U.S. History


Homework Packet#1

1870 - 1900



Industrialists / John D. Rockefeller / Andrew Carnegie
What type of business?
Favorite business practice?
Name of their company?
Monopoly- / Philanthropy-

List one good characteristic and one bad characteristic of the Sherman Antitrust Act:

Labor Unions / Membership (Who was allowed in?) / Major Leaders
Knights of Labor
American Federation of Labor

Define:social Darwinism –

Gospel of Wealth –

Explain the difference between capitalism and communism in the space below.

The Gilded Age

New Immigrants vs Old Immigrants

Complete the Venn Diagram below that shows similarities and differences between new immigrant and old immigrant groups.

What is nativism?

List one law that was passed during the 1880s that illustrated nativist beliefs. What did this law do?

Define:tenement –

Social Gospel –

Corruption in Government:

1. How are the spoils system and James Garfield’s assassination related?

2. What did the Pendleton Civil Service Act do?

3. How did William Tweed effect government corruption?


Farmers in the 1880s.

Who is the person in the cartoon below?

What is his role as a populist?

Who does he represent?

What does the cross represent?

U.S. History


Homework Packet #2

1900 - 1929



Populism / Answer these topics. / Progressivism
Areas of the U.S. with Strongest Influence
Occupation and Education of Supporting Groups
Main Problems Faced
Main Issues They Wanted to Change in Government
Laws/Amendments Added
Important Leaders of Each Movement

MuckrakersIssue they DocumentedMajor Publications/ Books

Upton Sinclair

Lincoln Steffens

Ida Tarbell

Ray Stannard Baker

Give a brief 1 – 2 sentence summary of Teddy Roosevelt’s role in solving each of these Progressivism problems.

United Mine Worker Strike
Trusts & monopolies dominated Americas’ businesses
Food & drug company practices were unsafe and unhealthy
America’s land was being lost to greed and mismanagement

Explain the relationship between the candidates in the Election of 1912 in the space below. Why was Woodrow Wilson practically assured a victory in this election?


Isolationism / Imperialism
Leading Individuals
Advantages and/or
Situations in our History when we have tried each policy.

China Opens UpSpheres of The OpenThe Boxer Rebellion

To The WorldInfluenceDoor Policy

Define in the

Space provided below.

Spanish – American War, 1898

How did these 2 things cause the War to start???

Yellow Journalism

The USS Maine

In what countries were battles of this war fought???

What were the effects of the war on these countries???

Puerto Rico



The Philippines

Panama Canal Questions

What was the Roosevelt Corollary???

What was Dollar Diplomacy??? Who proposed this plan???

World War I

List and Define the MAIN Causes of World War I

M –

A –

I –

N –

Why was Franz Ferdinand targeted by a Serbian terrorist for assassination???

Allied Powers:Central Powers:

Write 3 – 4 sentences describing the fighting in an imaginary World War I battle in which you are participating. Use the terms trench warfare and no-man’s-land correctly one time. Underline them.

What were some things that pushed the U.S. into World War I???

Define:Great Migration –

Selective Service Act –

14 Points –

Matching. The Big Four.USAOrlando

Great BritainWilson



What was the main part of Wilson’s 14 Points???

What is self-determination, another focus of his 14 Points???

The Jazz Age

List the 3 Republican Presidents that served during the 1920s.




Which one endured the Teapot Dome Scandal?

Define:installment plan

Assembly line


Explain the main issue of the Scopes Trial in the space below.

1. What does the word “Reds” on the man’s cap refer to?

2. What does the image of the flame “Anarchy” suggest?

3. Explain what the image of the knife of “Bolshevism” symbolizes.

Define:Harlem Renaissance

The Lost Generation

U.S. History


Homework Packet #3

1930 - 1945


The Great Depression & The New Deal

Compare these two Depression-Era Presidents

Herbert Hoover / Franklin D. Roosevelt
Political Party
Belief in Govt.’s Role in Ending the Depression
Govt. Projects Approved
Famous Quotes
# of terms in office

What warning signs foreshadowed the future problems of the Great Depression?





What is October 29, 1929, also known as?

Sketch a line graph showing these unemployment percentages from 1929-1939.



1931: 16%





1936:17% Unemployment

1937:15% Rates




World War II

Complete this chart of pre-World War II totalitarian governments.

