St Leonard’s CEP – Inclusion Department September 2013

ST Leonard’s CHUrch of england primary school

Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium 2014-2015

Pupil Premium Grant is an additional sum of money paid to all schools in order to tackle disadvantage resulting from low income or family circumstance. The amount is calculated based on the number of students on roll at the school who are currently eligible for free school meals or have been eligible in the last six years, and those students who are looked after in the care of a local authority for at least six months. The funding is designed to allow schools to provide for students who need it most and to counter deprivation and address inequality. The government allows schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent each year since it is schools who are best placed to decide on additional provision and support for individual students. The annual performance tables also details the achievement of students who attract Pupil Premium Grant funding. The funding is allocated on a financial year basis, not an academic year basis.

  • Children entitled to Free School Meals,
  • Looked After Children,
  • Children of Armed Service Personnel

Number of pupils and Pupil Premium grant received.
Total number of pupils on role / 392
Total number of pupils eligible for PP / 133
Amount of Pupil Premium received per pupil / £1,300
Total amount of Pupil Premium
Received 2014-2015 / £172,900
Plus carry forward from 2013/14 / £ 23,356
Total Pupil Premium to Spend / £196,256
Non Pupil Premium / Pupil Premium / Closing the Gap / Pupil Premium / Non
Pupil Premium / Closing the Gap
2013/14 Results / ARE / ARE / 2013/14 Results / ARE / ARE
Yr2 Reading ARE / 65% / 65% / - / Yr6 Reading ARE / 85% / 92% / -7%
Yr2Writing ARE / 62% / 61% / -1% / Yr6Writing ARE / 92% / 88% / +4%
Yr2 Maths ARE / 68% / 61% / -7% / Yr6 Maths ARE / 54% / 88% / -34%
Attendance / 94.6 / 92.1 / 2.5%

The amount received for the financial year 2014-2015 is £172,900 + carry forward of £23.356 from 2013/14 = £196,256. The school and governing body plan to spend these funds in the following way:

  • Surplus costs taken from budget share.

2014-15 Strategy / Cost / Description / Intended Impact / Impact
Additional Teaching Hours / £ 55,685 / Specialist teachers to reduce class size and lead small group tuition for PPG pupils.
EEF impacts:
  • Small group tuition = +4 months
  • Reducing class size = +3 months
In Year 6, the additional teacher runs a behaviour intervention unit
EEF impact:
  • Behaviour interventions = +4 months
/ 87% of PPG pupil make expected progress
All children within 0.2 APS of making good progress or exceeding
All children within 0.4 APS of good progress or exceeding.
KS1 progress is inadequate and will need to be addressed in 2015/16 PPG actions. / Reading: APS
Year / PPG / Non PPG
1 / 3.9 / 4.9
2 / 5.6 / 5.1
3 / 4.7 / 4.1
4 / 3.8 / 4.2
5 / 3.8 / 3.8
6 / 4.8 / 4.4
Year / PPG / Non PPG
1 / 4.1 / 5.4
2 / 4.2 / 4.4
3 / 4.5 / 4.1
4 / 3.6 / 4.2
5 / 4.4 / 4.2
6 / 5.6 / 5.1
Year / PPG / Non PPG
1 / 4.6 / 5.3
2 / 5.7 / 5.7
3 / 4.7 / 4.4
4 / 3.7 / 4.2
5 / 3 / 2.8
6 / 6.7 / 5.8
Interventions / £ 51,473 / 1-2-1 tuition and small group work precisely targeted at pupils who are 'stuck'.
EEF impact:
  • One-to-one tuition = +5 months
/ 100% of PPG pupils involved in this intervention make accelerated progress
Alternative Curriculum / £13,543 / Broadening the experiences of pupils, including support for extra-curriculum.
EEF impact:
  • Outdoor Adventure learning aspect = +3 months
/ PPG pupil participation matches that of non-PPG pupils 
This work contributes to improved attendance, enjoyment and progress
Resources / £ 22,020 / A contribution towards the provision of improved facilities to broaden learning experiences and support learning. E.g. new library, kitchen, use of Numicon / Additional provision groups and access to support PPG progress targets. / PPG Children supported in these facilities made accelerated progress academically/ had no further exclusions and improved attendance.
Traded Services / £9,150 / Purchase of specialist services for support or intervention which cannot be provided by the School. E.g. Ed Psych, ESBAS, Counselling / Reduction in behaviour incidents. / Behaviours tracked.
Serious incidents reduced
Pastoral Support / £39,112 / Development of nurture suite & library / Transitional room to support attendance and parental engagement. / Successfully held PPG parental/ child coffee afternoons and increased parental attendance to events from 14% to 80%
Attendance / £6,503 / EEF impact:
  • Parental engagement = +3 months
/ Improve attendance:
2013-14 attendance (all pupils) = 93.4
2013-14 attendance (PPG pupils) = 91.2
2014-15 target (all pupils) = 95%
2014-15 target (PPG pupils) = 95% / All Attendance = 94.1%
PPG = 92.6%
Gap = 1.5%
Closed gap vs 13/14 by 1% and increased PPG attendance by 0.5% year on year.
Speech & Language / £48 / EEF impact:
  • Oral language interventions = +5 months

Autumn Term Review 2014-2015
The school have secured 4 additional teachers who work across the school in targeted support as detailed below. The diagram below highlights how the Pupil Premium Grant is used to fund additional adults to support significant areas that will drive accelerated progress for Pupil Premium children.
The Nurture Suite & library are in the process of being built and should be completed. Once completed the school will offer additional groups & learning opportunities for both children and adults.
Last year identified a need to support Numeracy and ensure that the progress for Pupil premium children is accelerated. Numicon has been purchased and all staff are receiving training in an INSET day on 14th November. This will support more focused booster groups.
Autumn Term update
Latest data identifies that:
  • Maths progress = above target in 5/ 6 year groups for PPG pupils.
  • Writing progress = above target in 2/6 classes and close to target in 2/6 for PPG pupils.
  • Reading progress = above target in 4/6 year groups.
Actions identified by the above data is progress in Year 2 and progress in writing.
Strategies to address these areas are:
Area for development / Strategy / Who / When / Success Criteria / Impact
Writing / Staff Development & coaching
Speed Up Writing
Focus Pupil Progress Meetings
Identify impact/ use of PPG teacher / SLT & Phase Leaders
JB/ Phase Leaders
SLT + class teachers
SLT/ JB / All underachieving will improve Rag rating by 1.
PPG provision(PPG teachers) shows good % accelerated progress (2+ pts) / Staffing changes had an impact on PPG teachers deployment around school and additional provision.
Year 2 progress / Staff Development & Coaching
Recruitment of Maternity cover
Pupil Progress Meetings / SLT/ Phase Leaders
Identify key children that need to receive additional support / Year 2 Progress will improve to expected progress ( RI)
Maternity teacher recruited allowing PPG teacher to continue provision
Accelerated progress for additional provision given (2 pts +)
Reduced attendance for PPG pupils / Reward incentives
Identify pupils and put in place support plans/ ESBAS referals
To raise parental engagement – through the looking glass? Parent partnerships.
Ensure all PPG children are identified. / JB
JB/Office / Attendance for PPG pupils to reach 93%
