DATE: July 20, 2011 LOCATION: Stafford County Public Schools

In Attendance:

Name / Present / Name / Present / Name / Present
Janice Bourne / / Scott Horan / / Dean Tistadt /
Bill Bradley / Steve Hostetler / / Keith Webb
Maureen Hannan / / Kathleen Langan / / Doug Westmoreland /
Duane Harver / / Vijay Ramnarain /
John Hill / / Scott Shorland / Carla Terian* /

*via conference call, CEFPI guest


1.  Meeting Minutes: June 15th, 2011 meeting minutes were approved with changes noted to attendees (Janice Bourne & Doug Westmoreland not present, Steve Hostetler present), all attendance via Go-to-Meeting.

2.  Treasurer’s Report:

·  The Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted by Keith Webb (prior to meeting).

3. Request for Funds:

a.  CEFPI International sponsorship for speaker request dated July 6, 2011 from Don Gilmore, denied. Motion to deny from Doug Westmoreland, seconded by Dean Tistadt. Suggestion made to write a letter indicated our inability to support the request due to 1) economic conditions, and 2) our focus on providing scholarship funds to conference participants. Per Carla, sponsorships are normally covered and this is an unusual request, the first time she has seen it occur. The speaker fee is $35k and only $10k was budgeted.

b.  There will be a strategic planning retreat on September 13-14, 2011 in conjunction with the Annual World Conference in Nashville, TN. An email is attached outlining pertinent data and conference agenda. In accordance with Section 5.3 of the By-laws expenses for registration to the regional and international conferences shall be reimbursed by the Chapter for the Chapter President/Director and State Director.

Steve, Kathy, Bill, Doug and John are planning to attend the Southeast Regional Conference. The registrations for Steve, Kathy and Bill will be covered but not lodging. Bill may be going for the whole week. It appears we will have at least four people attending the pre-conference session to represent Virginia.

c.  Time should be spent at the next VEFP Board meeting discussing the goals we would like to be brought to the strategic planning session.

d.  We may be at a break point for multiple conferences, especially when they occur near the same time or in close proximity to one another. We may want to consider doing Virginia in odd years and may need to figure out how to tie into the new norm of shared conferences.

e.  Last two years of conferences were a loss for Southeast Regional. The venue had a lot to do with the loss. Speakers are also important. It was noted that the Virginia Chapter did not lose money even though there were tough times economically. There has been no coordination with State chapters relative to times and dates for conferences in the past.

f.  The $100 request for the State of Va PTA (Reflections) was tabled until the next meeting. The Board would like to know why the contribution goes to the PTA and not to the student.

4.  Web Site – New Board members need to submit photos and bio’s for the web site. Existing members may wish to also send photo and bio updates. Jpeg format is best.

5. Mid-year Conference

  1. Conference to be held at Patriot High School (10504 Kettle Run Road, Nokesville, VA at Prince William County’s newest high school. Time selected for conference is 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Oct. 25th.
  2. Panel Discussion to focus on various sustainable design rating systems – LEED (Bryna Dunn, Moseley Architects), CHPS (Bill Orr, CHPS Executive Director), Energy Star (Steve Jurovics, Sr. Engineer, Cadmus Group) and Green Globes (Bruce Brooks, the Director of Facility Management with the Department of General Services).
  3. Doug handed out a draft schedule for the conference. The only revisions were identifying Bruce Brooks as the Green Globes speaker and changing the Panel Discussion time to 1:00 to 1:30 pm and the tour to 1:30 to 3:00 pm.
  4. Each of the speakers is was to be paired up with a client representative. Dean said he would provide someone from his staff for the CHPS session. Doug to email a request for names to the other speakers.
  5. Question regarding how CEFPI could help our mid-year posed. The answer from Carla was yes. We need to get our VEFP contact database to her and CEFPI will do email blasts and website graphics (at no additional cost). Suggested not sending post cards as these would have an additional cost.
  6. Lots of wasted lunches last year due to no-shows. This conference was originally set up as a free bonus to members. There should be no lunch fee but we should add a note requesting notification if they cannot attend.
  7. Sponsorship - We should ask for annual sponsorships and include both the annual conference and the mid-year conference as part of the package and we should do that now.
  8. Question about whether panel entities could sponsor. Moseley Architects will sponsor part since its their new high school design. May also seek funds from Contractor/Subcontractors who constructed the school. Doug to get graphics for web site information.
  9. Mid-year will be tied with Oct. 19th VEFP meeting. We will meet before the mid-year conference. Kathy to check with Congressional Club on golf and coordinate a time if available.

6.  2011 Design Competition:

a.  Communication with university faculty has remained challenging. VT has committed a third year studio to the competition. Hampton University is interested but has requested a different project type and a one month duration in lieu of the scheduled six weeks. UVA has not responded despite numerous emails from both Bill and Duane.

b.  Duane will invite VCU’s Arts school to participate. Board members thought an interior design perspective could be interesting.

c.  Reiterated that this year we will have mentor groups that include both design professionals and individuals from the education side and that we are free to add individuals outside of the Board to the teams.

7.  Annual Conference:

a.  Ideas for conference topics include:

·  Effect of digital media on school design

·  Virtual learning

·  Laptops/tablets/hand-helds in lieu of textbooks

b.  General Sessions to include:

·  Student Design Competition

·  National Technology Specialist – technology impact on facility design

·  CTE (and STEM as a sub-set). Communities adapt locally to CTE needs. Need to ask who may be able to partner with Emily Pilloton (Studio H).

·  Construction Issues (no specific determination made)

c.  Per Carla there is no database of speakers with CEFPI but she will look for a speaker for us.

8. Next Meeting: August 17th @ 11:00 a.m. (Go-to-Meeting)

Notes respectfully submitted by Duane Harver