17.07/1665/FUL – Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 detached houses and a detached garage at RONDAVELS, RICKMANSWORTH ROAD, CHORLEYWOOD WD3 5SB for Planning Solutions Ltd
Parish: Chorleywood / Ward: Chorleywood EastExpiry Statutory Period: 15 October 2007 / Officer: Sara Whelan
1.Relevant Planning History
1.1This application is being considered by the Development Control Committee at the request of three Development Control Councillors.
1.2The application site has historically been considered for redevelopment as part of a larger site.
1.396/0952/8 (Outline) - Erection of five detached houses and double garages on Yeldfield and Rondavels – Approved.
98/0027/8- Erection of 7 detached houses and garages on Rondavels, Yeldfield and Overchess – Approved. Part implemented.
98/0716/8(reserved matters pursuant to permission 96/0952/8) - Erection of 3 detached houses and associated works in replace of existing dwelling on Rondavels – Approved.
07/0786/FUL – Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 detached houses – Withdrawn. This application was presented to the Development Control Committee on 21June 2007. On being put to the committee the proposal to grant planning permission was carried the voting being unanimous. However the red line outlining the application site had been drawn incorrectly. It included a strip of land between the application site and Aldemere, which was not owned by the applicant. The application was subsequently withdrawn on 23July 2007.
1.4This application is a resubmission to application number 07/0786/FUL. There are two differences between the applications. Firstly the red line has been drawn correctly (it no longer includes the strip of land between the application site and Aldemere). Secondly, amended plans have been received illustrating the proposed dwellings to Plot 2 and Plot 3 being positioned 1.5m further forward towards the highway compared to planning permission 98/0716/8. This has allowed deeper rear gardens to the dwellings in Plots 2 and 3 whilst respecting the front building line of the street scene.
2.Detailed Description of Proposed Development
2.1This application seeks full planning permission to demolish an existing dwelling, erect 3, two-storey detached dwellings and a detached garage with associated landscaping, car parking and access. The proposal is almost identical to that already approved under reference 98/0716/8, apart from alterations to the position of the rear boundary and position of the dwellings in Plot 2 and Plot3. There is a wedge of land between Aldemere and the application site which has not been included with the site boundaries of the current application. Planning permission 98/0716/8 was not implemented and has now lapsed.
2.2Currently the application site accommodates a substantial two storey residential dwelling with two circular outbuildings. The existing dwelling is sited in the centre of the plot with a garage built adjacent to the western boundary. The land level gently slopes downward from the south to the north of the plot. The site is within a residential area and is adjacent to Rickmansworth Roadto the south.
2.3The proposed development would consist of demolition of the current dwelling and outbuildings, subdivision of the site, erection of 3 two-storey detached houses and detached garage with two new vehicular crossovers.
2.4The proposed detached dwellings on Plots 2 and 3 would be set back from the boundary with the highway by 9m.The proposed detached dwelling on Plot1 would be set back from the boundary with the highway by a minimum distance of 6.5m. The variance in distances is due to the staggered front building line of the detached dwelling proposed on Plot 1.
2.5There would be a 1.2m separation between each detached dwelling and the flank boundary. Cumulatively there would be a 2.4m space between the proposed dwellings. Plot 3 would have a frontage measuring 13.5m wide and Plot 2 would have a frontage measuring 13m. These dwellings would have a shared frontage and vehicular access. The proposed dwelling on Plot 1 would have a frontage measuring maximum 19m. This proposed dwelling would have a single vehicular access leading to a detached garage to the side of the dwelling.
2.6The proposed dwellings would be 8.1m high. The dwellings on Plots 2 and3 would be a maximum 10.9m wide and maximum 12m deep. The dwelling on Plot 1 would be 11.4m wide and maximum 16.9m deep (including single storey rear element). They would have hipped roofs with subordinate gable end features fronting the highway. None of the proposed dwellings would include accommodation in the roof space. All dwellings would accommodate 5 bedrooms and parking for at least 3 vehicles each. The proposed property to Plot 1 would have a detached garage located between the proposed dwelling in Plot 1 and the flank boundary facing onto Rickmansworth Road.
2.7The materials of the proposed development have not been proposed in this application. If the local planning authority is minded to grant planning permission a condition would be attached requesting that materials be agreed in writing by the local planning authority prior to development commencing.
3.1Chorleywood Parish Council – objection on the grounds of:
-Situated on a corner plot - making entrance and exit of the properties very dangerous and causing road safety problems
-The 3rd proposed house (close to Rickmansworth Road), the garage is forward of the house
-Request input from highway due to the location of the properties
-No demolition until plans are approved
3.2Landscape Officer – no objection.
However, does request the retention and protection of the existing Leylandii boundary treatment fronting Rickmansworth Road. The Landscape Officer will request further information on the foundation details for the detached double garage for Plot 1, due to the close proximity of the garage to the trees the foundations will have to be sympathetic to the root system. Examples of foundations to be used, e.g. piling, pad and beam would be acceptable. However, traditional trench foundations will not be acceptable. Adequate tree protective measures need to be in place prior to commencement of works on site. The tree protective measures need to be in accordance with BS: 5837 (2005) Trees in relation to construction.
