Key to Ofsted actions:

1)an external review of site security is carried out and school leaders respond rapidly and in full to its findings

2) to ensure that all students and adults accessing computer systems have a unique and secure username and password so that internet access and use can be monitored

3) the attendance of all students, including those attending alternative provision, is recorded accurately and in a timely fashion

4) improvethe quality and consistency of teaching so that it is always good or better, and thereby raise achievement, by ensuring that

5) instances of inadequate and weak teaching and low-level disruption to learning are rapidly eradicated

6) all teachers have high expectations of students and use assessment information more effectively to plan and deliver lessons that closely match the needs and prior attainment of all students

7) more consistent focus on encouraging students’ enjoyment of reading

8) students are given clear, regular and helpful feedback on their work so they understand how to improve

9) improve the leadership and management of the school, including the governing body, by: setting clear timescales and deadlines for improvement, together with well-defined targets bywhich to measure success so that the pace of school improvement increases

10) ensuring that senior and middle leaders focus on students’ learning and progress when making judgments about the quality of teaching

11) teachers receive development points that help them to improve

12) tackling inconsistencies in the quality of leadership and teaching through more rigorous performance management

13) stronger accountability of staff ensuring that governors develop the skills required to challenge the school more rigorously by taking part in and responding to an external review of governance

Raise Achievement:
KPI Pre 16 :
2014 - 3LOP Eng - 76%, PP 73% - 4LOP Eng - 41% PP 37% - 3LOP Maths 75%, PP 71%, -4LOP Maths 40% PP 34% - 72%A*-C E and M
2015 - 3LOP Eng - 73%, PP 70%- 4LOP Eng- 37% PP 33%- 3LOP Maths 72 %, PP 65%,- 4 LOP Maths 37% PP 30%
2016- 3LOP Eng - 75%, PP 69% -4LOP Eng- 39% PP 32%-, 3LOP Maths 71 %, PP 68%, - 4 LOP Maths 35% PP 26%
KPI Post 16:
2014 -16 -Increase VA in all subjects, 75% + of subjects achieve positive VA on LATV3
%A*-B and %A-E remains sig plus at Alevel
Target / Action / Resp person / Timescale / Resources / Monitoring / Evaluation / Review
Pupil Premium:
Make significant progress towards closing the gap between LOP for PP students in all key measures / Clear targets and actions for *PP students drawn up ( D) / BRW supported by FAW / February 2014
Onwards / Pastoral staff and BRW time
MIS data drops to support this / Via data drops- every half term
PP data collect (MIS) / BRW half termly to DAR monitored against targets / IEB member with PP oversight
Reports to IEB half termly
Analysis of data for vulnerable groups and appropriate support actioned / MIS(data) /FWA/BRW / February 2014 onwards / Via Data drops- every half term data collection (PP) / BRW half termly to DAR / IEB half termly
Improve links with feeder middle schools to establish an English and Maths baseline and establish transition reading project for summer 2014 (7) / English project at KS3 to enable students’ starting points and progress from Year 9 in English is to be monitored effectively (7)
English Literacy test to help benchmark
Maths ‘test’ / YR- supported by FWA
LA test
MIS / April/May onwards 2014
Project started June 2014 / £1,200 from Local Authority support
Maths staff marking and test devising time / DR via Line Management with KAW
Meeting Middle School Headteachers / FAW
Student Voice following transition
English data / IEB
Data collection every half term to ensure progress is monitored and action taken to raise achievement for all students pre-16 (6) / Revise and implement ‘assessment streams’ to enable tracking of 3 and 4 LOP at KS4 in all subject areas to support better progress / MIS / From March 2014 onwards
Half termly / Data manager time AHT temporary continues / DR / MIS/HAL report to SLT / Progress link from IEB to receive data
IEB monitor at meetings
Ensure use of terminology is consistent across the school and departments and “professional prediction within 5%’ to avoid discrepancies
Enable appropriate data collection post 16 for departmental tracking purposes (6) / Data collection every half term / MIS / From Sept 2014
Half termly / Data manager time AHT temporary continues / DR / MIS/HAL report to SLT / Progress link from IEB
Redefine use of post 16 data in challenging and supporting students’ development whilst also providing parents with clear predictions / MIS / From Sept 2014
Regularly monitor and track Year 11, 10, 9 and 12,13 progress to ensure intervention at classroom level on students’ progress (6) / Raising Achievement Structure/plan* (E) and regular meetings English, Maths, Science HAL’s / DR assisted by FWA / From March 2014 / Temporary AHT continues / DR / KW/DR to SLT / Reports to IEB every six weeks
Ensure students are more actively involved in reading (7) / See mini action plan (tbc) / KWI/LH / From Dec 2013 / KW / Reports termly from LHto SLT
Student surveys
Library stats / Termly IEB
Effective monitoring of progress in Year 9 to ensure all students make expected or better progress in Year 9 / Year 9 data streams set up to effectively base-line and then track progress in Year 9 minimum 2 sub-level / MIS / May/June.
Implement September 2014 / Temporary AHT continues
