THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for a recessed meeting on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 3:00 P.M. in the Pritchett Room of the Hampton B. Allen Library.

Commissioners present: * Jarvis Woodburn, Chair

Bobby Sikes, Vice Chair

Neil Jones

Dr. Jim Sims

* Ross Streater

Staff members present: Andy Lucas, County Manager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

Holly Berry, Finance Officer

Rita James, Data Processing

Patrice Carr, Human Resource/Veterans

* Kevin Gullette, Economic Development

Others present: Rochelle Williams, Board of Elections Supervisor

Lonnie Baucom, Chairman, Board of Elections

Joanne Huntley, Insurance Committee

Freddie Paxton, Insurance Committee

Being that no quorum was present and the presentation was for information only, County Manager Lucas began the benefits portion of the meeting. County Manager Lucas explained that this was a panel of different insurance brokers, agents and companies to talk to the Board on the pros and cons of the fully insured coverage the county currently pays versus the partially self insured plan. County Manager Lucas recognized Mary Moore and LeRoy Lookabill, representatives of Aetna, Christy Gupton of Colonial and Ross Hendley of Hendley & Associates. County Manager Lucas recommended that because some of the information was proprietary in nature the presentations be made individually and asked the other representatives to step out of the room.

At this time, County Manager Lucas called on representatives of Aetna to present their information to those present.

*Chairman Woodburn arrived at the meeting during the presentation, about 3:30 P.M.

Sam Aycoth and Paul Gruss, Representatives of Aetna, shared copies of information with Board members as well as the Manager, Finance, Human Resource and members of the insurance committee. Representatives voiced that they plan to cover a breakout of the components of premium and how that compares to the components of self-insurance in order to know the various pieces. They also plan to talk about how an ASE contract works, which is important in evaluating fully insured versus self-insured. They will close with the advantages of self-funding using an integrated contract and the disadvantages of self-funding, separating it into a non integrated contract and an integrated contract.

Aetna representatives thanked the Board for the opportunity to appear.

Chairman Woodburn, announcing that a quorum was present, called the meeting to Order, apologizing for being late. Chairman Woodburn stated that the Chairman of the Board of Elections and the Director of Elections was present and asked the Board to hear their agenda item at this time. Ms. Williams referred to the Resolution included in the Agenda packet for today’s meeting. Ms. Williams stated that they were getting grant money to cover the purchase price so this was no cost to the county. Chairman Woodburn asked Board members to approve the Resolution offered by the Board of Elections. Chairman Woodburn explained that on December 1, North Carolina decertified all voting equipment and at that point they put all the counties in the position of having to select new equipment. Chairman Woodburn shared that thy are trying to enhance the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) with a short time frame for completing the process. Chairman Woodburn shared that the Board of Election had folks in to do a presentation on the equipment available and made the decision to purchase the M100 Optical Scan/Auto Mark. County Manager Lucas asked if this equipment would be in place by the May primary with Ms. Williams answering yes. Chairman Woodburn shared that some counties elected to return to paper ballots due to the time strain on selecting new equipment. Chairman Woodburn stated that some counties had just recently purchased HAVA compliant equipment but because of Senate Bill 223 it is no longer acceptable. Chairman Woodburn felt that North Carolina decertified the equipment before having a plan in place. Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Vice Chair Sikes, that the Anson County Board of Commissioners does hereby adopt the Resolution of the County Board of Elections wherein they adopt the certified voting equipment as indicated in the Resolution. Commissioner Sims stated that it seems like we are in a great position with grants and the opportunity to get the equipment that will be approved and asked if there was a chance that something would come up where this would not be the right equipment. Ms. Williams answered that if they decertify the new equipment they will most likely have to come up with the money to take care of that. Ms. Williams voiced that this equipment would do the job. Mr. Baucom stated that they decertified all equipment across the State and there were four vendors that applied for certification. Mr. Baucom shared that two did not make the cut with the third dropping out leaving only one vendor. Mr. Baucom shared that the Elections Board feels that although this equipment is slightly different it meets their standards. Mr. Baucom shared that they elected to go with optical scan while counties that chose direct have to pay the difference. Motion carried unanimously.




Resolution to Recommend the Purchase of Voting Equipment

WHEREAS, the Anson County Board of Elections has the authority and duty to recommend a voting system of a type, make and model approved certified by the State Board of Elections for use in some or all voting places in the county at some or all elections in accordance with G.S. 163-165.9; and

WHEREAS, the Anson County Board of Elections has witnessed a demonstration, in the county or at a site designated by the State Board of Elections, of the type of voting system being recommended and also witnessed a demonstration of at least one other type of voting system certified by the State Board of Elections;

WHEREAS, the State Board of Elections and the Office of Information Technology Services has a Statewide Term Contract with certified vendors;

WHEREAS, grants from the HAVA Election Fund may be used by the County Boards of Election for purchasing voting equipment from a certified vendor and the County is entitled to receive up to $163,990.00 from the HAVA Election Fund based on the formula of $12,000.00 per precinct, $12,000.00 per One-Stop sites, plus $1.00 for each voter that turned out in the 2004 presidential election but not less than $10,000.00 or more than $100,000.00;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Anson County Board of Elections hereby recommends the following certified voting equipment to the Board of County Commissioners:



Estimated Cost: $163,872.00

Benefits Presentation: County Manager Lucas introduced Christy Gupton and Ross Hendley. Mr. Hendley shared that he met Christy for the first time today and while they were outside talking, they decided to make a joint presentation. Mr. Hendley shared that Christy handles the benefits statements, the flex spending account and he is supposed to be the specialist in the partially self-funded area. Ms. Gupton voiced that Mr. Hendley has more experience in the group health area and they were going to say the same things so they decided to join forces. Chairman Woodburn asked if they were with the same company with Ms. Gupton answering no but they represent some of the same companies. Mr. Hendley voiced that they believe in the same concept of partially self-funded. Mr. Hendley shared that he understands from Ms. Carr they are to present the concept of partially self-funded.

