46th Annual Meeting

Central Atlantic Conference

United Church of Christ

June 11-13, 2010

“Who are you Christians anyway? Seeking our way in the Central Atlantic Conference”

Friday, June 11, 2010

Plenary I

The annual meeting was called into session at 7:36 by moderator Bradley A. Thomas. An opening prayer was offered by Conference Minister John Deckenback. Delegates were welcomed to the meeting by Rev. Hank Fairman, Chair of the Annual Meeting Task Force from Potomac Association.

Quorum Report

Registrar Connie Heasley declared that 94lay delegates and71 clergy were present. Moderator Bradley Thomas declared that a quorum was present. Rev. Kwame Osei Reid, introducedJoe Hairston, parliamentarian. Mr. Hairston shared greetings and ground rules for the session.

Approval of the Agenda

Jim Bundy, CAC Board President, presented the Agenda. It was moved and seconded to adopt the Agenda.

VOTEDTo adopt the Agenda as the order of the day.


A copy of the agenda is attached to these minutes as 10 AM Exhibit 01

Approval of Standing Rules

Bradley introduced the Standing Rules. Delegates were reminded that anyone speaking to the resolutions must be registered and show their voting card prior to speaking. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Standing Rules.

VOTEDTo accept the Standing Rules for Meetings of the Central Atlantic Conference.


A copy of the Standing Rules are attached to these minutes as 10 AM Exhibit 02

Approval of the 2009 Annual Meeting Minutes

VOTEDTo approve the Minutes of the June 2009 Annual Meeting of the Central

10 AM 03Atlantic Conference

Conference Minister, John Deckenback introduced the Business Items:

Election on Officers, Board members and General Synod delegates

OCWM percentage change

2011 CAC budget

A Campaign for the Conference

UCC Constitution and Bylaws Ratification

CAC Clergy Compensation Guidelines

Resolutions on Virginia and Maryland Health Issues

Putting Our Money where our values are.

The business session was declared closed at 7:58 p.m.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Plenary Session II

Moderator Bradley A. Thomascalled the session to order at 9:18 am.

Treasurer’s Report

Robert Ziegler, Chair of our Budget and Finance Working Group, and Conference Treasurer Craig Sparks provided an overview of the Conference finances. Craig stated that our Core Fund is sound. We lost 2 Associate Conference Ministers last year because of budget constraints. The audit was done and they are satisfied.

President’s Report – Rev. Jim Bundy

  • Finances – the CAC has serious financial issues.
  • Recommendation to send a smaller percentage of OCWM to National
  • We voted to suspend the search to replace 2 Associate Conference Ministers; therefore we are operating with 4 members of the Ministry Team instead of 6.

“The Associations have been affected, especially Chesapeake and Catoctin. The current situation is not sustainable over the long haul. This is not all about finances. I am concerned that the clergy and churches receive the attention they need from Ministry Team. I am concerned about the Team’s well-being – travel and stress, dealing with the anger and grief of our church situations. I propose to you a CAC Capital Campaign so we can have funds to support of ministry team, and hire a new minister.”

State of the Conference

The Rev. Dr. John Deckenback, Conference Minister, provided an overview of Conference activities. He shared personal and family news – two weddings, passing of Emmy Roberts, Carolyn’s mother, and the celebration of her life at the Seneca Valley UCC. Carolyn and John traveled to Israel and Palestine while on Sabbatical. He thanked everyone for the gift of his Sabbatical and opportunities to study at the Shalom Institute in Jerusalem.

The conference in 2010 still is one of the most respected and strong conferences. The Chair of the Executive Council of the UCC, Pierson Kemp is one of our own. Our ecumenical guest from the National Presbytery Doris Mabrey brought greetings.

There are four congregations in the CAC which are jointly UCC and Presbyterian. There was misconduct at one of these churches and the Presbytery provided staff support for the situation because of our partnership.

Christ Reformed UCC, Middletown, Md suffered a fire. The fire station is across the street. This congregation is insured by the UCC Insurance Board – good news.

John co-chairs the National OCWM committee with Jane Heckels from Local Church Ministries.

Thanks to Pierson Kemp and the Executive Council, John Deckenbeck was also appointed to chair the search for a new Associate General Minister of the UCC to succeed Edith Guffey.

