May 23, 2010

Pentecost Sunday

Vigil:Genesis 11:1-9 or Exodus 19:3-8a, 16-20b

or Ezekiel 37:1-14 or Joel 3:1-5; Romans 8:22-

27; John 7:37-39 [62ABC]

Day:Acts 2:1-11; Romans 8:8-17; John 14:15-16,

23b-26 [63C]

“No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit, there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.”… “He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.”

The great day of Pentecost when the Spirit came down and the church began to soar has arrived. The same Spirit continues to drive and guide the church today. It is God’s Spirit who makes us what we are today.

Paul tells his Corinthian friends that we find three elements - gifts, service and workings. Pause for a moment. Don’t you know you have received the Spirit, both at Baptism and Confirmation? Now ask yourself several questions. What gift has Jesus given me? I might call it a talent or find it in his letters as he speaks of kindness, meekness, compassion. What do I do with it?

The second question finds me asking, in what way can I be of service to the Lord and to others? A parish has many ministries for worship, community building, education and religious formation. As others have served me, may I begin to serve the Lord in others?

The workings of the Spirit are found in a willingness to take another step, to go beyond, to reach out where I have not gone, but the Lord needs me. That is why Paul tells us that spiritual gifts are given for some benefit, for some purpose.

Pentecost is celebrated not just to remember a significant event in the church past, but speaks of a presence today to guide the church of tomorrow. ‘Come Holy Spirit; fill the hearts of your faithful.’

HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly

Congratulations & Good Wishes

Celina Charlier
We congratulate our talented flute player, Celina Charlier, on the reception of the doctorate of music from New YorkUniversity. Celina has faithfully provided her brilliant gift at the Sunday 9AM and 6PM Masses for the past six years.
Fr. Augustine Judd
Fr. Augustine Judd has gone to Washington, D. C., where he will be the Catholic Chaplain of AmericanUniversity. Fr. Augustine was with us since last August with his primary assignment to care for the student community. We wish him well.

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council’s is pleased to announce the candidates for its upcoming election next weekend (Sunday, May 23):

· Patricia Bellucci

· Scott Corrigan

· Rhe Kennedy

· Margaret Lioi

· Michael McCarthy

· John Van Rens

Please read their bios on display in the narthex or on the website at

Pentecost Brunch!

The Pastoral Council will be hosting a brunch on Sunday, May 23, at about 12:30 p.m. (following the 11:30 a.m. Mass) in Casserly Hall in the church’s basement. Celebrate the end the Easter season by meeting and greeting your fellow parishioners.

Sunday, May 23, 2010
James Grayson Scarlett

John Joseph Tirpak V

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wedding of

Anna Rita Cavallini & Joseph Muritori

The Sisters and residents of The Dwelling Place Shelter wish to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to the generous parishioners of St. Joseph. $2,550 was raised for the ministry. God bless you.

Tuesday, June 2 @ 7:00PM

Come Join Lay Spirits for an Evening with Kerry Kennedy author of Being Catholic Now: Prominent Americans Talk about Change in the Church and the Quest for Meaning" writing by Kerry Kennedy.

At St. Francis Xavier Church, 55 West 15th Street
Suggested donation: $15
For more information: 212.627.2100 x 216

At all Masses the Weekend of May 29

Fr. Bob Klein, C.S.B. will be here to speak at all the Masses about the work of the Priests of the Basilian Fathers Missions among the poor and needy they serve in their Latin American Apostolate. There will be a special collection to help them in their efforts to bring the Gospel of God’s love to the poor and needy. Please be generous in your prayers and sacrifices. Thank you.

The collection for May 16 was $6,102.
Our monthly collection from ParishPay is at an average of $4800. Thank you.
We encourage you to enroll via the ParishPay website and click on the St JosephWestVillage link. Use the paperless way to help our ministry.

The Dominican Annual Appeal is a sustained annual giving program to meet the ongoing needs of the Province.

Please pick up the newest issue of The Trumpet and read all about it. The newsletter is on the table in the Narthex.

Please call the Rectory and inform us if you know of anyone who is homebound, feeling the effects of old age or is ill and not able to attend mass. We will be happy to visit them on a regular basis and provide them with the sacraments at home. Call 212 741-1274
Please note that we have a new listing Parish Activities. Please visit our website for the latest news on the NYUCatholicCenter, St. Joseph’s Parish, and links to other Catholic organizations and interests.
Please send your announcements and events to be included in the bulletin and web:



SATURDAY,May 22 St. Rita of Cascia, religious

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25

12:10 PM

5:30 PM

SUNDAY, May 23Pentecost

9:00 AM David Saborio

11:30 AM Cathy Driscoll

6:00 PM David Saborio

MONDAY, May 24

Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/Lk 1:39-56

12:10 PM

5:30 PM

TUESDAY, May 25St. Bede, the Venerable, priest, doctor,

St. Gregory VII, pope, St. Mary Magdalene d’Pazzi, Virgin,

2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18/Mk 12:13-17

12:10 PM

5:30 PM

WEDNESDAY, May 26St. Philip Neri, priest

2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12/Mk 12:18-27

12:10 PM

5:30 PM

THURSDAY,May 27St. Augustine of Canterbury, priest

2 Tm 2:8-15/Mk 12:28-34


5:30 PM

FRIDAY, May 28

2 Tm 3:10-17/Mk 12:35-37

12:10 PM

5:30 PM


2 Tm 4:1-8/Mk 12:38-44

12:10 PM

5:30 PM


10:00 AM / Children’s Religious Studies / Casserly
10:00 AM / Sunday Scripture Discussion / Library
2:30 PM / Roman Forum Lectures / Casserly
7:00 PM / Grad Law / Casserly/Rectory
6:30 PM / Centering Prayer / Church
7:00 PM / YACHT Club for Young Adults / Casserly/Library
7:00 PM / Aquinas Circle of Undergraduates / Casserly/Library
6:30 PM / Korean Catholic Students / Casserly/Library
7:00 PM 2nd /mo / Altar Rosary / Library
6:30 PM 1st /mo / Pax Christi Bd Mtg / PCMNY
7:00 PM / Newman Club / Casserly/Library
6:00 PM 1st/mo / Novena/ Sacred Heart / Church
6:15 PM / St. Egidio Prayer / Church
10:00-3:00 PM / Soup Kitchen / Casserly
12:30 PM 1st/mo / Blessing of the Sick / Church
6:00 PM / Alcoholics Anonymous / Casserly