*Commissioner Streater arrived at the meeting during this presentation at approximately 5:45 P.M.

Chairman Woodburn thanked Ms. Gupton and Mr. Hendley for the information presented.

* Mr. Gullette, Economic Development Director, arrived at the meeting.

Approval of the CDBG Grant Administrator: County Manager Lucas referred to information in the meeting packet on this issue. County Manager Lucas explained that a public hearing was held at the last meeting notifying the public of our intent to seek $400,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds for the purpose of scattered housing. County Manager Lucas shared that the second public hearing would be held in March. County Manager Lucas noted that the next step was to hire a grant administrator to administer the project. County Manager Lucas stated that he did an RFP, publicizing this in the paper and actually mailing out packets to four potential bidders. County Manager Lucas shared that he received two proposals and after review is recommending we utilize Hobbs Upchurch & Associates. County Manager Lucas shared that their overall administrative cost was $4,000 less than the other company. Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Sims, that we adopt the recommendation for the vendor of Hobbs Upchurch & Associates as recommended by the County Manager. Commissioner Jones asked County Manager Lucas if he found out what no lien means with County Manager Lucas noting they are still researching the answer. County Manager Lucas shared that the County Attorney says this is the way they have interpreted it in the past. Commissioner Jones stated that he really wanted a definite answer on this as everyone has a mortgage. Commissioner Streater voiced that there are some that don’t have mortgages that could use this service but most of these needing help do have a mortgage. Commissioner Jones was of the opinion that when you own something in fee simple you totally own it free and clear but it doesn’t mean you own it with no liens feeling everyone has tax liens, improvement liens and others. Commissioner Jones feels that what they mean when they say free and clear is in fact that you own fee simple title and you own it subject to mortgages. Motion carried unanimously.

Manager’s Report:

Strategic Planning Retreat – February 16 & 17: County Manager Lucas noted he has mentioned to the Board holding this retreat to get away and set priorities and talk about and create a mission and vision. County Manager Lucas shared that this has been set for February 16 and 17 at the Cyber Center on the Polkton Campus of SPCC. County Manager Lucas shared that the 16th would be all day where we would work on planning and also talk about fiscal and revenue projections and get clarity in terms of the budget process. County Manager Lucas shared that on the second day we will finalize the goals and priorities and does not anticipate this lasting more than one-half day. County Manager Lucas stated that he hopes to have good discussions of where we see this county in fifteen or twenty years and setting goals and prioritizing them. Commissioner Jones asked what days of the week was the retreat planned with County Manager Lucas answering this was a Thursday and Friday. County Manager Lucas stated that being new and not having worked with the Board in the past this would be helpful to him to get an understanding of where we stand in terms of goals and priorities in order to put together a budget. Chairman Woodburn voiced that he felt the retreat would work better if it were a Friday/Saturday with Commissioner Streater in agreement. After discussion, Board members elected to change the dates to February 17 and 18, which is a Friday and Saturday.

Meeting with Robin Hayes to Discuss Monroe Bypass Project – January 24: County Manager Lucas shared that Congressman Hayes would be at the Union County Chamber of Commerce to speak specifically about the Monroe Bypass project on January 24 beginning at 10:00 A.M. County Manager Lucas shared that all Board members were invited to attend. Commissioner Jones agreed we should have a delegation to attend this meeting with a motto that the bypass is more important to Anson County than Union. Chairman Woodburn urged as many Commissioners as possible to be available to attend. County Manager Lucas shared that he would attend and hopes that Mr. Gullette can join him. Mr. Gullette shared that the Chamber was having a joint meeting with their Chamber at 7:15 that morning in Marshville so he would attend.

Dates for Annual Meeting with SPCC Trustees – February 21, 23, or 28: County Manager Lucas shared that three dates have been proposed for the meeting and it was up to us to chose. Commissioner Jones asked the days of the week for the proposed dates with Chairman Woodburn answering that the 21st was a Tuesday, the 23rd was a Thursday and the 28th was another Tuesday. Commissioner Jones suggested Thursday, February 23rd as the meeting date. All members present agreed by consensus.

Closed Session: Chairman Woodburn noted there were two-closed session for today’s meeting. The first was for Economic Development pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143.318.11(a)(4) to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area served by this body and the second was for personnel pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143.318.11(a)(6) to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Vice Chair Sikes, to go into closed session. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, Chairman Woodburn announced there was no action on either closed session. Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to adjourn to the regular scheduled February meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted:

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC

Clerk to the Board

Meeting time: 4 hr.