April 12, 2016



WCA President, Joaquin Arrillaga, called the Voting Members Meeting to order at 7:00 PM. There were 2,985 members of the Association represented by the presence of the Voting Members. The notice was also posted on the WCA marquees on March 3, 2016.


Members Present Members Absent Staff members present

Abbotsford-Ralph Caputo Bennington Debbie Sainz, CAM

Brentford – Marty Hamilton Berkeley Square Charlotte Adams, CAM

Bridges – Cynde Mercer Shires

Castleford – Joe McIvor Stamford

Chelmsford – Bill Dennis Wycliff

Glencliff – Ed Fugit

Glenfield – Shon Diaz

Greens – Gerald Pappa

Harbor Links – Nancy Sells

Keswick – Leslie McCluskie

Kingsford – Forrest Baumhover

Radcliffe – Charles Hoppe

Saville Rowe – Cathy Delorenzi

Single Family of WPV – Mary Griffin

Stockbridge – Ed Siler

Townhomes of WPV- Mary McQuinn

Traditional Townhomes – Karen Nelson

Village Green – Ahad Diba

Villas of WPV – Carl Longnecker No Voting Members

Vineyards – Kevin Kwan Arlington

Woodbay – Trish Lewandowski Classic TH

Woodbridge – John Parcelwicz Enclave

Worthington – Lisa Godfrey


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those present.

IV. Minutes

Approval of Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2016 Monthly

Chuck Hoppe made the motion to approve the 03/08/2016 meeting minutes. Ed Siler seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 23-0

V. New Business

·  Amendment to Brentford Mailbox Guideline – Initial Approval

Ed Siler made the motion to give initial approval for the Brentford mailbox guideline requirement. Mary Griffin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 23-0

·  Crime Prevention Task Force-Crime Awareness Program Update

Presentation was given by Mr Brian McNeal from the Task force Group with multiple handouts provided to attendees.

·  Member Code of Conduct

Voting Member Eric Holt requested the VM’s discuss an email that was distributed by Nancy to the VM’s in December regarding a potential code of conduct infraction by a board member at the December Board of Directors meeting. Due to Eric’s unintended absence, he asked Nancy to read the email that was sent and to answer any questions the VM’s may have about the incident.

After discussion, it was requested of management and the President to have the tape recording made available for the VM’s at the May meeting if it is still available.

It was further requested that all VM’s review the Code of conduct and submit any proposed changes to management for review and consideration at the May VM meeting.

VI. Other Business

·  Document Review Committee

Dale Sells informed all members that the committee has officially been formed and will be having its first meeting on May 5th. Dale requested that any recommended changes be sent to management.


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