: none

Severity: 4/10

Trending: headache not going away, now vomiting & peeing frequently

Allergies: dogs & brussel sprouts

Medication:over the counter hay fever medication

Past Medical History: fishhook in my ear last week, had to go the ER

Last Intake & Output: “4 liters of water since breakfast. No food since I am feeling nauseated.” “Peeing

about every 10min. Just now had some diarrhea – mostly water."

Events:It’s a hot day. I am out for a trail run trying to get in shape to climb the Grand

Teton next month. I am working on drinking more water. I had Mexican food last

night & it was super salty. I drank a liter of water before bed, not enough because

I woke up with a headache this morning. Drank a liter before breakfast, ate some

pancakes. Headache worse so I have been trying to re-hydrate.I don’t know how Igot so dehydrated.

AnaphylaxisHave Epi pen & Benadryl

Presents: Sitting upright struggling to breathe, itching all over, talking in 2-3 word clusters

Chief Complaint: Can't catch my breath! Feels like lips & tongue are big. Itching all over

VS: A&Ox4, HR 120 regular/strong, RR 30 rapid/shallow, Skin pink, warm, dry.

Signs: face & lips swollen, skin blotchy red, hives

Symptoms: short of breath, itchy, anxious

Onset: 15 min ago stung by hornet

Provokes/Palliates: nothing

Quality: terrified! can't breathe

Radiation: everywhere

Severity: 8/10

Trending: getting worse

Allergies: fire ants “I get a bad reaction”

Medication: epi pen, used it already, may have been frozen last year

Past Medical History: ER visit 2 years ago from a fire ant bite in Gulf of Mexico. Had

to be air lifted off. Now I have this stupid epi pen that apparently does not work. I

thought I used it right.Last Intake & Output: All fine, no issues

Events: 15 min ago stung by a hornet. This all started fast.

Asthma/allergiesHave INHALER

Presents: coughing, sneezing wheezing

Chief Complaint:shortness of breath

VS: A&Ox4, HR 110 strong/regular, RR 32 labored/wheezing, Skin flushed, warm, dry. Signs: very anxious, coughing,wheezing, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing,

obviously short of breath

Symptoms:feeling miserable, short of breath "all clogged up & can't breathe"

Onset:“started after I took a breather in the grass back there”

Provokes/Palliates:“I can’t seem to catch my breath”

Quality: miserable

Radiation: “my chest feels tight”

Severity: about 6/10, I have had worse (was admitted to the hospital once a long time ago)

Trending: started with just sneezing, now worse, getting all plugged up

Allergies: yes to lots of plants, dust, catsbirds, especially chickens

Medication:Claritin,Allegra, sometimes Benadryl. Have this inhaler- should I use it?


Past Medical History:I had asthma when I was really young. Doing allergy testing -

such a pain in my rear!

Last Intake & Output: Hamburger fries, milk shake & some water. Peeing and

pooping fine.

Events: Doing fine this morning.Started when I was sitting in the sage brush. Too short

of breath to continue.


Presents: sitting, obviously uncomfortable, holding head

Chief Complaint:“My head hurts and I can’t breathe!”

VS: A&Ox4, HR/RR/Skin: as is.

Signs: looks uncomfortable

Symptoms: headache, weakness, short of breath

Onset: this afternoon

Provokes/Palliates:trying to walk! Can't believe how winded I am!

Quality: I feel weak as a kitten

Radiation: no

Severity: 4/10

Trending: started with just a headache, now weak and short of breath

Allergies: clams, iodine

Medication: none

Past Medical History:“I got shot with an arrow in the arm last year hunting”

Last Intake Output: taco a beer for lunch, drank 2 liters water today, peeing clear

and pooping ok

Events:On Vacation!Flew from Homer,Alaska on the red eye, got in to IdahoFalls

this morning, and drove up to ski on Galena. Just ate lunch and went for a hike.

Tooshort of breath to continue.

Diabetic – High Blood SugarHave insulin, syringe, & glucose

Presents: lying on side knees drawn up, vomit x1 during scenario, so very thirsty, get up to pee once

Chief Complaint: feeling horrible, weak, nausea

VS: A&Ox4, HR 115 strong/regular, RR 26 easy/rapid, Skin: pale, warm, very dry. Signs: vomiting, anxious

Symptoms: nausea, weakness, thirsty

Onset: day before yesterday had some food poisoning with vomiting & diarrhea

Provokes/Palliates: nothing

Quality: miserable

Radiation: abdominal discomfort

Severity: 5/10

Trending: really worried as it is getting worse

Allergies: codeine some antibiotics

Medication: high blood pressure pill & insulin

Past Medical History:I have been on insulin since I was 17. Usually no problem. Left

my glucometer on a rock at the last campsite. It’s too far to go back now.

Last Intake & Output: bad burrito for breakfasta couple of days ago. Only some

crackers and gummy bears since then. Drinking Gatorade, seems to make me

want to puke! Peeing is too good, think diarrhea getting better

Events: Sick to my stomach with some diarrhea for a couple days. Nausea during the

night, and today super thirsty and weak. Don’t know my blood sugar but test strip

shows ketones in my urine.” Too weak to continue.

