Joint Declaration

The Italian Republic and the Republic of Slovenia held the sixth meeting of the Coordination Committee of Ministers on 10 October 2017in BrdopriKranju, Slovenia. This form of collaborationis based on the2007 Memorandum of Cooperation and is aimed at further strengthening the relationship through shared initiatives in fields of common interests. The Memorandum stipulates that the scope of activitymay be expanded to other fields of interest by the two States. Italy and Slovenia therefore welcomed the participation of the Ministries of Interiorat the sixth meeting.

The delegations of the Italian Republic and the Republic of Slovenia confirmed the friendly and partner relations between the two countries. High level dialogue was mantained since the lastsession of the Committee, including the recent working visit of the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic Paolo Gentiloni to Slovenia on 7 September 2017. In 25 years of diplomatic relations,which we mark in 2017, Italy and Sloveniahave developed intensivedialogue on both bilateral and international issues. Both Partiesexpressed the intention to further intensify bilateral dialogue on working and high level political levels and to continue regular consultationson European, regional and multilateral issues.

Both Parties underlined the significance of the autochthonous Slovenian and Italian national minorities living in Italy and in Slovenia – and their potential contribution to the economic growth of the Area - and confirmed their commitment to consistently guarantee and enforce their rights in line with the adopted national and international legal acts. The two countries further reiterated the importance that both minorities are involved in the decision making process regarding their rights. Italy and Slovenia welcomed the Interreg project developed by the two minorities in order to promote multiculturalilsm and multilingualism as touristic and cultural assets of the territory.

The Parties welcomed the forthcoming entry into force of the Agreement betweenthe Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on cooperation in culture andeducation and will endeavour for its implementation.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Rome Treaties. Despite the many challenges ahead of the EU, Italy and Slovenia remain devoted to the goals and pledges of the Rome Declaration, adopted on 25 March 2017 in Rome. Both countries share the vision of secure, prosperous, competitive and socially responsible European Union, with a key role in the world. The discussion on the future of the EU should therefore focus on how the European integration could be strengthened in the most efficient and functioning way while avoiding divisions among its Member States.

Italy and Slovenia reiteratedcontinuos support for the enlargement of the EU with the countries of the Western Balkans.Challenges facing aspirant countries should be met also by proactive approach from the side of the EU;when the conditions are met, the EU should be able to respond and ensure dynamic progress of the aspirant countries. At the same time , the rule of lawand progress within the chapters 23 and 24 are crucial to begin a successful transformation process towards norms and standards of the European Union. Regional cooperation and good neighbourly relationsalso remain essential elements of the enlargement process. Italy anSlovenia share the position that the countries of the region should be treated as partners when addressing challenges posed by migration and security issuesand when planning future projects such as infrastructural network. In this regard regional cooperation initiatives, such as the Berlin process – whose relevance has been reinforced by the excellent results of the Trieste Summit under Italian Presidency - and the Brdo-Briuniprocess, as well as common membership in Central European Initiative and Adriatic Ionian Initiative, represent an important part of Italian-Slovene cooperation.

The two Parties have committed to work together on common current international challenges. They share the belief that a common European solution based on the principles of cooperation and solidarity is needed to manage the migration phenomenon in an effective way and they will strengthen bilateral mechanisms of cooperation. A key component of the European response to the migration phenomenon lays also in the full and effective implementation of the relocation programme in Greece and Italy, which constitutes a concrete form of solidarity to the Countries which are the most affected by the massive flows of migrants, as well as the resettlement programme in Turkey as part of the overall cooperation with this country in the field of migration management. Italy and Slovenia share the need to continue to workon the Central Mediterranean migration route and they welcome the Communication on Migratory Partnerships and the Malta Declaration with its Implementation Plan which is specially focused on Libya. They also share the need to continue the work of the Contact Group of the Interior Ministers along the Central Mediterranean migration route. The two Countries are aware that regional and international cooperation is essential for the stabilization in Lybia.

At the same time the two Countries have to continue to maintain focus on the Western Balkans route, as well as onother possible routes.

The beneficiaries of international protection should be included in integration programmes to the benefit of both the host communities and the persons concerned. In this regard the exchange of best practices between Italy and Slovenia could be useful for both Parties. Besides, the two Countries remain committed to support a fair evolution of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) based on mutual trust, fair sharing of responsibility including the implementation of the EASO Country of Origin Information (COI), in order to ensure mutual recognition of positive asylum decisions.

Italy and Slovenia are responsible members of Schengen area. Both Countries are committed to fully implement the Regulation regarding the systematic checks against relevant databases at external borders in order to fight terrorist threats and to improve public security. Migration issues cannot be solved with the controls at internal Schengen borders. Therefore Italy and Slovenia welcome the proposed measures that were recently adopted by the Commission in order to preserve and strengthen the Schengen area. However, the two Countries believe that member States, particularly those affected by the reintroduction of internal border control, should have a greater role in decision-making procedures as regards temporary reintroduction of border control at internal borders.

Italy and Slovenia are committed to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR)and the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region. The Central-European Initiative, the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative and the EU macro-regional strategies represent a significant impulse to the Western Balkans countries towards the EU integration processes.

Italy and Slovenia reviewed the progress made in different areas of cooperation since the last meeting of the Coordination Committee of Ministers on 27 May 2014 in Rome and exchanged views on different topicsof mutual interest:

As regards infrastructure and transport, Italy and Slovenia will make all the necessary efforts to implement the cross-border TEN-T, especially railway connections, in accordance with theRegulation EU 1315/2013.

