Minutes of the Meeting of


December 11, 2012

President Paul Daniel called the meeting to order. The minutes from November were reviewed. Rita Lack made a motion to approve the minutes and Craig Cox seconded. Motion approved unanimously.


Treasurer – Rita Lack reported nothing new.

Architectural –Bobby Carson – absent.

Alert Neighbors/Safety – Linda Sullivan – absent. The “no parking” signs are still being evaluated. The City of Owasso did not get back with HOA.

Budget–Larry Smith stated that the budget had been approved at the November 13th meeting and would be printed in the January newsletter.

Clubhouse – Rita Lack stated that there is one clubhouse rental in December after Christmas and one scheduled rental for January. She also stated that HOA needs a new clubhouse chairman for 2013.

Key Card – Susan Cox absent. Nothing new to report.

Landscape - Linda Sullivan – absent. Rita Lack stated that the sprinkler systems at the entry ways will be turned off in the next few days and the leak can be repaired in the spring.

Newsletter–Garry Townsley stated that he hopes to get the newsletter out in the mail by the second week in January.

Playground – Jordan Parks –absent. Paul Daniel stated that Jordan is still putting together the playground equipment. One bench will be installed by the east pond.

Pond – Dan Fike absent. HOA will need a new pond chairman for 2013.

Pool – Terri Lahita – absent. HOA will need new pool chairman for 2013.

Social – vacant. HOA will need new social chairman for 2013.

Welcome – Steve O’Bannon – absent. Nothing new to report.

Old Business:


New Business:

Nominations for President and Treasurer are closed. Larry Smith motioned for Paul Daniel and Rita Lack to be reelected. Craig Cox seconded the motion. Motion was approved.

Paul Daniel made a motion to accept Curb Master’s bid for snow removal. Craig Cox seconded the motion. Motion was approved.

Christmas Light contest will be judged by Garry and Debbie Townsley. First place winner will receive $100, second place winner will receive $75 and third place winner will receive $50. There will also be an Honorable Mention winner. The results will be listed in the newsletter.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 7:00 pm.

Larry Smith made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 pm. Craig Cox seconded. Motion approved.

Submitted by: Winnye Miller, Secretary 7 homeowners attended