Plan for Success/class policy French 1-2


Salut les étudiants,

Bienvenues dans la classe de Francais. Je m’appelle

Monsieur Lautt,et Je serai votre professeur cette année. Le francais est une tres belle langue,et nous allons nous amuser beaucoup en le decouvrant.

...... Welcome I am Mr. Lautt and I am looking forward to speaking French with all of you this semester. We are going to be introduced to the beautiful French language as well as many French speaking countries and cultures which will be a lot of fun.

Before we begin, I want to outline some class information, policies and expectations of you and your responsibilities to make this year a success.

MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to develop the students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing French, while increasing their knowledge of French grammar and heightening their awareness of the people, cultures and customs of French speaking countries.

Course Description: French 1-2 is a first year course. Students will be responsible for communicating with classmates in French on a daily basis.

Expected Outcomes:

1. Pronounce French words with acceptable pronunciation.

2. Speak spontaneously, given 1st year topics

3. Use 1st year grammatical structures accurately in writing and speaking

4. Comprehend and use vocabulary in all language skills

5. Write descriptive paragraphs. Dialogues, letters and reports with expanded usage of

vocabulary and grammar.

6. Demonstrate an understanding of aspects of French speaking cultures

7. Develop an appreciation of French accomplishments and contributions to the global


8. Read and comprehend written materials covered in 1st year French.

9. Develop an interest to continue the study of French


Students will benefit from World language study in several ways. they will gain an appreciation, awareness of French speaking cultures ,they will improve their English grammar skills and they will perform better on the SAT,ACT, and AIMS tests.


Grades will be based on homework assignments approximately 35% tests, quizzes 35% performance and participation 30%. Homework must be completed on time.

Students must come to class with all necessary materials. Failure to bring materials to class may lead to lack of comprehension or incomplete assignments, and result in a lower grade.

Grading Scale: A=100%-90% B= 89%-80% C=79%-70% D=69%-60%

I want you to STRIVE for a B or better !

Tutoring If at any time your grade falls below a 70% you will be required to attend tutoring

If you need extra help I am in my room 9007 M,T,TH, F from 2:55- 3:30

You may make an appointment with me to get extra help during those hours.


All students are required to have one 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder which contains six divider sheets. This 3-ring binder will be used for French only as well as a pen or pencil you will be provided a work book


Student attendance is crucial to academic success. Students are counted absent in class if they are not in attendance for more than one-half of the class period. Student absences must be verified, in writing, by a health care professional or parent/guardian. A signed, dated excuse stating the reason for the absence must be submitted to the Registration Office the day students return to school. In addition, parents are to call the school’s attendance office on or before the day of absence, if possible.

(602)764-6023 or (602)764-6021.

Plan for Success Statement:

1.  The Phoenix Union High School District believes that daily participation in classroom instructional activities is essential to earning credit in every course. Students may fail the class for the semester in any course, when reaching a total of 12 excused/unexcused absences and after school-documented interventions have been exhausted.

Students under sixteen years of age may be referred to the Maricopa Juvenile Court when they have accumulated six or more unexcused absences in any semester, or have been absent from school for more than ten percent of the total number of required days per year. Students are subject to referral when they have accumulated ten unexcused absences in any class during a semester. Students may be dropped from classes or school, or lose credit in a course due to excessive absences.

When students have been absent, it is their responsibility to discuss make-up assignments with teachers without delaying or disrupting classes.

Home work Policy

Each student will usually be assigned 10-15 minutes of homework on school nights.

In the form of hand outs or vocabulary, note review or practice

Make-Up Policy:

You will be allowed to make up work up to the number of days you missed. Anything turned in after 5 days will receive 50% credit There will be after school French tutoring available. Dates to be announced later.

Classroom Expectations:

I have simple expectations if adhered to will take you a long way in this class as well as your others.

1. Be prepared!

2. Respect others!

3. Do what’s right!

4. Do your best!

5. Finish what you start!


General Rules:

Class always starts on time. Be where you are supposed to be. During class if you need to get up to sharpen your pencil you will be instructed how to ask in French.

There will be no food/gum or drinks in class. Clear water bottles are allowed. Electronic devices are prohibited. If you ever need to contact me my school number is 602 764-6283

School e-mail is .


Parent Sign off Sheet

I______have read and understand the classroom

Plan for Success /Class policy for French.

If I have any questions about my students’ progress, assignments or behavior I will contact Mr. Lautt.


Period ______

Student number______

Phone number where parent can be reached:______

Parent signature______Date______

Parent E-Mail______