MINUTES–Retail Market Consultative Forum(RMCF)

DATE: / Friday, 27 March 2015
TIME: / 10.00 AM – 12.45 PM
LOCATION: / AEMOs Offices; Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide Teleconference
Contact: /


Attendees / Company / Sign in
Errol Murray / APA Group / Adelaide
David Woods / SA PowerNetworks / Adelaide
Paul Troughton / Enernoc / Melbourne
Mottel Gestetner / Enernoc / Melbourne
Fiona Savage / Sumo Power / Melbourne
Dianne Shields / Simply Energy / Melbourne
Martin Jones / CUAC / Melbourne
Allicia Volvricht / AGL / Melbourne
Mark Riley / AGL / Melbourne
Arun Wadhwa / Origin Energy / Melbourne
Peter Ellis / AusNet Services / Melbourne
Gabrielle Kuiper / PIAC / Melbourne
Jenna Polson / ERM Power / Melbourne
Matt Jones / ECODEV / Melbourne
Verity Watson / United Energy / Melbourne
Robert Lo Giudice / Acumen™ Metering / Melbourne
David Grove / Origin / Sydney
Susan Streeter / ENA / Sydney
Stefanie Macri / Lumo / Teleconference
Ty Crowhurst / TasNetworks / Teleconference
Sallie Proctor / Energy Australia / Teleconference
Inger Wills / Energy Australia / Teleconference
Tom Cole / Energex / Teleconference
Damien Herd / QEnergy / Teleconference
Hilary Priest / Pooled Energy P/L / Teleconference
Doug Ross / Ross Technology Consulting Pty Ltd / Teleconference
Charmain Martin / Energex / Teleconference
Craig Memery / ATA / Teleconference
Peter Van Loon / Powershop / Teleconference
Brendon McEntee / Endeavour Energy / Teleconference
Gabrielle Kuiper / PIAC / Teleconference

AEMO Attendees:

Craig Parr (Chair), Tania McIntyre (Secretariat), Roy Kaplan, Lee Brown (part), Taryn Maroney (part), Paul Le Favi (part), Danny McGowan (part).

1.Welcome and Apologies

C. Parr (AEMO) welcomed participants to the fourth RMCF meeting.

2. Confirm agenda

The revised agenda was confirmed with the following items added to other business:

  • P. Ellis (AusNet Services) added the following items to the other business:
  • PoC Program of Work update

P. Ellis also requested that the following items be added to the May RMCF agenda:

  • AEMO Brisbane office relocation update
  • PoC Program of Work - A list of projects and activities to be created by AEMO and circulated to participants as part of the meeting May pack. (Action Item 4.2.1)
  • Energy Market Leaders Forum (EMLF) outcomes.

AEMO to add the above items to the May RMCF agenda. (Action Item 4.2.2)


Minutes from the previous RMCF meeting were accepted with no further comments from participants. Action items from the previous meeting were also discussed with no additionalfeedback from participants.

P. Ellis (AusNet Services)amendments were noted and accepted. The revised minutes to be circulated to participants in the May meeting pack. (Action Item 4.3.1)

Organisation Chart Update

C. Parr (AEMO)communicated to members that AEMO would not be publishing an organisation chart. Members are welcome to contact either Craig Parr or Tania McIntyre to be directed to the relevant contacts within AEMO. Alternatively participants may contact the AEMO Support Hub to be directed to the correct area.

Terms of Reference (ToR) – Consolidated feedback paper

R. Kaplan (AEMO) updated the RMCF on feedback/ comments received regarding the ToR’s and the revised document. R. Kaplannoted the following key points:

  • The purpose of the RMCF is to serve as an information sharing platform for the Retail electricity and gas markets,
  • The RMCF is not a change forum,
  • The RMCF gives smaller participants a view of all initiatives in the retail space,
  • The key objective of the RMCF is information sharing and feedback,
  • The key function is to provide stakeholders a forum to be informed about and discuss changes and initiatives related to the electricity and retail gas markets.

