Stettler Minor Hockey Annual General Meeting
Thursday, April 28/ 2011
Dave Deaver
Veronica Anderson
Jodi McCord
Apryl Cassidy
Andrea DeYoung
Neil McCallum
Christa Cornelssen
Kevin Burkard
Glen Morbeck
Katie Bainbridge
Sandra Schell
Cindy Zimmermann
JasonBridge called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.
Minutes from the 2010 AGM were reviewed and Dave Deaver motioned to have the minutes accepted as read, Veronica Anderson seconded.
The 2011 AGM Agenda was reviewed and there were no errors or omissions. Dave Deaver motioned to have agenda accepted and Kevin Burkard seconded.
The 2010/11 Executivewere introduced by name and position.
JasonBridge read the presidents report which is attached to the minutes.
Treasurer- 2 yr. term, description of the position was read by Veronica Anderson (Jill Fisher was absent)
Nomination – Veronica Anderson nominated Christa Cornelssen.
Christa Cornelssen accepted – All in favour
VP Administration – 2 yr. term, description of the position was read by Dave Deaver (Trina York was absent)
Nomination – Veronica Anderson nominated Katie Bainbridge – She declined
No more nominations were accepted and this position will remain open until it can be filled.
Secretary – 2 yr. term, description read by Cindy Zimmermann
Nomination – Veronica Anderson nominated Apryl Cassidy.
Apryl Cassidy accepted – All in favour
Appointed positions are still available and applications need to be submitted by any interested persons. Application forms will be available online.
The treasurer report was submitted thru email by Jill. It was reviewed by all in attendance. The concession information was not available yet. All seems good.
Hockey Alberta fees are increasing next season but we should be able to cover the increase.
A question was raised as to why we were holding early registration and it was explained that it would be easierto organize coming season with early registration.
The referee report was not submitted as the ref allocator was not present. Fran Sharpe has agreed to keep the position next season.
Open Discussion
Veronica Anderson asked whether Respect in Sports will only take Visa, the answer was yes. It was also asked whether it applied to other sports and our members were unsure. SMHA has decided that all members need to take the course and submit the number to register your player.
The boundary discussions are still taking place with Alix. Their meeting has been postponed. SMHA will continue to look into.
New positions will start July 1, 2011.
The 2011/12 Executive will be:
President –JasonBridge
Past president – Veronica Anderson
Treasurer – Christa Cornelssen
Secretary – Apryl Cassidy
VP Hockey Operations – Dave Deaver
VP Programs and Permits- Kevin Burkard
VP Development –Glen Morbeck
VP Registration and NCMHA rep – Sandra Schell
VP Administration – yet to be filled, will be advertised via email
Next Meeting will be May 12, 2011 at 7:00 pm.
Dave Deaver motioned to adjourn the meeting and Kevin Burkard seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.