Language / Grammar / Skills / Page
4.1 Le patrimoine sur le plan national, régional et local / Understand the notion of heritage preservation on a regional and national scale / Use adjective agreements, comparatives and superlatives / Develop extended answers / 70
4.2 Le patrimoine et le tourisme / Consider the ways in which some of the country’s most famous heritage sites market themselves / Use si sentences (present and future) / Avoid repetition / 74
4.3 Comment le patrimoine reflète la culture / Comprehend how heritage impacts upon and is guided by culture in society / Use the subjunctive with expressions of doubt, uncertainty or necessity / Interpret pictures / 78
Résumé / 82

Pour commencer

The boxed text provides an introduction to the contexts of the unit. It defines heritage as anything handed down to us by our ancestors, including historical buildings and monuments, traditions, and even recipes. France is presented as a country with a very rich heritage, which partly explains why it is such a popular tourist destination: students may be surprised to find that more tourists visit France than any other country in the world.

Le saviez-vous?

This section presents some facts and figures relating to France as a tourist destination. France is popular not only with visitors from other countries but also with French people themselves, the majority of whom prefer to spend their holidays in France rather than travelling abroad.

1 Trouvez la bonne définition (a–j) pour chaque expression (1–10).

Students read a list of words and phrases relating to heritage and match each one to its corresponding definition.


1 b 2 e 3 g 4 a 5 c 6 f 7 j 8 h 9 d 10 i

2 Lisez les textes. Qui…

Students read three texts in which three different people express their thoughts about French heritage. They look at a list of questions relating to the texts and decide which person is being referred to in each question.


1 Enzo

2 Odile

3 Pascal

4 Pascal

5 Odile

6 Odile

3 Travail de recherche. Trouvez sur Internet un des biens français inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. Faites une présentation de trois minutes.

In this research activity, students look online at UNESCO’s list of world heritage sites. They choose a site in France and find out more about it, then give a three-minute presentation in French to the class.

Students could work individually or in small groups, with each person or group choosing a different site from a different region of France, so that you end up with a wide variety of different kinds of heritage sites (e.g. cultural sites, natural landscapes) from all over France.

A self-marking interactive activity to introduce Unit 4 can be found on Kerboodle: Unit 4 Introductory activity. A transcript is also provided.

4.1 A: Le patrimoine sur le plan, régional et local

Spread number / 4.1 A (pages 70–71)
Language covered / Understand the notion of heritage and heritage preservation on a regional and national scale
AQA Theme / Artistic culture in the French-speaking world
Topic / Une culture fière de son patrimoine
Grammar / Use adjective agreements, comparatives and superlatives
Vocabulary / Pages 86–87
Audio files and transcripts / 4.1A Student Book audio: activity 2
4.1A Student Book transcript: activity 2
Unit 4 Bilingual vocabulary list
Unit 4 Bilingual vocabulary list audio
Unit 4 Key expressions list
Unit 4 Key expressions audio
/ 4.1A Reading activity: Le patrimoine sur tous les plans
4.1A Mixed skills worksheet
4.1A Listening activity: Les sites de batailles de la Grande Guerre
4.1A Listening activity transcript: Les sites de batailles de la Grande Guerre
4.1A Grammar activity: Adjectives
4.1A Grammar worksheet: Adjectives
Unit 4 Worksheet answers
1a Trouvez des synonymes pour ces mots, inclus dans le texte.

Reading and vocabulary activity. Students read the text À la découverte du Bordeaux Unesco: the first part of the text focuses on the rich heritage of Bordeaux and its inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List; the second part describes the different ways in which tourists can access the sights of the city.

Students search the text for synonyms of the words and phrases listed.


1 renommé(e)

2 la moitié

3 visite

4 trésor

5 autrement

6 équipé

7 ruelle

8 forfait (exclusif)

1b Répondez aux questions suivantes en français. Essayez d’utiliser vox propres mots.

Reading activity. Students answer questions in French about the text À la découverte du Bordeaux Unesco.


