PRESIDENT (Executive Committee Member):

·  Preside at all meetings.

·  Oversee the day to day running of the Football Club.

·  Liaise with Kogarah Council;

·  Sponsorships; general club business.

·  Attend SGFA Management, Judiciary & other special meetings as required

·  Attend Youth club Meetings

·  Address any issues raised by concerned parents, etc.

Time Required – Approx. 2 hours per week.

VICE-PRESIDENT (Executive Committee Member):

·  Preside at the meeting in the event the President is unable to be present for

·  Review all send offs and cautions with the reason and report back to the Management Committee.

·  Attend SGFA Management, Judiciary & other special meetings as required. Time Required – Approx. 1 hour per week.

SECRETARY (Executive Committee Member):

·  Maintain record of Inward & Outward correspondence and Clear P.O. Box & RSL Club for mail on a weekly basis.

·  Forward Minutes of SGSFA Executive & Management Meetings to Club Delegates.

·  Prepare letters of appeal and complaints re: incidents at games.

·  Advise Association Secretary of injuries to players and process Insurance Claim forms.

·  Liaise with the Association Secretary in regard to drawchanges washed out games, ground closures & pass updates to Team Managers.

·  Respond to all phone and email enquiries received regarding playing with our Club.

·  Respond to all enquiries & concerns received from Team Managers, Parents, etc

·  Record minutes at meeting when the Assistant Secretary is absent.

Time Required – Peak time prior to the beginning of the season is approx. 3hrs. Approx. 2 hours each week during the season. Post Season to make up team booklets, assist with presentation / picnic, this would take approx. a little more time over a few weeks leading up to the presentation.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY (Executive Committee Member):

·  Assist the Secretary in the day to day duties.

·  Collect Match Sheets from canteen on Saturday & Sunday afternoons.

·  Check Match Sheets have been completed correctly by Team Managers. Email results to SGSFA Competition Secretary by 7pm.

·  Ensure ID cards for those players who have received 3rd yellow card are handed in and deliver same to the Association.

·  Deliver Match Sheets for the weekend’s games to the Association by 9.00am Monday each week.

·  Be responsible for the recording of all minutes for all Club and Committee meetings.

·  Be responsible for recording the attendance at such meetings.

Time Required – Approx. 1 – 2 hours to type up minutes post meeting. Approx. 1 hour per week.

TREASURER (Executive Committee Member):

·  Prepare Treasurer’s Report each month and present at Committee Meetings.

·  Pay bills, reimbursements, etc.

·  Receive registration monies / cheques received on Registration Weekend.

·  Bank all incoming monies / cheques received.

·  Issue receipts where needed.

·  Pay Referees Fees.

·  Keep Cashbook (spreadsheet) up-to-date and reconciled to bank account.

·  Prepare budget for next year.

Time Required - Perhaps an hour per week, with peak periods in late January / February (registration weekends) and April (referee fees) .

REGISTRAR (Executive Committee Member):

·  Accept and process each Football Applications for registration.

·  Maintain the Club’s database.

·  Synchronize the data with the Association if and where required.

·  Liaise with Association’s Registrar.

Time Required - Peak time is from Registration weekend (last weekend in January / first weekend in

February) and up until when the competition starts (usually early / mid April).

ASSISTANT REGISTRAR (Executive Committee Member):

Assists the Registrar with the above duties where necessary and appropriate

Time Required - Peak time is from Registration weekend (last weekend in January / first weekend in

February) and up until when the competition starts (usually early / mid April).


You will be the first point of call for any enquiries, concerns or complaints about harassment or abuse.

·  The MPIO provides information and moral support to persons with concerns / complaints.

·  The position of MPIO at club level helps to improve awareness of child protection and harassment free sport and provide a safe and enjoyable sporting environment.

·  Completion of the free on-line training at www.playbytherules.net.au is required as a minimum.

·  However, the completion of an accredited MPIO course is preferable.

Time Required – Very little time is needed in general, unless there are concerns / complaints raised throughout the season. The “preferred” accredited MPIO course is a 1 day course that you should consider attending.


·  Responsible for organising pre-season trial games with other clubs & teams. Once the season “officially” commences, your job is pretty much done.

·  Season commences approx. around mid April of each year.

Time Required – Once the teams have been selected confirmed, the peak time will be from say mid March to say mid April, with approx. 1 – 2 hours each week during this time.


·  Responsible for publicising all fixtures & activities as directed and or approved by the Committee on the Club’s Website, which includes the weekly team reports; club news; events; contacts and anything else that needs to be maintained on our website.

Time Required – Approx. 1 hour per week. IT / web design experience preferred.


·  Will be responsible on behalf of the Club / Committee for the purchase, issue and collection of all Club equipment throughout the season.

·  Shall maintain an inventory of all Club equipment (new / old / unused).

·  Provide replacement equipment if and where necessary.

·  Maintain accurate records of all equipment issued to and returned by each team.

