Thorndon CEVC Primary School- PE and Sports Premium Accounting
PE and Sports Premium Accounting 2016-17
Thorndon CEVC Primary School believes that physical education an essential part of every child’s development and school career. It boosts confidence, encourages teamwork and sportsmanship. It should inspire children to strive for excellence but not be discouraged if they do not win; equipping them with the social skills and appropriate responses when winning or losing: valuable life skills that are essential to their future. Our vision is to help raise the aspirations of all pupils regardless of their physical and mental abilities, encouraging them to acquire and refine their motor skills by taking part in a variety of physical activities. Our mission is to inspire children to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle.
OBJECTIVE: To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE, sport and physical activity in primary schools.
We meet our legal requirement in relation to school sport and PE. We have a carefully planned Curriculum Map, which has been updated to reflect the changes in the new DfE 2014 curriculum that is overseen by our school’s Curriculum Leader. The progress of children is tracked by the Class Teacher and reported to parents and carers in the annual report. The standard of delivery is overseen by the PE Coordinator and Headteacher.
1) Raising standards within the curriculum and through enrichment
2) Wider Opportunities, participation in tournaments and leagues
We would expect indicators of such improvement to include:
• the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles.
• the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
• increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
• increased participation in competitive sport.
PE and Sport Funding.
• In our school we have endeavoured to enhance, enable and enrich the lives of our children by offering them as
• much opportunity for physical activity during in class and recreational time.
• Below is the breakdown of the pupil premium and PE and Sport funding for our school along with the total cost
• for the provision which we have chosen.
Sports Grant / £ Expected IncomeGrant 2014/15 / £8065.00
Grant 2015/16 / £8350.00
Grant 2016/17 / £8410.00
Objective / Planned Expenditure / Impact
Ensure that all children have access to high quality sports equipment / Cost of equipment
£500 (Tennis and table tennis equipment) / The following equipment has been purchased: Equipment and storage for playtime sporting activities.
These have enhanced the quality of PE lessons across the school
Develop pupils cricket and swimming skills through the use of specialist coaches and provision
Develop pupils PE skills though high quality teaching / Swimming £1500
Sparrow Hawk: £3540 / All Key Stage 2 took part in swimming lessons and life saving activities.
All children can swim a width independently
67% can swim over 25m.
Many can swim over 100 metres.
All pupils developed their PE skills, including wider sports provision through specialist teaching
Shallow Water Training / £150 / Pupils are now taking part in regular swimming lessons
All pupils to have access to after school sports clubs / £300 / Summer term club involved multi skills.
Gymnastics in Autumn Term
Football in Spring Term
Support Year 6 pupils in attending the Alymerton Residential / £200 / All pupils attended residential
Pupils to take part in a range of competitive sporting opportunities
(Sports Partnership) / £200 + 200 transport / Key Stage 2 pupils have taken part in:
Cross Country
Swimming Gala
Rounders Tournament
Cricket Tournament
Provision of daily lunch time sports activities to support identified pupils with personal wellbeing / £1000 / Significant improvement in pupil behaviour and well being as they have positive sporting activities to engage with at playtimes.
Bikeability Training / £200 / All Year 5 pupils have the opportunity to learn how to cycle safely
Total Spend / £7790 / The extra funding will be carried forward and there is a predicted over spend in 2017-18.
Thorndon CEVC Primary School: PE and Sports Funding Action Plan 2017-18
Headteacher: Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil / Agreed with Governors: November 2017 / Eligible Pupils (January 2017 census): 77
Predicted Funding: £8385
PE Coordinator: Hannah Gant / Review date: Autumn 2018 / Chair of Governors: Lorraine Wood
At Thorndon, we aim to give all our children a wide variety of opportunities to participate in high quality sporting activities, both within the school day and after school clubs.
We meet our legal requirement in relation to school sport and PE. We have a carefully planned Curriculum Map, which has been updated to reflect the changes in the new DfE 2014 curriculum that is overseen by our school’s Curriculum Leader. The progress of children is tracked by the Class Teacher and reported to parents and carers in the annual report. The standard of delivery is overseen by the PE Coordinator and Headteacher.
1) Raising standards within the curriculum and through enrichment
2) Wider Opportunities, participation in tournaments and leagues
Barriers to accessing sporting activities
· Rural nature of the school means that it can be challenging for pupils to access extra curricula activities outside of the school day
· No sporting activities for children within the village
· Limited public transport makes activities more difficult to access
· No family history of engaging in sporting activities
· High proportion of pupil premium pupils
Specific actions / approach / Lead person / Timescale and milestones / Monitoring / Resources / cost
Provision of daily lunch time sports activities to support identified pupils with personal wellbeing / Play Leader / From September 2017 / Head of School to monitor behaviour and how this impacts on afternoon school / £1000
Sporting activities, including PE to be led by Sports TA / Sports TA / From September 2017 / Headteacher/PE coordinator to ensure high quality PE / £1500
Potential subsidies for educational trips/activities in school time to support the curriculum. / Headteacher/ Bursar / From September 2017 / All pupils access curriculum-based educational visits / £300
Pupils to take part in a range of competitive sporting opportunities / PE Coordinator / From September 2017 / Key Stage 2 pupils have taken part in:
Cross Country
Swimming Gala
Rounders Tournament
Cricket Tournament / £200 for fees and £200 transport
Shallow water training / Sports TA / From September 2017 / Attend training / £200
First Aid training / Head of School/PE staff / From September 2017 / Attend training / £200
Run a number of after school clubs to provide opportunities for pupils to develop their skills / Head of School/PE staff
Sports TA
Bursar / From September 2017 / Headteacher/PE coordinator to ensure high quality PE / £500
Replenish resources / PE Coordinator / From September 2017 / Pupils have access to a range of high quality PE equipment / £500
Bikeability Training / Head of School/PE staff / July 2017 / Run by bikeability staff / £200
Attend Piper’s Value Gymnastics centre / Head of School/PE staff / Head of School/PE staff / Run by Piper’s Vale staff, but with Thorndon Staff supporting, ensuring that there are opportunities for staff development / £200 + £200 Travel
Swimming provision for Year 3-5 / Head of School/PE staff / From September 2017 / Meeting statutory requirements / £1500
Hire of village hall / Head of School/PE staff / From September 2017 / Winter PE provision / £100
Yoga / Head of School/PE staff / From September 2017 / Support of pupil well being and development of strength / £1000
Predicted Spend / £9100