Country / Leader / Government / Goals or Promises
Soviet Union

Complete the timeline of the Manhattan Project and list the significance of each event to the project.

  1. U.S. bombs Hiroshima______
  2. U.S. bombs Nagasaki______
  3. Battle of Iwo Jima______
  4. Truman learns of the Manhattan Project______
  5. Einstein speaks to FDR about nuclear possibilities______
  6. Nuclear testing at Alamogordo, New Mexico______


Page 528. List 2 big advantages each side had at the beginning of World War II.

Axis Powers1.


Allied Powers1.


Who is the person in this picture?

What group of people does she symbolize?

What type of discrimination did these workers face as they took jobs that men often worked?

What is internment?

Why were so many Japanese-Americans forced into camps during World War II?

Place a star on this map and write the date next to these Pacific WWII battles.

Battle of Coral Sea

Battle of Midway

Battle of Iwo Jima

Circle the islands of the Philippines

Draw a rectangle around the islands of Japan

Define island hopping:

U.S. History


Homework Packet #4

1945 - 1989


The Cold War

Complete the chart comparing Truman’s containment to Eisenhower’s brinkmanship.

Containment / Brinkmanship
President’s Political Party
Secretary of State
Successful Events
Unsuccessful Events

Which countries in Europe received assistance under the Marshall Plan?

What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?

Define satellite nations:

What does the torch represent in this cartoon?

What did the iron curtain divide? On what basis did it divide countries?

What message is the cartoonist sending? How does it relate to Churchill’s speech?

Briefly explain the conflict between President Truman and General MacArthur in the space below.

Define McCarthyism:

Identify 38th Parallel:

The 60’s

Identify the events/people below and determine their significance in making the decade of the 1960’s a pivotal decade in U.S. history.

Tet Offensive- Martin Luther King, Jr.-Robert Kennedy Assassination-

Vietnamization-Tonkin Gulf Resolution-The Great Society-

Nixon elected president-Cuban Missile Crisis-The Space Race-

Match each president below with his personal domestic or foreign policy contribution/event. Write the letter to the right of the contribution.

  1. Ulysses S. Grant
  2. Rutherford B. Hayes
  3. James A. Garfield
  4. Chester A. Arthur
  5. Grover Cleveland
  6. Benjamin Harrison
  7. William McKinley
  8. Theodore Roosevelt
  9. William H. Taft
  10. Woodrow Wilson
  11. Warren Harding
  12. Herbert Hoover
  13. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  14. Harry S. Truman
  15. Dwight Eisenhower
  16. John F. Kennedy
  17. Lyndon Johnson
  18. Richard Nixon
  19. Gerald Ford
  20. Jimmy Carter
  21. Ronald Reagan
  22. George Bush
  23. Bill Clinton
  24. George W. Bush
  25. Barack Obama
  1. Big Stick Policy
  2. New Deal
  3. Fair Deal
  4. The New Frontier
  5. Teapot Dome Scandal
  6. The Great Society
  7. Supported Govt. Land Acts
  8. Civil Service Reform
  9. 14 Points
  10. Supply-Side Economics
  11. Brinkmanship
  12. Containment
  13. Volunteerism/Rugged Individualism
  14. The U-2 Incident
  15. Supported by Mugwumps
  16. The Suez Canal Crisis
  17. Camp David Accords
  18. Cuban Missile Crisis
  19. Black Tuesday
  20. Angered the Stalwarts
  21. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  22. NAFTA
  23. Trustbuster
  24. Wage & Price Freezes
  25. End of Korean War
  26. End of Vietnam War
  27. Persian Gulf War
  28. Square Deal
  29. Spanish-American War
  30. 9/11 Attacks
  31. The Iraq War
  32. Dollar Diplomacy
  33. The Panama Canal
  34. Credit Mobilier/Whisky Ring Scandals
  35. Impeachment
  36. Assassinated
  37. First African-American President

List 2 major effect television had on American history during the 1960’s:



DefineBaby Boom:

In the chart below, identify each person’s contribution to the Civil Rights Movement.

Person/Group / Title / Contribution
Martin Luther King, JR.
Rosa Parks
Lyndon B. Johnson
James Meredith
Goodman, Chaney, & Schwerner
Malcolm X
Freedom Riders

The North American Free Trade Agreement page 815 (NAFTA):