Third Grade Music Program

Thursday, March 9th, 2017- 7:00 @ The Clermont Arts & Recreation Center

Greetings from Mr. Caponi! Your child’s musical performanceat Minneola Elementary Charter is fast approaching and I wanted to give you a few details about the evening. This is a one time only performance for families and friends, and I am hoping everyone will attend. Below are a few details you will need to understand before the show:

  • The Musical- Soccer is the setting for this musical that not only celebrates the beauty and glory of the sport, but also the value of good sportsmanship, setting goals, and being a part of the team. This all-school revue features five original songs representing musical styles from Latin to Rap and Pop to Broadway: Running Time: approx. 25 minutes
  • Location- This is our 2nd year that our students have the opportunity to perform at theClermont Arts & Recreation Center: 3700 S Hwy 27, Clermont, 34711, which is located approximately 1 ½ miles south on Highway 27 past the Kohl’s shopping center.
  • Arrival: Students will need to be dropped off promptly at 5:30 directly into the auditorium so we can rehearse before the doors open. There are multiple entrances into the building and there will be signs, as well, to point you into the right direction. This will be a CLOSED rehearsal. Doors will not open to the public until 6:30.
  • What to Wear- Students can wear their favorite soccer attire.Otherwise, students can dress in casual attire.
  • Seating- There is no reserved seating except for their classroom teacher and those who need special assistance. Siblings and children cannot sit on the floor. They must sit next to their parents and be supervised at all times.
  • Donations, Carnations, and Refreshments- Admission is free, but the programs are not possible without your donations. Please purchase carnations or leave a small donation so more music can be purchased in the future.Pizza, Soda, and Water for purchase
  • Dismissal-When the musical is over, parents will pick their children up at the gymnasium, basketball court, which is located near the swimming pool south of the auditorium. You will need to walk down the hallway, and your child’s teacher will dismiss as parents arrive.

If you have any further questions, e-mail Mr. Caponi @ or visit his website on the Minneola home page for more information.

Please detach below and send in with your child to their classroom teacher.

Please print clearly.Keep the top portion for yourself


____ Yes, my child will be performing on Thursday, March 9th, 2017- 7:00 p.m.

____ At this time, my child will not be able to attend the performance.

Child’s Name- ______Child’s Teacher- ______Parent Signature- ______