Indoor “Field” Lacrosse 2014 -2015

Game Play Rules

Last Revised: September 2014

The format of the Lacrosse Northwest league is meant to be field lacrosse in an indoor setting. Rules will follow the 2011-12 Boys High School rulebook unless otherwise noted.

Lacrosse Northwest has a mission to bring a quality “simulatedbox” experience to our clients and many rules are in place to provide a safe environment where at the same time rules are in place to teach advanced concepts of the indoor game without the benefit of practice or coaching time.

Special Rules for Indoor:

All restartshappen at the RED Line and near the boards in the offensive zone. Or anywhere on the midline. (Does not have to be in center circle). Quick restarts are encouraged.

Illegal Body Check ( Defensive BOARDING) –

(1-3 minutes) A player may not be hit into the boards. Period. A deliberate hit with shoulder or forceful push with extended hands directly toward the boards and possibly resulting in direct contact with the wall; an official may deem the hit “grievous,” or out of control, and give a 1 minute un-releasable penalty, and, or up to 3 minutes. A violent hit from behind where a player enters the boards head first can be an automatic ejection and after a hearing may mean expulsion from the league. (As per hockey).

PUSHING NEAR THE BOARDS 30 second Technical. Many times there is incidental pushing near the boards and (a 1 minute personal is escessive ) if it is not direct of violently into the boards.

Illegal Body Check ( Offensive BOARDING)

If a defending player has established position on the boards an offending player may not try to run into that small space. 30 second Technical penalty unless excessive force is used (One Minute).


After 4 minutes in personal foul penalties a player is ejected from the game as per OHSLA Rule 21.(Note: outdoor full game is 5 mins and has been been modified for the shorter indoor game.)Additionally, the offending players coach and OHSLA will be contacted informing them of the offense. If a player is ejected in 2 games a player will have to petition Lacrosse Northwest with a written letter to reenter the league.

SPITTING/GUM CHEWING – (AS per Indoor Goals)

A one minute penalty will be assessed for any player spitting on the field. Any player chewing gum on the arena floor will be removed from the remainder of that game. This turf is new as of December, 2011. Please respect the facility rules.


After a team collects its sixth personal foul (a one minute penalty) the ball will be awarded to the opposition, and a one-on-one opportunity with the goalie will be awarded to the other team. The offended teams player will start at the midfield line and all players from both teams will remain behind the midfield stripe for 5 seconds; the official at midfield will yell release after 5 seconds. The 2nd official will be stationed near the GLE and ensure that the shooter keeps his feet moving and does not go through the crease. (Player shooting can not plant his feet or stop moving).


It is the expectation of Lacrosse Northwest that all players keep their helmets on when in the playing area. If the helmet must be removed the player is required to stand behind the boards in the team bench area for the entire time their helmet is removed. If a team is not in compliance an unsportsmanlike penalty, ( same as no mouth piece), will be implemented.


Occur at the start of each half. The ball will be put immediately back in to play after a goal is scored. In the event of a “play-on” situation in which a one-minute penalty is to be called and a goal is scored there will be a face off. After a goal the scoring team must exit the “GREEN ZONE” and the clearing team is allowed one free pass within this zone.


Boys Youth 5th -8th INDIVIDUAL:

A player has 5 seconds with the ball and officials will give a 5 second count to the player with his arm and verbally in the first 10-15 minutes to establish the procedure. Failure to advance the ball will result in a turnover.

Boys High School

Officials will use their timers.

  • 10 to clear when the defensive team gains possession (goalie has 4 seconds however if it’s a volunteer goalie simiply do the 10 second count)
  • 20 second timer at midfield
  • 10 second hand count at which time a shot is taken and timer reset (on any shot) or a turnover if no shot is taken



Just as in basketball, once a team obtains possession of the ball they have 10 seconds to advance is across midfield into the offensive half of the field. Once the ball has advanced beyond midfield the possessing team may not cross back over the midline unless tipped by the defense. The Mechanic: if the ball crosses the midline official will give the defending team a chance to pick up the loose ball for a fast break. If there is no point or chance blow the ball dead and give possession at midfield.


A team cannot throw the ball from inside one RED ZONE and to the opposite RED ZONE. By doing this the ball has passed over one green line, the midline, and the opposite green line – three lines. This will result in a turnover. The ball will be awarded to the opposing team at the midfield. (This is a safety issue).


There are no off-sides infractions in indoor lacrosse. Play is 5v5 full field, just like basketball. Everyone is a middy.


Depending on time constraints a 2 minute sudden death will be played. If there is a tie then a 1 v 1 braveheart will take place. If time constraints then we will jump to the Braveheart. A penalty during braveheart and the offended player will get a penalty shot. The player committing the penalty will go to the penalty box and be replaced with another plary.

Technical Penalties: 30 Seconds


Substitutions may be made on the fly through the areas between the RED Lines. Players leaving the field must be between the RED lines near the bench area; Once a player has stepped in to this area another player may step on to the field. Teams with too many players on the field (or players not inside this zone) are in violation of the substitutions rules and will receive a 30-second penalty.


Any push deemed to be in the direction of the walls, or unnecessarily close to the wall will be assessed a 30 second penalty. Safety is priority number one. This is a judgment call by the referee. The ultimate goal for all defensemen is to keep your player from scoring, not dislodging the ball, and if they pass the ball you have done your job.

Personal Penalties: 1 minute - 3 minutes


Body checking is legal as long as it is in compliance with OHSLA rules, i.e. contact from the front or side, between the shoulders and the waist only. No player on the ground may be body checked. Checking with the stick must be in compliance with OHSLA rules. There will be no beating of the gloved stick hand or forearm.


Any player engaging in fighting will be immediately ejected from the game. Any player who receives four personal fouls (one minute penalties) will be ejected for the remainder of the current game, and the next game in which he would have played. Serious and multiple suspensions may result in expulsion from the league, with reentry permissible only with expressed written permission from Lacrosse Northwest. From our OHSLA Standard Operating Procedures 2011 Rule: 23. VIOLATIONS OF REGULATIONS-PENALTIES A. Players or coaches who are ejected from games will receive an automatic suspension from the next game per OSAA rule 2