Financially, we still are in a strong place. We had OCWM go down, at the end of the year.

Biggest change was the reduction of the ministry team from 6 – 4. We now cross Association lines with our Ministry Team. There is some staff presence at all Church and Ministry Committee meetings.We have had more than 30 pastoral searches, and staff 15 interim committees.

John called on the CAC Ministry Team to report.

Rev. Sherry Mason Taylor reported on the search and call process/procedures. She spoke of the electronic distribution of ministerial profiles by Cleveland’s’ Parish Life and Leadership Office. Sherry introduced Rev. Dr. J. David Stinson, Pastor, Glen Ridge, NJ, Congregational UCC; Chaplain, Rear Admiral, US Navy Reserve (Lower Half)who spoke.

Richard Vaught, Assoc. Conference Minister reported on Clergy Boundary Training - Over 80% of authorized clergy have completed training; Over 60% of Conference ministers have been trained. John shared information about Geoffry Black’s visits to the CAC, and changes at Homewood. Springvale Terrace now part of Seabury Homes (Episcopal Diocese of DC) Homewood to open new facility in Shenandoah.

Their was a historic vote on Marriage Equality in the District of Columbia, which our own Covenant Baptist Church spearheaded.

John noted that in our Global Context – there has been progress in Marriage equality and Health Care, but death penalty still tragic, wars continue oil fouls the Gulf; racism immigrants are castigated; ecumenical partners in Colombia know no peace.

Kwame Osei Reed reported that he celebrated 30+ years of ministry.

He spoke of work with new churches Covenant Baptist UCC, and United Christian Church, Lexington Park, Maryland.

Rev. Dr. Michael C. Murphy, Pastor, Peoples Congregational UCC, Washington, DC introduced D. Paul Montero of the White House, Deputy Associate Director of the Office of Public Liaison

D. Paul Montero brought greetings to the Annual Meeting.

Kwame introduced Pastors Dennis and Christine Wiley of Covenant Baptist Church, newly affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Dennis and Chris led us in singing a song Dennis wrote “It’s a New Paradigm.”

The session ended at 10:45am.

Plenary III – 1:00 pm

Bradley Thomas, Moderator called the meeting to order at 1pm.

Moderator Bradley Thomas recognizedCAC Vice President, Jill White to present the nominating report for elections. Jill read the slate of nominations. A motion was made and seconded to accept the slate of nominees and approve their election.

Slate of Nominees

Jim Bundy, President 2nd term

Jill White, V-President 2nd term

Judy Bowman,Moderator, Catoctin Association

David Stinson, Associate Moderator, N.J.

Craig Sparks, Treasurer 2nd Term, Chesapeake

William Federici, completion of unexpired term from Potomac

Wilma White, NJ (at-large)

Hyo-Jung Kim, NJ (at-large)

VOTEDTo accept the slate of nominees and approve their election.

10 AM 04

Vote to affirm the Association Nominated Members and General Synod Delegates

Slate of names for Board of Directors Class of 2013

Gerald Hanberry, Catoctin

Alex Vishio, Chesapeake

William Field, NJ

Bradley Thomas, Potomac

Robert Frye, Shenandoah

General Synod 2013 Delegates


Robert Rock

Delancy Catlett

Robert Ziegler


Ms. Amy Dunham

New Jersey

Dr. William Field

Stephanie Weiner


Jessica Peterson

Barbara Ferguson Kamara


Steve Wood

Hilquias B. Cavalcanti

VOTEDTo approve their affirmation

10 AM 05

OCWM - Craig Sparks, CAC Treasurer and Bob Ziegler, chair of Budget and Finance Working Group

A proposal to change the percentage of Our Church’s Wider Mission received by the Conference from 65% to Conference and 35% to National, to 70% to Conference and 30% to National. This motion is being proposed by the CAC BOD in keeping with the Conference By-laws.

Our goal was to preserve the Core Fund by going from 35/65 to the 30/70 split. This will allow us to have a balanced budget. If we are able to balance the budget, any funds left over will go to OCWM.

It was moved and seconded to change to an OCWM split of 70/30

The floor opened for a lengthy debate. An amendment to the motion was introduced to reduce the OCWM percentage to National only for FY2011, and that the percentage split isreconsidered annually.Moved and seconded to close the debate.

