/ Kyung Tae Lee
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

Office Address

300-4 Yomgok-Dong, Socho-Gu, Seoul 137-747, Korea

Tel: 82-2-3460-1100∼2 (Office)

Fax: 82-2-3460-1111


Website: http://www.kiep.go.kr

Biographical Data

Born on December 26, 1947 in the Republic of Korea

Married, with two children


1983 Doctor of Economics

George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA

1974  Master of Public Administration

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

1970  Bachelor of Arts, Economics

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Professional Experience

2005.1- Present President

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)

2001.- 2004.8 Ambassador

Permanent Delegation of Korea to the OECD

1998 – 2001.12 President

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)

1995 - 1998 Vice President

Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade

1983 - 1994 Research Fellow

Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade

1974  - 1977 Section Chief

Banking Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Republic of Korea

Advisory Activities

2005. -Present Chair, APEC Economic Committee (EC)

2004. -Present Member, Presidential Economic Advisory Council

2001 – 2001.12 Chair

APEC Economic Committee (EC)

APIAN Executive Committee Member

2000 – 2001.12 Member of the Governing Body , Regional Representative

of East Asia, Global Development Network

2001– 2001.12 Acting Chair and Chair of the Board of Governors for the

APEC Education Foundation

1998– 2001.12 Executive Committee Chair

Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation


2000 Commissioner to the Committee on Foreign Affairs Policy

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

2000 Commissioner to the Committee of Industrial Development

Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy

1999 Member of the East Asia Vision Group

1999 Advisor on Competition Policy

Korea Fair Trade Commission

1999 Visiting Scholar, Han Yang University

1999 Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of International Studies,

Ewha Womans University

1994  - 1998 Member of the Presidential Commission on Policy Planning,

Republic of Korea

1995 Member of the Evaluation Committee for Mobile Telecommunications Business Entities

1983  - 1991 Member of the Planning Committee for Industrial Development, 6th 7th, and the New Economic and Social Development Plans, Economic Planning Board

1989 - 1991 Economic Advisor to the Minister of Trade and Industry

1984 - 1990 Member of the Screening Committee on Foreign Direct Investment,

Ministry of Finance

1986 - 1988 Economic Advisor to the Minister of Trade and Industry

Academic Associations

1993 - 1999 Vice Chairman

Korean Industrial Organization Association

1996 - 1998 Executive Committee Member

Korean International Economics Association

1997 - 1999 Executive Committee Member

Korean Finance Association

Awards and Fellowships

1998 Republic of Korea’s National Decoration of Honor

1977  - 1979 Government Scholarship for Ph.D. Studies

Research Fellowship, George Washington University


1) A Comparative Analysis of the Electronic Parts and Components Industries of Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore, Research Report No. 78, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), 1985

2) Economic Effects of Korea's Trade Liberalization, Research Report No. 152, KIET, 1988

3) High-Technology Industry Development and Industrial Policy of Korea, Issue Paper No. 89-37, KIET, 1989

4) Development Strategy for Infant Industries of Korea under the Opening of the Domestic Market, Policy Study No. 89-06, KIET, 1989

5) "Korea's Market Opening, Its Impact, and Policy Responses", Monthly Industrial Survey, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1989

6) "Policy Measures to Reduce Industrial Concentration and Concentration of Economic Power", Economic Development in the Republic of Korea: A Policy Perspective, ed. by Lee-Jay Cho and Yoon Hyung Kim, East-West Center, Hawaii, 1991 (English)

7) Theory and Practice of Industrial Policy, Research Series No. 7, KIET, 1991 (revised in 1996)

8) Korea's Economic Development: Market Pulled or Government Pushed?, Occasional Paper No. 92-15, KIET, 1992 (English)

9) Comparative Characteristics of Korea's Industrial Structure, Research Report No. 290, KIET, 1993

10) A Study of Korea's Development Indicators, Presidential Commission on Policy Planning, 1996

11)  Is APEC Moving Towards the Bogor Goal?, Working Paper Series 01-03, Coauthored, KIEP, 2001

12)  Is the East Asian Development Model Dead?, KIEP, 2001

13)  “Korea's Foreign Trade Strategy in the New Millennium”, Korea's Economic Strategy in the Globalization Era, Coauthored, edited by Oh Yul Kwon , Kyung Tae Lee, Edward Elgar Co., 2003.

14)  “China’s Integration with the World Economy: Repercussions of China’s Accession to the WTO” edited by Kyung Tae Lee, Justin Yifu Lin, Si Joong Kim, KIEP, 2001