Federal Volunteer Internship
US Citizens and Permanent Residents
Information Application
This application form is for students who have received an offer for a Federal volunteer internship. Career Services is authorized to sign Federal government forms and agreements for these types of internships. You must complete the Information Application and the George Mason Consent and Release Agreement and submit along with your forms. We also provide the option to earn formal recognition for your experience on your transcript. However, if you desire to earn academic credit for your internship, then you will need to consult your academic advisor. See below for more specific instructions:
Optionsfor Receiving Formal University Recognition for Your Federal Volunteer Internship:
- Earning Academic Credit:
If you desire or are required to receive academic credit for your experience, please contact your academic advisor to discuss options for enrolling in an internship course, independent study, or earning credit through a class in which you arealready enrolled. Career Services does not provide academic credit.
- Earning a Zero-Credit Transcript Recognition:
Students have the opportunity to earna zero-credit transcript recognition for Federal Volunteer Internships related to their academic studies and/or career goals.
Obtaining a Signature for your Federal Government form:
- Please complete all information on the information application. On the application please use the check box to indicate if you want the transcript notation for your experience. There is a one-time fee of $25. To earn the notation you must complete a Learning Goals worksheet at the beginning of your experience and an evaluation at the end of the experience.
- Benefits of the Transcript Notation:
- Transcript evidence that you participated in a Federal volunteer internship acknowledged by your school.
- The opportunity to develop learning goals and receive an evaluation.
- Added value to your transcript for graduate school applications and potential employers.
Minimum Criteria and Student Eligibility:
- Undergraduates must have earned at least 24 college credits and have earned a minimum 2.0 overall GPA.
- Graduate students must have a minimum 3.0 overall GPA. For those participating in their first semester of graduate school, you must supply your undergraduate transcript with a 3.0 or above overall GPA.
- At least 50% of the work experience must be integral to your academic studies and/or career goals.
- Federal volunteer work must offer at least 100 hours of work during the specified academic term.
- You must be enrolled at least half-time studying toward a degree or certificate. [6 credits for undergraduates or 4 credits for graduate students]
- We do not accept students into our program if you have completed all of your degree requirements and are eligible for graduation. You must have a minimum of 3 credits of remaining coursework requirements.
For Federal agreements/forms requiring our signature, use this checklist:
□Complete this application, attach your Federal forms needing signature and submit to Debbie Zuiker in Career Services.
□Complete the Consent and Release form, and ensure that you have an updated profile in HireMason
Continue with the following steps to earn thetranscript recognition:
Provide a position description.
Complete and submit the Learning Goals worksheet during the first two to three weeks of your internship.
Pay a one-time-only fee of $25 in cash or check payable to George Mason University in Career Services. Payment is due at the time of initial enrollment. Use address below if you choose to mail the fee.Attention: D. Zuiker
You and your supervisor complete the evaluation when it is emailed to you.
When the evaluation is received, you will receive the zero-credit transcript recognition for the semester.
You may reapply or renew for subsequent semesters if you continue to volunteer, have an active agreement, and are enrolled as a Mason degree seeking student. No additional fee is required.
SUB I, Suite 3400, 4400 University Drive MS 3B6, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 P (703) 993-2365, F (703) 993-2961, ,
Federal Volunteer Internship Application
For US Citizens and Permanent Residents
SUB I, Suite 3400, 4400 University Drive MS 3B6, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 P (703) 993-2365, F (703) 993-2961,
Important InformationComplete and submit application to the Experiential Learning Coordinator, Career Services, Student Union I, Room 3400, FAX: 703-993-2361, email: Please allow up to two business days if necessary to process.
Check the appropriate box below:
Yes, I want to earn the transcript notation/recognition on my transcript. I understand that I must complete the Learning Goals and Evaluation for my experience. ☐
No, I do not want the transcript notation/recognition. ☐
One-time transcript notation fee: $25 Please pay by cash or check payable to George Mason University in Career Services. Payments also accepted by mail--see address above. Attn: D. Zuiker
Student InformationName:Click here to enter text. / G number:Click here to enter text.
Major:Click here to enter text. / Expected Graduation: Month/Year: Click here to enter text.
Degree Program: / Bachelor’s ☐ / Master’s ☐ / PhD ☐ / Certificate ☐
Preferred email: Click here to enter text. / Phone: Click here to enter text.
Course relevance: How is your coursework related to this experience? List at least two courses that you have taken which may be applied to this work experience:
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
Agency Information
Company or Agency Name: Click here to enter text.
City: Click here to enter text. / State: Click here to enter text. / Zip: Click here to enter text.
Employer contact: Click here to enter text. / Phone: Click here to enter text.
Contact email: Click here to enter text.
Area of Government Specialty: Choose an item.
Position Information
Position Title: Click here to enter text. / Number of hours per week: Click here to enter text.
Start date: Click here to enter text. / End date-if applicable: Click here to enter text.
Position description with 3-4 specific duties is attached: ☐
I understand my employer may require information to be shared regarding academic standing and enrollment to determine program eligibility, and give my consent/permission for the George Mason Experiential Learning Coordinator to share this information with the employer.
Signature: ______Date:______
(To be used with Student Volunteer Service Working Agreements with the Federal Government)
The student must sign this Agreement, with parental or guardian approval if the student is under the age of 18, to indicate agreement with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Name: Click here to enter text. / G number: Click here to enter text.Check which applies: Undergraduate ☐ Graduate ☐ Law School ☐
I am participating in a Student Volunteer (uncompensated) Service program that is offered by the Federal Government and is not part of any for-credit course at George Mason University. I understand that participation in the Student Volunteer Service program offered by the Federal Government through a number of its agencies is voluntary and that any such volunteer program involves some element of risk. I acknowledge that George Mason University does not sponsor this activity and I, on my behalf and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, (including my parents, guardians, and legal representatives) do hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless George Mason University, and its Trustees, officers, employees, faculty, agents, successors, and assigns from liability for any and all claims, demands rights or causes of action, present or future, resulting from or arising out of any activity or travel related to the Student Volunteer Service program.
I understand that the University recommends that all students be covered by appropriate accident and medical insurance and that the student shall be financially responsible for all such expenses.
Signature of ParticipantDate
Printed Name of ParticipantSemester/Academic Year
Signature of Parent or Guardian
(If Student is under the age of 18)
Learning Goals Worksheet
Developing learning goals will help improve your performance, contribute to a sense of accomplishment, and prepare you for learning how to create future performance plans. Take a few minutes and refer to our Learning Goals web workshop for more information about creating learning goals. To help you with the process of creating goals, use the acronym SMART as a point of reference. Your goals should be:
Specific / Measurable / Attainable / Relevant / Time-framedCompletethis worksheet within two to three weeks of beginning your work experience, and arrange to discuss your learning goals with your supervisor. Submit a copy to the Experiential Learning Coordinator, Debbie Zuiker, by fax or email. Fax- 703-993-2361
Learning GoalsName: Click here to enter text.
Email: Click here to enter text. / G#: Click here to enter text.
List the job title or industry you would like to pursue when you graduate: / Click here to enter text. /
List 3-5 responsibilities/qualifications you will need to possess in order to obtain that job title or work in that industry: / 3. Click here to enter text.
1. Click here to enter text. / 4. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text. / 5. Click here to enter text.
Review your position description and list 1-3 responsibilities which align with the qualifications listed above. / 2. Click here to enter text.
1. Click here to enter text. / 3. Click here to enter text.
Develop 3-5 SMART goals that will help you to develop the skills you listed above: / 3. Click here to enter text.
1. Click here to enter text. / 4. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text. / 5. Click here to enter text.
List one person who can keep you accountable for achieving your goals and share a copy with them:
Click here to enter text.
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