In the field of road transport, Italy and Slovenia are committed to cooperate in the framework of the European Union to find synergies on the future EU Mobility Package.

In the field of energy,Italy and Slovenia exchanged views on the EU Clean energy package and agreed to strengthen further regional cooperation in this regard. The two countries will continue prosperous cooperation in the field of the electricity market reform where both parties welcomed the market coupling launched in June 2016. Italy and Slovenia will also continue to cooperate in the development of common views in the framework of the European Projects of Common Interest and other common gas and electricity cross-border energy projects having in mind energy security and affordable energy for consumers.

Italy and Slovenia will further enhance existing cooperation in the fields of environment and spatial planning with a specific focus on cross-border cooperation on water and flood risk management, nature conservation as well as on maritime spatial planning, to achieve sustainable development and green growth in the area. Both countries welcome the existing good cooperation in the frame of Hydro-Economic Commission and the bilateral cooperation in Alpine Convention. Both sides fully support the development and implementation of the bilateral project VISFRIM, focusing on implementation of the flood risk reduction measures for the Vipava/Vipacco river and GREVISIN, developing green infrastructure in the field of sustainable river basin management. Additionally, the two countries will commit themselves to enhance cooperation on environmental assessments to streamline the procedures of trans-boundary consultations for Strategic Environmental Assessment of plans and programs.

The two countries agree on the importance of economic and commercial cooperation, and support initiatives to further strengthen ties between Italian and Slovenian and promote joint cooperation, especially in the field of high-tech, research and innovation, with specific reference to machinery and ICT sectors, of energy, especially in renewable and clean energy sources, and strive to enhance existing cooperation in the automotive industry, and tourism sector which has a significant importance in the economies of both countries.

The two parties expressed satisfaction at the growth of interest by Italian and Slovenian enterprises to explore new investments and joint ventures in both countries.

We support the organisation of different business events – such as the »Italian Business Forum« - which bring together both communities and present a possibility to seek new business opportunities. With this view, ITA Agency and SPIRIT Slovenija have signed last July in Trieste, on the occasion of the Western Balkans Summit, a Memorandum of Understanding on economic cooperation in order to expand trade and develop stronger business relations between Italy and Slovenia.

Italy and Slovenia emphasise the importance of agriculture as a driver of sustainable development and strategic sector for economic recovery and will further endeavour to enhance bilateral cooperation in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) sector. Special attention will be paid to discussions on the future of the CAP. In the field of fisheries both sides will promote cooperation with the aim of achieving the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy in the North Adriatic Sea.

Italy and Slovenia support cross-border projects of broadband construction. Slovenia is prepared to take part in other projects on digital society development.

Regarding cross-border harmful interferences Slovenia appreciates the switch-off of TV channels interfering with operating Slovenian channels in November 2016 and expects also the switch-off of the remaining interfering channels according to the Decision 2017/899/UE and the Adriatic and Ionian Agreement signed on 3rd October 2017. Slovenia also reiterates the urgent need to eliminate interferences in the FM radio spectrum as well.

Both countries undertake to fully apply the provisions set out in Geneva 84 and Geneva 06 agreements and reaffirm their commitment to swiftly resolve the issue of FM frequency interferences in line with international legal obligations, arising, inter alia, from membership of both countries in the international Telecommunication Union.

In parallel to efforts to solve the question of harmful cross-border interferences in various multilateral fora, especially within Radio Spectrum Policy Group's good offices procedure, Italy and Slovenia agreed to continue with regular meetings at the expert level in order to make a step forward to the final comprehensive solution in accordance with the international legal obligations.

Italy and Slovenia agree to promote and exchange experiences and best practices related to scientific and technological cooperation, including research infrastructures projects, in particular in the framework of Horizon 2020. To this end, a joint research day was organized in Trieste, on 15 November 2016, to encourage cooperation in scientific and technological research by sharing experiences and identifying new initiatives, that showcased the excellence of the Italian and Slovenian research and innovation systems in sectors of mutual interest. The aim was to extend traditional trans-border cooperation to opportunities and collaborations at the national level with joint actions, consistent with national smart specialization strategies, defined within EU Research Framework Programmes and macro-regional strategies. In this perspective of greater cooperation, joint participation to research infrastructures was also discussed. The two countries agree to follow this successful experience.

In order to further harness the potential and benefits of bilateral cooperation, a new Work Programme for Scientific and Technological Cooperation has been agreed upon and signed on the occasion of the sixth meeting of the Coordination Committee of Ministers.

Italy and Slovenia exchanged information about the latest developments in the field of education and agreed to broaden cooperation in higher education,with special regard to the establishment of double and joint degrees,by taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the common membership to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Lisbon Convention), developed by the Council of Europe and UNESCO, and the common activities within the European programme Erasmus+ and also within the framework of the existing cultural bilateral agreements.The Italian side ensured the Slovenian side of its intention to nominate an Italian pedagogical counsellor for the Italian language in Slovenia.

The two Parties undertake to reciprocally promote, within the competent bodies of the European Union, actions aimed at a further significant development of the Erasmus + program, both in terms of funding and of access to the eligible student population.

A mid-term assessment of activities in the fields of mutual interests will be carried out prior to the next Coordination Committee of Ministers to be held in Italy.

BrdopriKranju, 10October 2017

For the Government of the
Italian Republic
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Angelino Alfano / For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Karl Erjavec