Data manager time / Dec 2014 via data drops
Improve the quality and consistency of teaching, learning and assessment so that it is always good or better
KPI: More than 80% of teaching is judged good or better, no inadequate teaching, thus improving students learning and progressto support KPI’s for Raising Achievement
Target / Action / Resp person / Timescale / Resources / Monitoring / Evaluation / Review
Staff Appraisal targets linked to 3 / 4 levels of progress to support students’ progress (6,5,12) / Re- working of appraisal targets to add more challenge and rigour and PP focus
Appraisal targets for all staff ensure students make 3 levels expected and 4 levels desirable progress
Reviewed PRP policy /system September 2014 linked to new data streams – all staff with progress related targets and targets linked to TLR responsibilities. / DR
DR / Completed by Jan
Sept 2014
Oct 2014 new cycle begins / Meeting time
Training time / mid term review April by Line Manager / Sept/Oct 2014 following results / As part of appraisal process DAR/SLT/IEB
Ensure instances of good teaching rise to 80% thus impacting positively on students learning (11,12,4) / Rolling programme of systematic lesson observation schedule and departmental review programmes in place
Increase % Good by June 2014
Further increase 14/15 / RAH / Feb 2014 initial phase 1 -reviews complete
Progress indicates 60% are good or better.
Target is 70% by May/June / In school observation
External moderation / Through systematic dept. review programme by SLT and Area Leaders / On going and to IEB
RAH report half termly to IEB on statistics and actions / February /June 2014
New programme in place Sept 2014
Any staff who are Grade 4 supported and revisited after 2 weeks to seek to improvement / KWI / From April 2014 / RAH / DAR / SLT meetings and IEB termly reports
Ensure staff continue to develop as good or better teachers so as to impact positively on students’ learning (11) / Three bespoke CPD programmes show impact:
-25 Staff identified as Grade 3 put on programmes – to include interim appraisal coaching observation- review after six weeks
-‘Good in 10 programmes” outcomes show 50% staff improvement in grading
-CLV programmes ‘ Innovative Teaching programme’ ensures 12 staff improve from Grade 3 to Grade 2 within 6 months / KWI / By May/June 2014 / Support from CLV and Local Authority funds / KWI report to DAR / Regular Reports to IEB / IEB termly
Improved accountability at Departmental/team levels to ensure better student progress (6,10,12) / Clearly identified LM structures and QA system set up to monitor Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Departmental level
Retraining of Departmental leaders/2nd’s to support monitoring and accountability at departmental level
Retraining of SLT in QA and LM processes / RAH/DR
DR/NLE / Half term 4-6 plan and then new system from September 2014
Training June/July – Implement
from September 2014 / 1 day planning June/July-
1day training / Through plan DR/IEB / on-going / Reports to IEB half termly
Termly report from September 2014 to IEB
Improve the quality of feedback on students’ work to enable them to make better progress (8) / STAR assessment system monitored through Quality Assurance processes / RAH lead SLT via Line Management/QA process / From February 2014 / Time for regular book scrutiny / Line Managers/Student Voice
SLT spot checks
Parent surveys / IEB regular reports each half tem / IEB regular reports each half tem
Improve homework provision so as to ensure students’ make better progress / Review of homework policy
Disseminate to staff
Review in timescale / RAH lead / From March 2014 / Meeting time to roll out policy to staff / Review Student voice/Parents’ Questionnaires in Summer term / To SLT / IEB update Summer term
Effective deployment of Teaching Assistants to ensure students make progress / SLE from CLV/KEVI carries out audit and makes recommendations / DR / From May/June2014 / Local Authority funds / DR / Report to SLT and IEB with recommendations
Quality assurance to ensure SLT /Middle Leader judgements of TLA and accurate and robust (4,5,6) / Current Quality Assurance calendar to follow from February onwards.
New calendar implemented September 2014 following summer results / RAH/DR / Roll out March onwards
New System fro September 2014 / DR / RAH / SLT / IEB April, July 2014
Standard Operational procedures by teachers in teaching areas to improve quality of teaching and learning and impact on students’ progress / Class context folders for every teaching group
Re-designed lesson plan to focus on progress of students
IIP for staff following observation / RAH/KWI / February 2014
All lessons observed expect these SOP’s / DR / Via staff voice and lesson observation statistics / SLT / Reviewed Summer term for September 2014 re-launch of ‘Standard Operational Procedures’
Improve behaviour and attendance to ensure all students make better progress-
Attendance KPI: 96% PP Gap reduced to less than 4.5%
Target / Action / Resp person / Timescale / Resources / Monitoring / Evaluation / Review
Attendance systems developed for those educated off site (3) / BRW to develop and train staff
Checks every week
Data to BRW and parents / BRW / From January 2014 / Pastoral team/Attendance clerk / Data to DR half termly / SLT / IEB termly checks of attendance/whole school and ‘educated off site’
Improve levels of attendance to enable students to access lesson and make better progress esp. PP students (3) / Ensure two weekly attendance data is scrutinised
