Exposing a new focus for the topic of Social Dwellings promoting alternatives that facilitate access to a worthy dwelling for the whole population. An illustration of the main features of each proposed theme.

Exposing a new focus for the topic of Social Dwellings promoting alternatives that facilitate access to a worthy dwelling for the whole population. An illustration of the main features of each proposed theme.

Interpreting the right to dignified living conditions.
Outlining the problem or situation.
ExPloring the models used globally.
Proposals for Argentina.
Agenda for starting to work today

The access to dignified living and a health habitat/environment is a problem that currently affects a large sector of the population. According to census data (October 2001), nearly 800,000 housing situations were unsatisfactory, while nearly 2,700,000 more could be included as deficient (although considered recuperable or savable).

At the same time, this unsatisfied demand accumulates some 60,000 housing situations/year due to the limited State response in this area in the last decade, and due to the inacessability to credit to lower income sectors.
Before the ¨Social Debt¨, a Project that suggests an innovative method under an integral focus of the Social Living Situation, fundamentally supported by the following potencial solutions that respond to the existing housing déficit

Incorporation of the Housing Codes as a central point of study.
· Implementation of an Explicit Subsidization for low-income sectors/families lacking savings and with little posibilitéis for accessing credit.
· Extensión of the concept Housing to Housing Solution. No only does this suggest the construction of new housing, but also denotes the remodeling of recuperable existing housing.
· Organization of a new system and necessary resources.
· Action plan/work agenda.
Despite the diversity within the Tepic area, our intention is not to suggest a Mega-Project that is unlikely to be implemented and would furthermore be submitted to unending debates between sectors and politicians. Rather we seek to generate concrete alternatives, practicies and implementation in the short term in order to start to map the road to the housing solution.

The realization of the Project will be marked by the following:

1)The publication of the book ¨Community housing in Argentina¨
2) The publication of a Procedure Guidebook for Beneficiaries of the Regulations.
3) The implementation of a Pilot Test in a Provincee (Executive Branch)
4) Generation and implementation of legal and normative modifications (Legislative Branch)
5) regarding the suggested reforms (scheme)


Real Estate united Group of sud Ernst & Young
Additional actors:
Argentine camara of contruccion (CAC); Businessmen Asociation of housing; workman union of construction of Argentine Republic – UOCRA
Federal Planification ministry, Public Services; comunication; public bank
And privide directly a thougth asociationes (Central bank, Nation bank, ABA,ABAPRA)

Where’ll be Implementation ?
a Nationally level

When are Implementation?

The publication of the book has been predicted for the end of August 2004.
The publication of the guide has been predicted for September 2004.
The work agenda for the remaining ítems will be iniciated in the second semester of 2004.

At whom the plan is directed?

Direct beneficiares: at least 900,000 families
Indirect beneficiares: Small and médium sized businesses of the construction sector; banking sector; the unemployed workforce

How to make the Implementation?

1) Launching and publication of the book and the guide
2) Pilot Test in a province
3)Extensión of the Project to the rest of the country

Expected results?

Implementation, by the nacional Government, of a new policy in Community Housing (o puede ser Social housing) (Final Objective)

What Resources we make it?

GUS will offer offices in their Central Office for the General Coordination and Administration. GUS will also contribute experience in complex project articulation.
Ernst & Young will contribute knowledge and expertise in their specific topic area