24 March 2014

FAO Mr Brian Hubbert

Projects Manager

Project Management and Design

Land and Environmental Services

231 George Street,

Glasgow, G1 1RX

Dear Sir,



As a Govan resident I hereby object to the above Order for the following reasons:

1 Failure to produce evidence of need

The section of Govan Road between Govan town centre and Linthouse is rarely congested and does not require a segregated lane for the new Fastlink service. Glasgow City Council has signally failed to produce evidence of need for the creation of a centre-running bus lane.

2 Failure to consult the community adequately and to provide information

The Govan community has repeatedly requested information from council officers regarding the number of seconds a dedicated bus lane would save from journey time along Govan Road. No information has been provided. In the absence of proper statutory consultation, the plan for a segregated lane should be abandoned and arrangements put in place for the Fastlink bus to travel as part of mainstream traffic.

3 Failure to promote the safety of bus passengers

The creation of bus halts in the middle of the road in a residential area is likely to increase the risk of accidents to bus passengers – especially children, the frail and the elderly who would not otherwise require to be on the carriageway of Govan Road.

4 Failure to assess impact on local amenity, environment and quality of life

The removal of car parking from Govan Rd where more than 100 shipyard workers currently park will impact adversely on quality of life, environment and amenity by filling surrounding residential areas each weekday with cars and vans deposited by workers. The Fastlink team, in refusing to accept that many workers will continue to park outside the shipyard because of the time taken to exit in the evening, has failed to assess competently the negative impact and damage to quality of life of its proposed changes.

5 Failure to respect the Govan Conservation Area and its role in regeneration

In 2008 Govan was designated a Conservation Area. Since then the local community, businesses and public authorities have been working in partnership to promote and enhance Govan’s outstanding heritage and make it a central pillar of local regeneration. Much is being achieved.

The Fastlink plan to drive an Expressway through the heart of the Conservation area is deeply alien to the character and sensitivities of the historic burgh and will cause it permanent damage. The removal of car parking will dehumanise a long stretch of Govan Rd, producing an insecure no-man’s land between the Govan town centre and Linthouse.

A key feature of the Govan Conservation area is the historic Elder Park – a unique Glasgow park built by shipbuilders for a shipbuilding community. The removal of adjacent parking on Govan Rd will curtail access to the park unnecessarily, especially for the many people and organisations travelling from outside the area to use it during the summer months. There is likely to be a negative impact on activities.

According to Scottish Government guidelines, new development in Conservation Areas is normally only be permitted “if it can be demonstrated that it will not harm the character or appearance of the area.” The Fastlink team has failed to carry out a Conservation Appraisal of the impact of its plans on Govan.

6 Failure to assess movement of shipyard traffic

The advertised Traffic Regulation Orders fail to mention the presence of vehicles exiting the shipyard at 1066 Govan Road. Under the new arrangements, all of these vehicles – whether going east or west – will be obliged to turn left towards Govan Cross. The Fastlink team has not identified a recommended route for west-bound vehicles to take, many of whom will be heading for the Clyde Tunnel. As a consequence, these drivers are likely to use residential streets to make U-turns, generating unnecessary road safety problems in the Govan town centre.

7 Failure to consider negative impact on Fairfield Business & Heritage project

The restoration of the abandoned A-listed Fairfield building is an important community project led by Govan Workspace and supported widely by the community. It stands to bring new economic and employment benefits to Govan. According to Govan Workspace and its marketing advisers, the removal of parking from Govan Rd will make the building more difficult to let. In this respect the Fastlink proposal is set to undermine the viability of one of Govan’s most important heritage initiatives and, as such, should be abandoned.

In view of all of the above reasons, I call on Glasgow City Council to reverse its proposal for a dedicated bus lane between Govan and Linthouse and to put in place arrangements for Fastlink to travel as part of normal traffic through Govan.

Yours faithfully,