Attendance team strategies for PA
To improve work with 85% attendance concerns
Rewards and Sanctions regarding attendance reviewed / BRW
(pastoral teams)
FWA support / Two week checks / Pastoral team/Attendance clerk / Data to DR half termly / SLT / IEB termly check
Ensure low level disruption is reduced in lessons to enable better student progress in lessons(5) / Short term:
Back to basics – behaviour with regard to ‘no mobile phones’ to be ‘seen ‘ in lessons thus reducing low-level disruption.
Pride in uniform – ties seen / All / From February 2014 / Weekly via HAL’s
Via school’s funnel points / Post Easter 2014 review SLT /staff voice / Summer term SLT
Review of behaviour /attendance systems and structures by external SLE to look to improve effectiveness (5) / Long term:
Review carried out by SLE from CLV Teaching School to provide a report and recommendations on Behaviour systems / SLE / May 2014 / Access to SLE via CLV use of Local authority funds / DR / Report to DR- recommendations to IEB / IEB
Improve the leadership and management of the school, including the governing body
Target / Action / Resp person / Timescale / Resources / Monitoring / Evaluation / Review
Respond to finding of review of Governance (13) / IEB set up March 2014 with a clear remit, calendar of meetings, roles and training programme
(see C) / SD / By end March / LA Representative to provide oversight of IEB
IEB monitors effectiveness of progress in key areas (13) / Monitoring of the Revised Improvement Plan / From March/April
2014 / Reports every three weeks / DR/SLT / IEB at meetings
Regular Student progress updates to IEB – from data streams / MIS/DR / Every data drop / AHT and data staff / Reports every three weeks / RM / IEB
Link IEB member for monitoring spending and impact of Pupil premium funding and performance of PP students
Link IEB member English, Maths, Science- monitoring visits to school to look at students’ progress /Assessment /
Roll out across the school departments / RM
SD / Rolling
April 2014
June 2014 / Reports every three weeks / RM / IEB
Receive reviewsetcIEB receives reports on Teaching, Learning and Assessment
AAAAAAAAAAAsses / RAH to EB / Every six weeks / Reports every six weeks / EB / IEB
STAR marking and improving reading strategies group monitoring / RAH/LH / Reports every three weeks
Ensure all SLT have clear roles and targets (9,12) to support improvement in student achievement / Review SLT staff roles and align to school’s needs and Ofsted areas for action. / DR / Changes from March 2014
Full implementation September 2014 / SLT meeting time / DR / NLE / IEB
Students are safe on site and all safeguarding procedures are followed and checked following a calendared programme / Programme of spot checks is carried out
See Safeguarding Plan is followed and adhered to
BRW/Site team conduct weekly site walks
LA ‘spot checks’ / BRW
BRW / Monthly following plan / IEB member / Termly reports / IEB / Reviewed via report from JB at IEB
IT safety and security / Spot checks
Regular processes followed -policy central / S Mearns/DR
Quality assurance to ensure SLT are working effectively on School Plan and thus impacting on outcomes for students / Clear ‘areas of responsibility ‘ and success criteria / DR/NLE support / Half termly reviews with DR/NLE
Local Authority funds / NLE / Half termly checks / IEB via NLE report / Review in July to reflect effectiveness
Support staff roles and responsibilities ensure students’ learning and progress is supported / Review of support staff roles by SLE from CLV to review roles/work streams /impact and potential re-structure / SLE carry out work / July or Sept
2014 / SLE time Local Authority funds / DR / Report produced / DR/IEB
Teaching staff roles/TLR structures are reviewed to ensure staffing structure ensures students’ learning and progress is supported / Review and re-structure Jan 2015 / DR /NLE / January 2014
Other key actions: March, April May, June, July 2014
Review Post 16 Curriculum from 2014 to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the students (within available resources)- possible ‘timetabling of independent study’ etc. / PDS
Make changes to the KS4 option subjects and choices process to address new accountability measures (Progress eight) for current Yr. 9 students-Options appraisal- Proposals to Governors-Implement changes / PDS/DR
Implement New School Build- Work with the EFA on the new school building / PDS
(6) Ensure summer term time is used effectively by departments to ‘mid term plan’ for September 2014 curriculum delivery and changes to an specifications or curriculum e.g. PSHE/Ethics delivery/ICT Computer Science/Post 16 Eng/Maths provision / DR/PDS/
Continue to develop robust systems to track and intervene to support students’ progress and consider external validation e.g. CAT external validation for data and use of ALIS for post 16 / DR/MIS
Improvement of learning environments – de-clutter- Science/English/main schools corridors and areas and then roll out across the school / BRW/site team
New style SEF completed for whole school linked to this plan (End April) /departmental SEF’s for September reviewed / DR
Interim appraisal meetings to review staff performance and any staff ‘causing concern’ identified March/April / KW/DR
Training Day 22nd April 2014 to consider Strengths and Areas for development and set direction for next 18 months / DR
Retain student numbers especially 11-12 and Year 8-9 to maintain NOR / BW/DR