·  Make recommendations to the Committee with regards to writing off of any lost, stolen or unserviceable equipment.

Time Required - Peak time is from after the Registration weekend (last weekend in January / first weekend in February) and up until when all the gear has been distributed to the teams (around mid March). After the season, collect; review the gear take inventory of what has been returned in readiness for the next season (August / September).

ASSISTANT GEAR STEWARD: (2 positions required for this role)

Assists the Gear Steward with the above duties where necessary and appropriate

Time Required - Peak time is from after the Registration weekend (last weekend in January / first weekend in February) and up until when all the gear has been distributed to the teams (around mid March). After the season, collect; review the gear take inventory of what has been returned in readiness for the next season (August / September).

ASSOCIATIONS DELEGATES: (2 positions required for this role)

Currently 2 of President, Vice President and Secretary must attend SGFA meetings

GROUNDSMEN: (3 positions required for this role)

·  In conjunction with Kogarah Council you will be responsible for the supervision; care &

·  maintenance of the playing fields at Renown Park (home ground).

·  Mark the fields for play time each Saturday / Sunday during the season.

·  Open the grounds on both Saturday / Sunday morning for the rostered teams to prepare the fields for play time.

·  Ensure the gear room at Renown Park is locked Saturday & Sunday afternoon.

·  Time Required – Approx. 1 hour per week.


·  Look at the development and coaching needs for each of the team coaches.

·  In conjunction with the Club / Committee you will be responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient / suitable coaches appointed for each of the teams for the season.

·  Ensuring that each coach fulfils their obligation as specified in the Club’s By-Laws.

·  Maintain a training list noting the allocated training times / days and where each team is training (where appropriate).

·  Review the need for new / maintenance training clinics for the team coaches and encourage team coaches to attend these coaching clinics that will be arranged by the Club / Committee.

Time Required – Once the teams have been selected confirmed, a little time to review the needs of each of the teams / coaches at the beginning of the season say about 1 week worth of time is needed initially. Then, approx. 1 – 2 hours per week for follow up; guidance / mentoring, etc.


·  Responsible for the efficient operation of the canteen and ensuring that the canteen is adequately stocked, i.e.: food, drinks, confectionary, etc.

·  Liaising with representatives from the wholesalers, i.e.: Coca-Cola.

·  Ensuring the security of canteen funds prior to transferring to the Treasurer.

·  Maintain weekly records of stock control; float for the canteen; banking funds, etc.

·  Maintenance & cleanliness of the canteen which includes the fridges, freezers, laundering of tea towels, etc.

·  Ensure the appropriate & adequate signage is up to date.

·  Maintaining the BBQ and the replenishment of gas bottles when needed.

Time Required – Prior to the season commencement say about 1 week worth of time is needed initially to clean out restock the canteen. Then, approx. 2 - 4 hours per week to attend to the shopping; ordering / re-stocking; cleaning; setting up for day; collect monies / stock control for the day and reconciliation of the funds for the Treasurer.


·  Assists the Canteen Manager with the above duties where necessary and appropriate

Time Required – Approx. 1 – 2 hours per week, dependant on how much assistance is needed from the Canteen Manager.


In conjunction with the Committee you will be responsible for organising, fund raising and social events and so on.

Please note that you would oversee and get involved with the “said” event, however you would not be required to do it all by yourself. Support assistance can be sort from the committee / friends / family / parents from team mates, etc.

Time Required – This will be dependent upon how many events you and the committee decide to either do or participate in.


·  Responsible for the preparation of the each of the Manager’s Information Folders and the Managers Information Evening in March.

·  Provide updates / information to the Managers throughout the season as & where needed.

·  Need to advise Team managers to maintain records of those players who have received yellow / red cards and liaise with the assistant secretary.

Time Required - Peak time is from after the Registration weekend (last weekend in January / first weekend in February) and up until when all the folders have been compiled / distributed to each of the team managers (around mid March). A little adhoc time is needed when updated information needs to be sent out to the teams via the managers throughout the season.


Responsible for the preparation of Grants on behalf of the soccer club.

Time Required – Approx. 2 hours per application, usually 6-8 applications per year

FLOOR MEMBERS: (6 positions required for this role)

Do not hold any set positions but form part of the Management Committee.

The Management Committee meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 20.00hrs

– Oatley RSL

Assist with the general day to day running of the club when assistance is needed from other committee members, specifically during peak times such as registration days, presentation / picnic days.

Time Required – Approx. 1 – 2 hours per month to attend meetings and when further assistance required.


An age coordinator is appointed for each age group. Responsible for coordinating the teams in the relevant age group

·  Assist club coach on grading days.

·  Ensure all registered players of the age group are allocated to a team.

·  Ensure that each team has a manager and coach and advise Secretary of their contact details

Time Required – Peak time is between January and April when approx. 2 hours per week is required. Work load drops off significantly when season starts.