3.3Hertfordshire Highways – no objection.
However a condition should be attached to any permission granted requesting that all areas for parking, storage and delivery of materials associated with the construction of this development shall be provided within the site on land which is not public highway.
3.4Site/Press Notice
3.4.1None required.
3.5.1Number consulted: 12
Number of responses:7 objections from 3 properties
The consultation period for neighbours expires on 24 October 2007.
4.Summary of Representations
4.1The following points have been raised:-
-Three Rivers appear to be in conflict with their policies. On one hand they advertise to cut back on pollution however here they seem to be supporting development which will increase traffic movement and congestion.
-Land registry state that Fathiha Lamara are the owners of the application site. However Corlyn D+B have been listed as the owner on the Section 66 ownership certificate.
-The plot is not viable to support three, five bedroom houses, whilst remaining consistent with the surrounding area, the environment, traffic and surrounding neighbourhood.
-As the plot size is smaller than planning permission 98/0716/8. This application should be assessed as a completely new application.
-The proposal would result in overdevelopment, overcrowding and overshadowing and will completely dominate the area.
-GlamayCottage and neighbouring properties will be deprived of sunlight.
-The foundations of the garage to Plot 1 would be too close to the roots of the conifers.
-Habitable room windows on the flank elevation of Aldemere would be severely overlooked and overshadowed by the proposal.
-Aldemere is currently in the process of purchasing a strip of land which will result in the boundary being closer to this neighbouring dwelling.
-The existing plot comprises of merely a bungalow.
-When the 1998 planning permission was granted Aldemere and Glamay Cottage did not exist, therefore the situation has changed.
-The proposed garden sizes would not compare to those of the neighbouring properties.
-The tall vegetation on the strip of land adjacent to Aldemere comprises six Elm Trees.
-The proposal is a rehash of plans which have rightly been rejected in the past.
5.Reason for Delay
5.1Not applicable.
6.Relevant District Plan Provision
6.1PoliciesGEN3, T7, T8, H4, H14, N15, N16, N17 and Appendices 2 and 3 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011 are relevant to this application.
7.1The application is sited in an urban area surrounded by residential dwellings. The site comprises a single residential dwelling. PPS 3 and PoliciesH4 andH14 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 – 2011 encourage efficient use of land which respects the character of the area. The principle of residential development in this location is considered to accord with both national and local planning policy with regard to reuse of Previously Developed Land. Careful consideration needs to be given to the character of the area.
7.2The area comprises a mixed design of detached propertieswhich are predominately two storeys, although there are examples of bungalows within the area. The surrounding properties have plot widths similar to those of the proposed properties (approximately 10-15m wide). The proposal would generally reflect the character of the area with similar plot sizes and building footprints to the majority of properties within the locality. The principle of demolition of the existing dwelling is considered acceptable as the existing dwelling whilst attractive, has no particular architectural merit.
7.3A previous planning permission (98/0716/8) approved a scheme almost identical to this proposal. At this time the proposed three detached dwellings were considered to have similar plot sizes to the existing properties to the north and they would compare favourable to other dwelling units on this stretch of Chorleywood/Rickmansworth Road. The planning application approved in 1998 was assessed in accordance with Policies GEN1, GEN3 and H14 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 – 2011 (deposit draft). These planning policies are now adopted and have not materially changed since the deposit draft. The previous approval is therefore a material consideration in the assessment of the current proposal. Similarly, the scheme recommended for approval by Committee in June 2007 was very similar to the current proposal and is a material consideration.
7.4The amended plans illustrating the siting of the proposed buildings are considered to be in keeping with the general linear siting of existing dwellings in the road. The proposed dwellings respect the front building line of properties on the east and west side of Wyatts Road. Plots 2 and 3 would not protrude forward of the front building line of Glamay Cottage. The dwelling in Plot 1 would project 2m forward from the front building line of the dwellings in Plots 3 and 2. This projection would protrude further forward than the front building line of Glamay Cottage. Plot 1 would be a corner plot with adequate space to Wyatts Road and Rickmansworth Road. It is considered that Plot 1 has adequate space to accommodate a front projection without the proposal appearing prominent within the street scene. In addition the previous planning approval (98/0716/8) approved an identical front projection.The proposed garage of Plot 1 would not be closer to Rickmansworth Road than the flank building line of Chiltern Lodge, the dwelling opposite the application site. It is not considered that the proposed siting of the dwellings would appear prominent within the general street scene.
7.5The height of the proposed dwellings would be comparable to the height of dwellings surrounding the application site. The design of the dwellings would include features common to the area such as gable ends and bay windows. The appearance of the dwellings would be in character with the surrounding area. It is not considered that the proposed dwellings would be dominating or be a prominent form of development in the area.