1 pour son rôle historique comme centre d’échange d’influences au cours de 2 000 ans, ainsi que pour ses bâtiments et son patrimoine immatériel comme la production de vin

2 son patrimoine culturel qui ne compte pas ses bâtiments ou sites historiques, par exemple son histoire, sa production de vin et ses personnes célèbres

3 à pied, en bateau-mouche, en Tuk Tuk ou en utilisant les transports en commun

4 en créant des cartes, des forfaits et une application

5 personal response

6 personal response

1c Traduisez en anglais la partie du texte soulignée.

Translation activity. Students translate into English the underlined section of the text.

Suggested answer

In 2007, UNESCO included half of the city on the list of World Heritage Sites. Bordeaux ‘Port de la lune’ is in fact the only urban complex of this size to have been so distinguished. UNESCO wanted to recognise the historical role played by the city in as much as it has been ‘a centre for the exchange of cultural values’ over a period of nearly 2,000 years.

A follow-on self-marking interactive activity can be found on Kerboodle: 4.1A Reading activity: Le patrimoine sur tous les plans.

An accompanying worksheet can be found on Kerboodle: 4.1A Mixed skills worksheet. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

2 Écoutez l’interview au sujet du patrimoine. Notez les numéros des cinq phrases vraies.

Listening activity. Students listen to an interview with Constance about the history and heritage of the area where she lives. They read eight statements based on the interview and identify the five that are correct.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 4.1.


The five correct statements are: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8

A follow-on self-marking activity can be found on Kerboodle: 4.1A Listening activity: Les sites de batailles de la Grande Guerre. A transcript is also provided.

3 À l’oral. Discutez avec un(e) partenaire.

Speaking activity. Working in pairs, students discuss the UNESCO World Heritage List. Do they think there should be such a list? If so, how should sites be chosen? Do they think a site could be important on a local level, without being of world importance?

Students should consider any sites they know as well as the case of Bordeaux. What would be the selection process and what do they think would be the financial commitments involved?

This grammar section provides a reminder of adjective agreement and of comparatives and superlatives. Students are referred to page 142 of the Student Book for more detailed coverage.
For further practice, a worksheet and self-marking interactive activity are provided on Kerboodle: 4.1A Grammar activity: Adjectives and 4.1A Grammar worksheet: Adjectives. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.
4 Insérez les adjectifs dans les phrases suivantes. Attention aux accords!

Grammar activity. Students insert each adjective into each sentence, in the appropriate position as well as in the correct form. Students should read through the grammar box on adjectives before they begin this activity. They may also need to refer to page 142 of the Student Book for a reminder of the position of adjectives (before or after the noun).


1 La tour Eiffel est un monument impressionnant.

2 Paris est la ville la plus visitée de France.

3 En Périgord on trouvera plusieurs grandes grottes préhistoriques.

4 À mon avis le Louvre est le meilleur musée du monde.

5 Dans la région de la Somme il y a de beaux sites tristes. / Dans la belle région de la Somme il y a des sites tristes.

6 La Joconde est l’une des peintures les plus précieuses au Louvre.

5 À l’écrit. « Le monde n’a nullement besoin d’une liste de sites inscrits au Patrimoine mondial créée par une organisation internationale. » Qu’en pensez-vous? Écrivez environ 150 mots.

Writing activity. Students write approximately 150 words expressing and justifying their thoughts on the need for a list of world heritage sites. Encourage them to consider the importance of the sites, the consequences of losing such assets, and the future of UNESCO. Do they think the World Heritage List is worth the financial commitment and the work involved?

4.1 B: Le patrimoine sur le plan, régional et local

Spread number / 4.1 B (pages 72–73)
Language covered / Understand the notion of heritage and heritage preservation on a regional and national scale
AQA Theme / Artistic culture in the French-speaking world
Topic / Une culture fière de son patrimoine
Skill / Develop extended answers
Vocabulary / Pages 86–87
Audio files and transcripts / 4.1B Student Book audio: activity 3
4.1B Student Book transcript: activity 3
Unit 4 Bilingual vocabulary list
Unit 4 Bilingual vocabulary list audio
Unit 4 Key expressions list
Unit 4 Key expressions audio
/ 4.1B Reading activity: Qui paie pour l’entretien?
4.1B Listening activity: La restauration des monuments
4.1B Listening activity transcript: La restauration des monuments
4.1B Strategy worksheet: Developing extended answers
4.1B Speaking and reading worksheet
Unit 4 Worksheet answers
1a Lisez les textes «Le Patrimoine» et «Monument jeu d’enfant». Répondez aux questions en français.

