Connie Grogan

2nd Grade Phonics Week of: 9/19/16

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Learning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Students will be able to
Review facts about the alphabet. / Students will be able to
Practice writing initials for first and last name. / Students will be able to
Introduce positional words: initial, final, medial / Students will be able to
Review positional words and alphabet facts. / Students will be able to
Lesson Procedure: / Lesson 16
New Increment: Digraph ch /k/, /sh/ / Lesson 17
Initials & Capitalization of names
New Increment: Voiced s / Lesson 18
Positional words
New Increment: Combination er / Lesson 19
New Increment:
Combination ir / Lesson 20
TEKS Standard(s):
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
(Small group, pairs, individual, whole group) / Whole Group
Dry Erase Markers/Boards / Whole Group
Dry Erase Markers/Boards / Whole Group
Dry Erase Markers/Boards / Whole Group
Dry Erase Markers/Boards / Whole Group
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
*Formative: (daily)
*Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative:
Daily Worksheet practice. / Formative:
Daily Worksheet practice. / Formative:
Daily Worksheet practice. / Summative:
It is expected that all children will master at least 80% of the concepts.
Higher Order Thinking/Questioning: / Application:
How do you apply what you know about open vowels? / Application:
How do you apply what you know about short vowel sounds? / What would result if you didn’t learn the vowel rules?
Academic Vocabulary: / Syllable:
Is a word part containing one vowel sound. / Initial: at the beginning
Final: at the ending
Medial: in the middle
Resources: / Saxon Phonics / Saxon Phonics / Saxon Phonics / Saxon Phonics / Saxon Phonics
Technology Integration: