Marsden Infant & Nursery School

Writing Framework and Year Group Expectations


(page numbers given are from Letters and Sounds)


Phase 1:Aspect 1: General sound discrimination (environmental sounds)

Aspect 2: General sound discrimination (instrumental sounds)

Aspect 3: General sound discrimination (body percussion)

Aspect 4: Rhythm & rhyme

Aspect 5: Alliteration (taught in phase 2 letter order)

Aspect 6: Voice sounds

Aspect 7: Oral blending & segmenting

Each of these aspects is divided into 3 strands:

  • Tuning into sounds
  • Listening & remembering sounds
  • Talking about sounds


Phase 2: Individual phonemes – s, a, t, p

(p48)i, n, m, d

g, o, c, k

ck, e, u, r

h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss

Phase 3: Individual phonemes –j, v, w, x

(p74)y, z, zz, qu

ch, sh, th

ng, ai, ee, igh

oa, oo, ar, or

ur, ow, oi, ear

air, ure, er

Phase 4:Consolidate knowledge of grapheme/phoneme correspondences. Introduce adjacent consonants (ie consonant blends)

Year 1

Reinforce and practise all above phonemes and graphemes

Phase 5: alternative phonemes and graphemes– /zh/ (as in treasure)

(p132, 134)ay, ou, ie, ea

oy, ir, ue, aw

wh, ph, ew, oe

au, a-e, e-e, i-e

o-e, u-e

Alternative pronunciations for certain phonemes (p136)

Alternative spellings for certain phonemes (p144)

Year 2

Reinforce and practise all phonemes and alternative spellings and pronunciations.

Phase 6: past tense, suffixes, multi-syllabic words, tricky words, spelling rules

Additional points

  • Year 1/2 children may be given a small number of spellings to learn linked to the phonic sounds and/or key words they are learning.
  • Digraphs containing 2 or 3 letters should be taught as joined to help children remember they make a different sound.
  • 100 high frequency words (p193)
  • 200 most common words (p195)
  • Assessment (p199 – 207)

Resources for teaching phonics:

Nursery – Letters & sounds, Jolly Phonics

Reception – Letters and Sounds, Jolly Phonics

Year 1 – Letters and Sounds, Jolly Phonics/ Grammar

Year 2 – Letters and Sounds, Jolly Phonics/ Grammar

Generic sentence (and text) level

These generic outcomes relate to allwriting. They should be drawn on when planning just about every sequence of writing. It is the embedding of these skills in particular that is likely to have the greatest impact.

Year 1

Ensure pupils can:

  • Orally rehearse a sentence and commit it to memory.
  • Recognise when a sentence makes sense.
  • Write three or four meaningful simple sentences in sequence.
  • Consistently use a capital letter and full stop to demarcate each sentence.
  • Leave appropriately sized spaces between words
  • Join two sentences using and or then to make a compound sentence.

Year 2

In addition toY1 outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Write between 12 and 20 sentences in sequence.
  • Always plan and write with a beginning, middle and end.
  • Write using a variety of simple and compound sentences, joined with simple conjunctions e.g. and, then, but, or.
  • Write sentences using because, if, when.
  • Use exclamation marks and question marks correctly.
  • Write questions beginning with who, what, when, where, how, has....
  • Improve a noun phrase by adding one or more adjectives and/or replacing/strengthening the noun with an alternative noun.
  • Select and use alternative verbs.
  • Use ly adverbs in association with verbs.

Year 3

In addition to KS1 outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Organise writing into at least 3 paragraphs (beginning/introduction, middle, end/summary/conclusion).
  • Use a comma-separated list in a sentence.
  • Include in their writing sentences using subordinating conjunctions because, if, when, using a comma appropriately to demarcate the clause (recognise the clause chunks).
  • Include when, where, how adverbs and adverbial phrases.
  • Include degree of intensity with –ly adverbs – very, fairly, really.
  • Select alternative and more effective verbs.
  • Extend a noun phrase by adding a prepositional phrase – at, over, by, with, to, behind, under, near, without.
  • Write using consistency of tense and person.
  • Change the order of words in a sentence and modify to make it into a question.


In addition to appropriate generic sentence level outcomes:

Year 1

Ensure pupils can:

  • Write using past tense sequence of events.
  • Use some traditional story language.
  • Use talk to practise and develop some of the Year 2 outcomes orally.

Year 2

In addition to Y1 outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Write with a beginning, middle and end.
  • Use some simple time connectives.
  • Hint at characterisation by using ly adverbs and alternative verbs.
  • Describe setting using noun phrases.
  • Use simple similes.

Year 3

In addition to KS1outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Plan and write using consistent past tense.
  • Write using 3 paragraphs: opening, problem and solution.
  • Describe settings using noun phrases, similes, alliteration, onomatopoeia.
  • Develop characterisation using noun phrases, adverbs, alternative verbs.
  • Use alternatives to said and/or ly adverbs to hint at character.
  • Use limited direct speech to move the story on or help characterisation.
  • Use speech marks around spoken words.


In addition to appropriate generic sentence level outcomes:

Year 1

Ensure pupils can:

  • Write simple sentences using past tense.
  • Sequence events.
  • Use simple time connectives e.g. first, then, next, finally.

Year 2

In addition to Y1 outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Write an introductory sentence.
  • Include where, when, what and who detail when planning and writing.
  • Use consistent past tense.
  • Write a final sentence as an opinion or reflection.
  • Use tine connectives e.g. after that, soon, later throughout the text.

Year 3

In addition to KS1 outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Include a few personal reflective statements in their writing.
  • Write a summary using one or two sentences.
  • Use time connectives (adverbials) e.g. once we arrived, meanwhile, whilst, sometime later, as soon as.


In addition to appropriate generic sentence level outcomes:

Year 1

Ensure pupils can:

  • Write simple instructions in chronological order.
  • Write sentences that begin with simple time connectives followed by imperative verbs.

Year 2

In addition to Y1 outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Write a title (How to.....)
  • Write a section headed you will need.
  • Number and/or bullet-point instructions.
  • Occasionally use –ly adverbs to explain how, where it helps the reader.

Year 3

In addition to KS1 outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Write a closing statement.
  • Use concurrent connectives e.g. meanwhile, while.
  • Write a sentence beginning with when as a closing statement (complex sentence).
  • Include a comma separated list within a sentence.

Non-chronological report

In addition to appropriate generic sentence level outcomes:

Year 1

Ensure pupils can:

  • Write captions using present tense.
  • Write labels for diagrams and pictures.

Year 2

In addition to Y1 outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Organise information into subheadings.
  • Use consistent present tense sentences.
  • Improve noun phrases using alternative nouns and improve verbs (technical vocabulary).

Year 3

In addition to KS1 outcomes, ensure pupils can:

  • Write in four or more paragraphs, perhaps using subheadings.
  • Write an opening paragraph as an introduction to orient the reader to the content.
  • Write a summary paragraph of one or two sentences.
  • Engage the reader with a question – e.g. Did you know?
  • Turn a statement into a question.
  • Use a range of layout devices e.g. glossary, maps, diagrams, flow charts, captions, fact boxes.

Marsden Infant & Nursery School Writing Framework February 2013