Reading activity. Students read two texts (Le Patrimoine du 21e Siècle and Monument jeu d’enfant), which focus on different initiatives to promote interest in heritage. They answer questions in French about the two texts.

Suggested answers

1 Le patrimoine est ce qui est transmis de génération à génération. Ainsi les bâtiments construits aujourd’hui seront considérés comme le patrimoine dans l’avenir.

2 Chaque personne a été influencée de manière personnelle par ce qui lui a été laissé, soit par l’architecture, soit par les traditions ou les cultures.

3 pour qu’ils reconnaissent l’importance de la préservation des sites importants

4 premier texte: le public / les associations / les commerces; deuxième texte: les parents / les grands-parents / les écoles

5 personal response

6 personal response

1b Traduisez en anglais les passages soulignés dans les deux textes.

Translation activity. Students translate into English the underlined passages from the two texts.

Suggested answers

Le Patrimoine du 21e Siècle:

The future of heritage is an issue that concerns all of us, especially young people, whether today they be designers, manufacturers or users.

Hopefully these European Heritage Days will therefore, for each of you, be the opportunity to marvel, and to dream of what will amaze our children and our grandchildren in the years to come.

Monument jeu d’enfant:

As it is important for children to discover the richness of our monuments, for the last 17 years National Monuments have provided a weekend dedicated to them: ‘Monuments, child’s play / a children’s game’.

An accompanying self-marking interactive activity can be found on Kerboodle: 4.1B Reading activity: Qui paie pour l’entretien?

2 À l’oral. Lisez ces opinions sur le patrimoine. Êtes-vous d’accord ou pas? Discutez avec un(e) partenaire.

Speaking activity. Students read a list of statements about heritage and decide which ones they agree with. In pairs, they discuss their opinions.

Suggest that they rank the statements in order, ranging from the one they agree with most to the ones that they least agree with. This could form the basis of an interesting debate.

3 Écoutez Marie, bénévole pour REMPART qui s’occupe de la restauration de monuments historiques importants. Remplissez les blancs avec le bon mot de la case.

Listening activity. REMPART is an association of non-profit-making organisations in France, aiming to promote heritage preservation. Students listen to an interview with Marie, a voluntary worker with REMPART. They read eight sentences based on the interview and fill in the gaps using the words provided.

Students could use their knowledge of grammar, sentence structure and the context to try to fill in the gaps before hearing the interview, then listen to confirm their answers.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 4.1.


1 bénévole

2 importante

3 attirent

4 rapport

5 biens

6 moins

7 touristes

8 partagé

A follow-on self-marking activity can be found on Kerboodle: 4.1B Listening activity: La restauration des monuments. A transcript is also provided.

Developing extended answers
This skills box gives advice on building extended responses. Students are encouraged to follow a pattern, to ensure that they don’t omit any key points:
S – Statement
D – Detail
O – Opinion
R – Reason.
This pattern can be extended to include:
F – Fact
J – Justification.
Examples are provided, showing how the above pattern can be applied to a piece of writing. Students should try to apply this pattern in their response to activity 4.
For further practice, a worksheet is provided on Kerboodle: 4.1B Strategy worksheet: Developing extended answers. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.
4 À l’écrit. « Il n’y a rien de plus important que notre patrimoine. Il faut le préserver à n’importe quel prix. » Qu’en pensez-vous? Écrivez environ 150 mots.

Writing activity. Students write approximately 150 words discussing the statement given: ‘There is nothing more important than our heritage. We must preserve it, whatever the cost.’