September 2014 onwards

(4,5,6,10) Quality Assurance framework drawn up to support Middle Leaders to monitor and judge effectiveness of their departments- clear accountability from SLT - Line Management from SLT to support this. / DR/RAH
Data streams effectively support judgements re: students progress in their learning and enable SLT/HAL/Area Leaders to identify and intervene on students not making progress or staff who are not ensuring students make good progress / MIS/FAW
(12,9) Clear Appraisal targets and processes set up to ensure targets at SLT, HAL, TLR post holders are ensuring accountability and to raise achievement / DR/KWI
(4) Structured CPD programme for all staff to ensure the continual improvement of Teaching, Learning and Assessment- identified best practice staff lead CPD programme linked to Training sessions and Training days / KWI
(4) Graded 2 staff become mentors for Graded 3 - and also cascade own training ‘Prudhoe OTP programme’ in house / KWI
(4) Cross school Coaching partnerships are set up / KWI
(6) Clear Annual Assessment calendar in place to collect and act on data collects supporting 100% 3LOP and 35% 4LOP targets in all subject areas
Year 9 data progress system established – student data should drive our school - / MIS/DR
(7) Literacy/Reading strategy in place and transition ‘bench marking project’ for KS3 English underway / FAW
Restructure SEN/PP/G and T provision following SENCO’s retirement to effectively monitor and raise achievement of specific cohorts / DR
Communication policy developed within school and for Parents/Carers, including website and PR materials/LPPA programme? / BRW/DR
New school build on-going / PDS/DR/working group
Departmental PP champions established / BRW
(9) Jan 2015 - Re-structure of teaching and support staff structures/responsibilities and align responsibilities of Hal, Departmental Leaders and 2nd s to ensure better student progress and accountability for students’ progress and learning / DR
(9) Appraisal systems for support staff / DR/KWI
2015 Training day ensures ‘outward looking’ staff / DR/KWI


IEB set up March /April 2014
Meet every three weeks
Carry out appropriate duties
Monitoring of the plan – keeping us on track/evaluating our success/challenging and supporting our work
Regular Student Progress updates
Support and challenge for systematic review of departments
Link member to Pupil premium, English, Maths, Science
Safeguarding/H and S checks
School Finance
Tony Mays from LA reviews the group
Links visits
English, Maths, Science, Pupil Premium, Appraisal
Directs work of ‘shadow governing body’

(D)*Pupil Premium Actions: (BRW supported by FWA)