VOTEDMotion passed.

10AM 06

Moderator called for tellers to count the ballots as the vote was taken on the amendment.

101 in favor of the amendment and 70 oppose, the amendment carries. Point of order because of how cards were counted. Recount was done.

97 in favor of amendment and 70 oppose - amendment passes.


10AM07To amend the original motion to include language to reduce the OCWM percentage to National only for FY2011 and that the percentage split be reconsidered annually


VOTEDApproved by voice vote


Call for adivision of the house. Second vote was taken by ballot on original motion with amendment. Vote was 124 in favor and 37 oppose.


10AM09To change the percentage of Our Church’s Wider Mission received by the Conference from 65% to 70% and 35% to National, to 30%only for FY2011 and that the percentage split be reconsidered annually

A copy of the resolution is attached to these minutes as 10 AM Exhibit 3


The 2011 CAC budget as prepared and recommended by the CAC BOD. The 2011 budget includes a 3% salary adjustment for Conference personnel, incorporates the proposed 70/30 OCWM split and modifies the Conference Endowment by merging it with a portion of the Conference Operating Reserve and allowing for an annual draw of up to 5%.It was moved and seconded

VOTEDto adopt the 2011 budget for the Conference.

10AM 10

A copy of the 2011 Budget is attached to these minutes as 10 AM Exhibit 4


The Conference Ministry Team was reduced by two positions on January 1, 2010 as a result of budget reductions. The BOD is recommending development of a “Campaign for the Conference” to restore at least one of these positions with a new purpose, job description, etc.

Whereas the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ deeply regrets the loss of two part-time Associate Conference Minister positions from the Ministry Team of the Conference in 2010. The Annual Meeting urges the Conference Board of Directors to initiate and undertake a fund raising campaign to support current Conference operations and the restoration of at least one of these part-time positions through increased giving to Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM) from our churches, as well as additional gifts from our members, friends and congregations.

Further, the Annual Meeting asks the Board of Directors to continue to develop its proposals in consultation with representatives of the national United Church of Christ and report to the 2011 Annual Meeting regarding the steps taken and progress made. Moved and seconded

VOTEDto approve the Campaign for the Conference


A copy of the resolution is attached to these minutes as 10 AM Exhibit 5


The minimum Clergy Compensation Guidelines – BOD affirmed a 3% increase in the compensation grid which is incorporated into these guidelines.Moved and seconded

VOTEDTo approve the 2010-11 Clergy Compensation Guidelines



The 2009 GS of the UCC adopted revisions to the Constitution and bylaws of the UCC. Moved that we ratify the proposal on ministry to provide multiple pathways to ordained ministries to our church. He yielded the remaining 5 minutes to Dr. Barbra Brown Zikmund.

BBZ stated, “Ministry is the work of the whole church. I think we have a risk here. I was a part of this in the beginning. We need to ratify this to look at the authorization process.”It was moved and seconded

VOTEDto approve the modifications to the UCC Constitution and Bylaws.



Vinnie DeMarco, Coordinator of Faith United Against Tobacco made an appeal that we support these two resolutions - “Faith United Against Tobacco in Virginia” and “We Support the Maryland Health Care for All” Hank Fairman moved and seconded that we adopt this resolution

VOTEDto adopt the resolutions on Faith United Against Tobacco in Virginia and “We

10AM14Support the Maryland Health Care for All”

A copy of the resolutions are attached to these minutes as 10 AM Exhibit 6


“Putting Our Money Where Our Values Are”

Tim Leighton, pastor Church of the Holy Trinity, Hagerstown, MD made a presentation on responsible banking practices. He yielded his time to Jason Judd, the principal author of the resolution, and member of Evangelical Reformed UCC, Frederick, Md. This resolution asks our national church to use our money to provoke change in banking practices.

It was moved and seconded to adopt the resolution.

Line 43 suggested friendly amendment “where practical and prudent”

Tim Leighton, said “we are open to the acceptance of the amended words

Line 44 we changed the language to “financial institutions” not just “banks”

VOTEDTo approve the resolution on responsible banking as amended


A copy of the resolution is attached to these minutes as 10 AM Exhibit 7

Moderator Bradley Thomas declared that the business of the 2010 CAC Annual Meeting was concluded and adjourned the meeting at 3:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Newman
