Nebraska Department of Education Rule 24 Report
(Content Area)
Educator Preparation Content Program Review
Name of institution / University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date Submitted / 3.20.2017
Contact Person / Thomas Wandzilak
Phone/Fax / 402-472-8626
Email /
Folio type: / X / Regular / Mini / Advanced Program
Program(s) Covered by this Folio
Endorsement(s) / Type / Grade Level / Program Level
List Endorsements / Field / K-6 / Baccalaureate
Elementary Education,
Grades K-6
Is the endorsement offered at more than one site? / Yes / X / No
If yes, list additional sites where endorsement is offered:
Institution Accreditation Status: / X / National / X / State
Is this a Nationally Accredited Program? / X / Yes / No
If Yes, list Accrediting Organization: / CAEP / Attach National Letter to Cover Sheet

Report to the Nebraska Department of Education

University of Nebraska—Lincoln

Folio Initial Level—June 2017


The purpose of this section is to provide general background information on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the College of Education and Human Sciences. In addition, information is provided on the teacher education program, admission and retention standards the field experiences in which student participate, and information on the key assessments used in Section 2 concerning data that have been collected in support of our programs.

Here is a list of websites that can provide some additional information on the university, the college, and our teacher education program:

This is the University of Nebraska-Lincoln website.

This is the link for the undergraduate bulletin.

This is the link for the College of Education and Human Sciences section in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

This is the link for the Graduate Bulletin.

The is the link for the website for the College of Education and Human Sciences

This is the link for our program sheets for all of the programs offered through the College of Education and Human Sciences. Program sheets will also be available for multiple years.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Tom Wandzilak, Certification Officer, College of Education and Human Sciences at:

402-472-8626 or at


Section 1a: Endorsement Program/Contextual Information

The link to the Rule 20 Folio is:

Mission Statement:ion Statement

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), chartered by the Legislature in 1869, is the part of the University of Nebraska system that serves as both the land-grant and the comprehensive public University for the State of Nebraska.
Through its three primary missions of teaching, research, and service, UNL is the state's primary intellectual center providing leadership throughout the state through quality education and the generation of new knowledge. UNL's graduates and its faculty and staff are major contributors to the economic and cultural development of the state. UNL attracts a high percentage of the most academically talented Nebraskans, and the graduates of the University form a significant portion of the business, cultural, and professional resources of the State. The quality of primary, secondary, and other post-secondary educational programs in the state depends in part on the resources of UNL for curricular development, teacher training, professional advancement, and enrichment activities involving the University's faculty, museums, galleries, libraries, and other facilities. UNL provides for the people of the state unique opportunities to fulfill their highest ambitions and aspirations, thereby helping the state retain its most talented youth, attract talented young people from elsewhere, and address the educational needs of the nontraditional learner.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has been recognized by the Legislature as the primary research and doctoral degree granting institution in the state for fields outside the health professions. Through its service and outreach efforts the University extends its educational responsibilities directly to the people of Nebraska on a state-wide basis.

The College of Education and Human Sciences

The College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS) was founded on August 18, 2004, by Teachers College and The College of Human Resources and Family Sciences with each founding college contributing extensive history and tradition. The College of Education and Human Sciences offers excellent educational advancement to both undergraduate and graduate students, serving approximately 2,800 undergraduates and 1,000 graduate students each year.

Education courses first became a part of the University curriculum in 1895 with the organization of a Department of Education designed to prepare students for teaching careers. On Valentine’s Day, 1908, the Board of Regents established a Teachers College. Since that time, the College has been highly respected for its programs preparing teachers, administrators, and specialists for the education of children, youth, and adults. The quality of these programs is reflected in outstanding educational leadership in communities across the state and in the nation in teaching, administration, communication disorders, special education, and educational psychology.

Teacher Education Programs

Teacher education programs are found in five departments in CEHS as well as in two other colleges on campus. The College of Fine and Performing Arts (CFPA) oversees Music Education whereas Agriculture Education, Horticulture Education, and Industrial Technology are located in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Even though these programs are housed outside of CEHS, they must comply with state rules and regulations tied to teacher education. The majority of the teacher education programs are located in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education (TLTE). There are currently 40 endorsement areas offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels through the University. Options exist for students to complete initial teacher certification and teaching endorsements at the undergraduate and graduate levels. All programs leading to an initial teaching certificate will also require the completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree. Individuals interested in adding one or more teaching endorsements may do so without pursuing a degree.


Admission to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Admission to the University is based on a student’s demonstrated academic preparation for University-level work (see Appendix—Table 1). Admission standards to the University are established by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents and apply to all new, first time, degree-seeking students. This includes freshman as well as transfer students. The admission standards apply to general admission to the University as well as admission to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)

Admission to the College of Education and Human Sciences does not guarantee admission to a teacher education program. Admission to the advanced phases of teacher education is selective and, in some endorsements, highly competitive. Selection to a TEP is based upon the following criteria:

1.  Completion of at least 30 credit hours (Elementary Education) or 42 credit hours (Secondary Education) with a minimum 2.5 GPA.

2.  Completion of TEAC 331 or 430 or 431 or 434 or 437 or 496 (3 hrs.) or approved course, and EDPS 250 or 251 with a 2.5 cumulative average in the two classes, no grade lower than a C.

3.  Documentation of proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics through successful completion of a basic skills examination that meets the Nebraska Department of Education competency requirement.

4.  Completion of one course in communication studies selected from COMM 109, 205, 209, 210, or 341, or an approved substitute.