Version 1 of the Terms of Reference will now be issued.

4. Collaborative Retail Working Group Report

The Collaborative Working Group Report was discussed with participants, with updates provided on:

  • B2B MSATS Reference Group (BMRG)
  • Gas Retail Consultative Forum (GRCF)

5. NSW/ACT Retail Gas Project update (NARGP)

Roy Kaplan (AEMO) gave an update on the NSW/ACT Retail Gas Project update (NARGP).

P. Ellis (AusNet Services) raised that process mapping is currently being discussed in the BMRG and that gas and electricity process maps need to be aligned in the future. A. Volvricht(AGL) noted that she had raised this point with the BMRG in the past and was directed to the RMCF for consideration. AEMO have captured this issue and will consider it at a future RMCF meeting.

6. Minimum Functionality Shared Protocol (MF-SP) Advice Paper 1

Roy Kaplan (AEMO) gave an update on Shared Market Protocol (SMP) advice paper #1.

S. Streeter (ENA) voiced concerns regarding short timeframes provided to participants in order to provide feedback to AEMO. C. Parr (AEMO) acknowledged these concerns noting AEMO’s attempt to extend the timelines on the initial part of the SMP project, however these timelines were determined externally.

7.Customer Access to Data

T. Maroney (AEMO) addressed the issue of Customer Access to Data (CAD) apologising for AEMO’s late communication of this information to participants.

Project timelines were discussed with participants, noting the change in the first workshop date to better accommodate participants (clash with consumer forum). Participants voiced concerns regarding scope items and items of potential risk including time trigger points. Participants also voiced concerns regarding producing the MDPP with the limited time frames available. C. Parr (AEMO) acknowledged these concerns stating that they would be considered as the process unfolds.

P. Troughton (Enernoc) noted that meter serial numbers were not captured in the table on slide 14 as well as the time stamps from the MDPP. P. Troughtonrequested that these additions be captured in the table on slide 14.(Action Item 4.7.1)

V. Watson (United Energy)noted that metering number and index read also need to be included in the table on slide 14. (Action Item 4.7.2)

D. Ou commented that the scope of workshops weren’t made clear from the slides and requested some further clarification.

8. Minimum Functionality Shared Protocol (MF-SP) Advice Paper #2

Roy Kaplan (AEMO) gave an update on Shared Market Protocol (SMP) advice paper #2.

Participants requested a copy of the SMPAdvice Paper #2 prior to the May RMCF meeting. (Action Item 4.8.1)

9. Other Business

PoC work plan

C. Parr (AEMO) noted that a presentation at the May RMCF meeting will take place on the PoCworkplan.

V. Watson (United Energy) requested that this item be placed at #3 on the agenda and possibly be considered as an ongoing agenda item.V. Watson also requested that AEMO produce a timeline for PoC similar to the one created for the CAD and DSP projects. (Action Item 4.9.1)

10.Close and recap of matters arising

Action Item 4.2.1 / PoC Program of Work - A list of projects and activities to be created by AEMO and circulated to participants as part of the meeting May pack.
Action Item 4.2.2 / AEMO to add
  • AEMO Brisbane office relocation update
  • PoC Program of Work
  • Energy Market Leaders Forum (EMLF) outcomes.
to the May RMCF agenda.
Action Item 4.3.1 / Revised minutes to be circulated to participants in the May meeting pack.
Action Item 4.7.1 / CAD - Meter serial numbers and time stamps from the MDPP to be captured in the table on slide 14.
Action Item 4.7.2 / Metering number and index read also to be included in the table on slide 14.
Action Item 4.8.1 / A copy of the MFSP Advice Paper #2 to be circulated to RMCF participants prior to the May RMCF meeting.
Action Item 4.9.1 / AEMO to produce a timeline for PoC similar to the one created for the CAD and DSP projects.