7.6The proposed development has been designed to meet the criteria of the design guidelines. Although the proposed dwellings would be much closer to the flank boundaries when compared with the current building, they would represent a similar distance to that of many of the surrounding residential dwellings. The proposed development would maintain a minimum 1.2m to all of the flank boundaries as required by the design guidelines of the Local Plan. The proposed development has maintained this distance at both ground and first floor level which is considered to be appropriate.
7.7The amended plans illustrate that Plot 2 would have a rear garden 12.5-11.5m deep. Plot 3 would have rear a rear garden 13.5-12.5m deep. Plot 1 would have a rear garden 8-13m deep. The proposed dwellings would not meet the 14m garden depth as indicated in the design guidelines of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011. However the design guidelines state that where privacy is achieved by means such as careful layout, screening, or differing levels, rear gardens maybe of varied lengths. Considering that the proposed dwellings would face the flank elevation of Aldemere and would not have a direct back to back relationship with the adjacent dwelling, it is considered that the proposed garden depths would be acceptable. In addition neighbouring properties to the east of the application site have a similar garden depth. This would ensure that the proposed development would be in character with plot sizes and rear garden depths in the surrounding area. Compared to the most recent scheme the garden depths of Plots 1 and 2 have increased in depth by 1.5m.
7.8The proposed dwelling to Plot3would have approximately 175.5sqmand the proposed dwelling in Plot 2 would have 156 sqm of rear amenity space each. Plot 1 would have approximately 206 sqm of rear amenity space. The design guidelines state that a five bedroom dwelling should have 126 sqm of amenity space. The proposal therefore meets these requirements.
7.9To the east of the application site is the flank boundary of Aldemere. This property is on a lower ground level than the application site, it is approximately 0.5m below the ground level of Rondevals. There is a 1.8m high wall on the shared boundary with Aldemere and tall vegetation which screens the shared boundary. The proposed two storey dwellings would be over 11.5m from the boundary with Aldemere (although the single storey rear element in Plot 1 would be 8m from the boundary). The rear elevation of the proposed dwellings would face onto the flank elevation of the adjacent dwelling. Therefore the proposal would not have a direct back to back relationship with the adjacent dwelling and as such there would be no direct overlooking. There is a ground floor window on the flank elevation of Aldemere, this is a secondary window to a kitchen. This existing window is adjacent to an existing 1.8m high fence. A condition would be attached to any permission granted ensuring that a 1.8m high fence be erected on the shared boundary with Aldemere. This would ensure that the existing screening would be provided and that the privacy of this flank window is maintained. Considering the juxtaposition of the dwellings, adequate separation distance and existing screening it is not considered that any detrimental impacts of overlooking or overshadowing would occur upon Aldemere.
7.10The main bulk of the proposed dwellings in Plots 1, 2 and 3 would have approximately the same rear and front building lines. However the proposed dwelling on Plot 1 would include a two storey front projection, projecting 2m further forward than the dwellings in Plots 2 and 3.In addition the dwelling on Plot1 would have a protruding single storey rear element, protruding 2m deeper than the rear building line of the proposed dwellings on Plots 2 and 3. It is not considered that the proposed dwellings would have any detrimental impacts of overshadowing upon each other. Only secondary or non habitable windows would be included in the flank elevations. Conditions would be attached to any permission granted ensuring that a 1.8m high fence be erected on the flank boundaries and that the first floor flank windows be obscure glazed. This would ensure that no detrimental impacts of overlooking would occur between the proposed dwellings or upon Glamay Cottage.
7.11The proposed development would result in the removal of a white rendered boundary wall facing onto Wyatts Road and Rickmansworth Road. Although the retention of this feature would be encouraged, its removal would partly be necessary to achieve highway visibility splays and would be considered to be acceptable provided a suitable landscaping scheme is approved prior to the proposed development being built.A condition would be attached to any permission granted requesting that a landscaping scheme be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing. The landscaping scheme would also ensure retention of existing trees on the south boundary and tree protection measures.
7.12All properties would have a double garage and an additional off road space in front of each dwelling. Therefore three parking spaces would be provided for each five bedroom dwelling. It is considered that there would be sufficient parking space at the proposed properties. The proposal would be in line with the parking standards in the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 – 2011. The proposal includes two access points on to Wyatts Road. Hertfordshire Highways have not objected to the proposed accesses. It is not considered that the proposed dwellings would lead to a significant increase in traffic movement. Therefore the proposal would be in compliance with Policy T7 and would not compromise the safe, movement and free flow of other highway users. Wyatts Roadis a heavily used public highway providing access to Rickmansworth Road. If the local planning authority is minded to grant planning permission a condition would be attached requesting that on-site parking shall be provided for the use of all contractors, sub-contractors, visitors and delivery vehicles engaged in or having business on the site, as well as on-site storage of materials, throughout the construction period. This would ensure thatWyatts Roadis not obstructed by construction vehicles.