Experts: Drought Monitoring, Policy, and Planning
Brian Abrahamson, P.Eng.
Director, Prairie Agroclimate Unit
PFRA - Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
1800 Hamilton Street
Regina, Sakatchewan S4P 4L2
Tayeb Ameziane, Ph.D.
Professor of Agronomy
Director, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II
BP 6202 Rabat - Instituts
Reid Basher
Director, Applications Research
International Research Institute for Climate Prediction
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Columbia University
61 Route 9W, Monell Building
Palisades, NY 10964-8000 USA
Mohamed Bazza, Ph.D.
Senior Irrigation and Water Resources Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for the Near East
11 Al Eslah El Zerai Street
P.O. Box 2223
Dokki, Cairo, EGYPT
Dr Linda Botterill
The Australian National University
School of Social Sciences Faculty of Arts
Canberra ACT 0200 AUSTRALIA
Antonino M. Cancelliere
Assistant Professor
University of Catania, Italy
Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering
Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering Section
Viale A. Doria 6 - 95125
Catania, ITALY
Dr. Qamar-Uz-Zaman Chaudhry
Director General
Pakistan Meteorological Deptt.
P.O. Box 1214
Islamabad, PAKISTAN
Ken Day
Principal Research Scientist
Climate Impacts and Grazing Systems
Resource Sciences Centre
Dept. of Natural Resources
Queensland Centre for Climate Applications Bldg.
Gate 4, 80 Meiers Road
Indooroopilly Qld 4068 AUSTRALIA
Alhassane Adama Diallo
Director General
AGRHYMET Regional Centre
Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel
P.O. Box: 11011, Niamey
Thomas Downing
Stockholm Environment Institute
SEI-Oxford Office
Lawrence Annex
2a Polstead Road
Oxford OX2 6TN
Peter T. Gilruth
Raytheon Systems Company
C3-I Systems, Synergy Program, Room 3118
1616 McCormick Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 USA
Michael H. Glantz
National Center for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000 USA
David Grey
Lead Specialist, Water Resources Management
Water and Urban I
Africa Region
The World Bank
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433 USA
Dr. Ghassan Hamdallah
Regional Soils Officer
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for the Near East
11 El Eslah El Zerai St.
P.O. Box 2223
Cairo, EGYPT
Ana Iglesias, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Center for Climate Systems Research
Columbia University in the City of New York
304 Armstrong Hall
2880 Broadway
New York, NY 10025 USA
C. Kapuyanyika-Bepura, Programme Manager
Southern African Development Community
Regional Food Security Programme
Merchant House (6th Floor)
43 Robson Manyika Avenue
P.O. Box 4046
Dr. Pak Sum Low, Regional Adviser
Environment and Natural Resources Development Division
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
United Nations Building
Rajadamnern Avenue
Bangkok 10200, THAILAND
Barbara A. Miller, Ph.D., P.E.
Senior Water Resources Management Specialist
Water and Urban
Eastern and Southern Africa
Africa Region
The World Bank
1818 H Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20433 USA
Karl Monnik
Division Manager:Agrometerology
Agroclimatological Research
ARC-LNR Institute for Soil, Climate and Water
600 Belvedere Street
Private Bag X79
Pretoria 0001
Ray Motha, Chief Meteorologist
World Agricultural Outlook Board
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Room 5143
Washington, DC 20250-3812 USA
Bruce O'Meagher,General Manager
Industry Policy
Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources
GPO Box 9839
Dr. Richard N. Palmer
University of Washington
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Seattle, WA 98195-2700 USA
Lene Poulsen
Technical Advisor
UNSO-Office to Combat Desertification and Drought
United Nations Development Programme
One United Nations Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10017 USA
Dr. Roberto A. Seiler
Especialista en Agrometeorologia
Profesor titular - Investigador del CONICET
UNAC Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto
Facultad de Agronomia y Veterinaria
Ruta Nac. 36-Km. 601
5800 Rio Cuarto-Cba. ARGENTINA
Larry D. Simpson
Water Resource Management Consultant
Latin America & the Caribbean Region, LSCES
The World Bank
P.O. Box 268
Loveland, CO 80539 USA
Dr. M.V.K. Sivakumar
Chief, Agricultural Meteorology Division
World Meteorological Organization
7 bis, Avenue de la Paix
CP 2300 - 1211
Genéve 2 Suisse/SWITZERLAND
A.R. Subbiah, Technical Advisor
Program on Extreme Climate Events
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
P.O. Box 4
Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120
Sa'ndor Szalai
Hungarian Meteorological Service
P.O. Box 38
Budapest H-1525
Prof. Dr. László Vermes DSc.
Szent Istvan University
Faculty of Horticultural Sciences
Department of Soil Science and Water Management
H-1118 Budapest, HUNGARY
Villányi st. 35-43
Amy L. Vickers, President
Amy Vickers & Associates, Inc.
Amherst Office Park
441 West Street, Suite G
Amherst, MA 01002 USA
Dr. David White
ASIT Consulting
P.O. Box 328
Hawker, ACT
Dr. Donald A. Wilhite, Director
National Drought Mitigation Center
International Drought Information Center
239 Chase Hall
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0749 USA