Anxiety (panic attack)Have Epi pen & Benadryl

Presents: Sitting upright struggling to breathe, rubbing chest, very anxious, fingers don't straighten

Chief Complaint: feels like my airway is closing off

VS: A&Ox4, HR 100 strong/regular, RR 30 rapid, shallow. Skin: pink, warm, dry.

Signs: talking in short sentences, very anxious

Symptoms: Short of breath, chest pain, cramping in hands

Onset: 30 minago

Provokes/Palliates: nothing

Quality: terrifying


Severity: 8/10

Trending: getting worse, feel like I am going to die

Allergies: shell fish and other things that swim. I get a rash and my tongue swells up

Medication: I have an Epi pen and am about to use it

Past Medical History:many visits to doctor with allergies. Last time in the ER doctor

said it was not an allergicreaction

Last Intake & Output:Not concerned about that right now! My fingers won't straighten

and I can't breathe! Events:30 min ago in a shop down town. A guy was smoking

and eating some kind of tuna fish dip. I think I was exposed to the fish

Gastro-intestinal Bleeding

Presents:laying down, get very dizzy when they sit you up

Chief Complaint: Feeling really weak

VS: A&Ox4, HR 120 rapid, weak, RR 20 easy, quiet, Skin: pale, cool, clammy.

Signs: dizzy if sit up

Symptoms: weakness, a little abdominal pain & cramping

Onset: past couple of days, worse today

Provokes/Palliates: laying down I feel a bit better

Quality: just feel weak

Radiation: not really

Severity: 5/10

Trending: worse today, getting anxious as feel worsening

Allergies:antibiotics, I forgot which ones

Medication: Ibuprofen 800mg 3x’s a day

Past Medical History: tendonitis in my elbows. Taking Ibuprofen to clear it up just starting to get better

Last Intake & Output:peeing fine. Pooping often, smells bad & looks like tar-eating too

many wild berries I think

Events: Just out for a walk trying to get some fresh air but super weak and dizzy like I

might pass out so I laid down

Exertional Syncope (Heat Exhaustion)

Presents:laying down

Chief Complaint:I feel super weak and nauseated

VS: A&Ox4, HR 110 strong, regular, RR 20 easy/quiet, Skin pale, hot, sweaty.

Signs: anxious

Symptoms:nausea, weakness, light headed, seeing stars when I sit up

Onset: 10 min ago.

Provokes/Palliates:feeling better laying in the shade

Quality: whole body is weak

Radiation: no

Severity: 6/10

Trending: getting slightly better

Allergies: wood glue

Medication: none

Past Medical History:had a heart issue a few years ago but doing fine now

Last Intake Output: 2 cups of coffee, 1 bottle of PowerAde, 2 bottles of water. Peed

1 time this morning. Pooped yesterday.

Events:cutting firewood all day. Super-hot, been sweating like a horse. I feel terrible,

like I might pass out, just have to lay down

Seizure (unwitnessed)

Presents: sitting upright, looking around, confused

Chief Complaint: I don’t feel very well

VS: A&Ox1, person only. HR/RR/Skin as is.

Signs: talking slowly, blank look. Dirty face, peed your pants

Symptoms: I don’t know, nothing hurts, just very confused

Onset: Unknown “what time is it?”

Provokes/Palliates: nothing

Quality: not sure

Radiation: no

Severity: “what? I don’t know.”

Trending:“Nothing is wrong. I guess it’s getting better”

Allergies: none

Medication: none

Past Medical History:Fell off a horse when I was 14, head injury. Used to have

seizures. Had a seizure 2 yrs ago when I dislocated my knee cap playing rugby

Last Intake & Output: all fine, no issues

Events:I don’t know. I was just taking pictures and then you were here talking to me

Flu-like symptoms/ Pneumonia

Presents: sitting, coughing frequently, anxious as feel short of breath

Chief Complaint: short of breath

VS: A&O x4, HR 90 strong/regular, RR 22, easy/unlabored, Skin pink, hot, dry.

Signs: obviously uncomfortable, coughing, looks like having some breathing issue

Symptoms: Headache, sore throat, cough, chills. Short of breath when trying to walk

Onset: past few days with cough and sore throat

Provokes/Palliates: resting is better, breathing cool air better, coughing makes my head hurt

Quality: miserable

Radiation: hurt all over

Severity: 6/10

Trending: no good sleep for days, coughing all night, definitely getting worse

Allergies: Latex, all “caine” drugs (Novocaine, lidocaine, Marcaine….)” "Dentists don’t

like me”

Medication: Ibuprofen & Tylenol, Can't imagine how bad I'd be without it!

Past Medical History: “normally healthy, stupid cold for about a week, worse now like

my head about to explode”

Last Intake & Output: drinking water and soda, ate some soup this morning.

Swallowing makes my throat hurt. Peeing and pooping fine.

Events: Out for a walk today, wanted some fresh air, now too short of breath to