5.  Faculty recommendations.

6.  Demonstration of attaining particular learning outcomes in the program.

7.  Completion of a personal and professional fitness self-disclosure form.

Admission to Student Teaching

All students who are candidates for an appropriately endorsed Nebraska Teacher’s certificate are required to student teach. Students who plan to student teach in the fall semester must complete the student teaching application form and submit it by the preceding March 1 to the Director of Field Experiences in 104 Henzlik Hall; students planning to student teach in the spring semester must apply by the preceding October 1. The basic program for student teaching provides for a full-day experience on a semester basis. Students enrolled in an elementary education dual major will complete requirements for student teaching in both majors. Admission to student teaching requires the following:

1.  Matriculation in a teacher education program in the College of Education and Human Sciences, the Graduate College, or dual matriculation in the College of Education and Human Sciences and another college.

2.  Admission to a teacher education program.

3.  Senior standing (89 hours or more) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.

4.  Application for and completion of a senior check.

5.  Minimum average of 2.5 in each endorsement area (in the case of Middle Grades Endorsement, a 2.5 in each academic area) with no grade below C.

6.  A minimum grade point average of 2.5 in pre-professional and professional education courses with no grade below a C in pre-professional education courses and no grade below a C+ in professional education courses.

7.  Completion of a criminal history check that will be conducted by an independent party (lab fee required).


1.  Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.

2.  Must maintain a minimum average of 2.5 in each endorsement area (in the case of Middle Grades Endorsement, a 2.5 in each academic area) with no grade below C.

3.  Must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in pre-professional and professional education courses with no grade below a C in pre-professional education courses and no grade below a C+ in professional education courses.

4.  Must meet student teaching application deadlines.

5.  Must meet criminal history requirements at all times.

Transition Points

A summary of the transition points can be found in the Appendix in Table 2.

Requirements to Complete the Teacher Education Program

1.  Successful completion of student teaching.

2.  Successful completion of all remaining courses as identified in the senior check with grades meeting the minimum requirements as identified in the “Admission to Student Teaching” section as described above.

3.  Satisfy any additional requirements as described under teacher education in the undergraduate bulletin.

4.  Address all financial obligations tied to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

5.  Apply for the degree.

The Student Advising Sheet for the program(s) associated with this Folio can be found at:

1c. Field Experiences

The link to the Rule 20 Folio is:

Field experience “courses” can be divided into the following areas:

Early Childhood, Inclusive, Elementary Education, Elementary Education/Mild Moderate Disabilities, and Secondary Education. Practicum experiences at the 200 level are initial experiences in the schools for our students. They can be placed in a classroom with a teacher at the appropriate grade level for their respective content area. Secondary students are placed individually in middle grades or secondary classrooms whereas elementary students are placed in pairs in elementary classrooms. In all instances, university students have opportunities to work with K-12 learners individually or in small groups. In some instances, they may be given full-class opportunities to work with learners. Students completing 397 level practica have expanded responsibilities where they will have greater classroom responsibilities that will include the teaching of multiple lessons as a requirement for the experience as well as teacher assistant roles during each day. The 497 experience is student teaching where the university student takes on more and more responsibilities that would be equivalent to those taken on by the classroom teacher. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the preparation of lesson plans and materials for teaching and assessment, the teaching of classes, grading formative and summative materials, working with students after class, attending staff/faculty meetings, and speaking with parents where necessary, all under the guidance of a cooperating teacher. Please see Table 3 in the Appendices for a summary of the Field Experience hour requirements associated with each practicum course and the related endorsements.

1d. Program Completers

Table 4 – Program Completers

Program Completers and Level – Content Area
Academic Year / Number of Endorsement Program Completers
Bac / Post Bac / Alternate Route / Masters / Ed. Specialist / PhD
20 / 14 / to / 20 / 15 / 124 / 15
20 / 15 / to / 20 / 16 / 144 / 12


Artifact 1

Table 5

Summary Table of Endorsement Program Key Assessments


Name of Assessment
used for the following areas: / Type or Form of Assessment / Brief Description of Assessment, including indicated information obtained from Assessment / When Assessment is Administered / Specific Items
1 / Content-Praxis II or GPA
Cumulative GPA / Summative / Numerical computation of grades based on
quality points earned divided by credit
hours completed / Ongoing—throughout one’s college career. Cumulative GPA is what is reported. / Specific to content area
Praxis II / Comparison to a Standard / For elementary students, this test has been used to
document one being highly qualified (minimum
score of 159) for No Child Left Behind.
For secondary students, we piloted results for the
2014-2015 academic year. Results will be used as a requirement fro teacher certification at all levels
starting September 1, 2015. / Just before or during clinical practicum (student teaching) / Specific to content area
CEHS Student Teaching Instrument / Summative / This instrument consists of 14 items that is completed
by the student teacher supervisor and cooperating
teacher on the basis of one being proficient, basic or
unsatisfactory on each item. / At the end of the Clinical Experience / Item 1
Administrator Survey / Summative / This is a 21-item instrument that is completed by
school administrators at the end of a candidate’s
first year of teaching. It is now administered by
the Nebraska Department of Education. / In March/April at the end of the candidate’s first year of teaching / Standards 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Candidate Teacher Survey / Summative / This is a 23-item instrument that is completed by
program completers at the end of the first year of
teaching. It is administered by the College of
Education and Human Sciences at UN-L. / In March/April at the end of the candidate’s first year of teaching / Items 1 & 2
2 / Content - Knowledge
Cumulative GPA / Summative / Numerical computation of grades based on