In the Chair: Councillor S Blaney
Members Present: Councillors M Black, O Black, W Graham, H A Harding, G Hartin, C McCambridge, A P McConaghy, R D McDonnell, R A McIlroy, O McMullan, C McShane, C Newcombe.
Also Present: Mr R G Lewis, Clerk and Chief Executive
Mrs M Quinn, Director of Administration and Finance
Mr K McGarry, Tourism Development Manager
Mr T Stuart, Technical Services Manager
Mrs C Coyles, Member Services/Clerical Officer
Apologies were received on behalf of Councillor McAllister and McKeegan.
Chairman’s Business
Councillor Blaney stated that he wished to express his congratulations to Barry McShane, Michael McCarthy and Michael Dallat for winning the College All Stars.
Councillor McConaghy stated that he wished to congratulate Dunseverick Primary School on winning a competition run by the environment programme Eco-Schools and Homebase. The prize was a 12 metre tall wind turbine to be installed in the school grounds.
Councillors Harding and McIlroy wished to be associated with these remarks.
Councillor Blaney stated that he wished to offer condolences to the family of Kevin McAuley on the death of his mother.
Councillor O Black wished to be associated with these remarks.
Councillor McMullan stated that he wished to offer condolences to the Cosgrove Family on the death of Fr M Cosgrove. He informed members that Fr Cosgrove had done a lot of good work and thanked Larne Council for their dedication to him.
The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13th November 2006 and Special Council Meeting held on 14th September 2006 having been circulated, were taken as read.
After discussion,
Councillor McConaghy proposed,
Seconded by Councillor O Black and resolved,
“That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13th October 2006 and the Special Council Meeting held on 14th September 2006 be adopted”.
Templastragh Graveyard
In reply, to Councillor McConaghy, the Clerk stated that the application was still with the department.
Minicoach Co. Ltd
In reply to Councillor McConaghy, the Head of Tourism and Leisure Services (HTLS) stated that action has been taken against the Minicoach Company and that they are now paying for the service.
Councillor Blaney welcomed Mr A McCorry, NILGA representative and Councillor J Matthews, Larne District Council.
Mr McCorry and Councillor Matthews gave a presentation on the new opportunities for Local Government to be full partners in Government, details of which had been circulated for member’s information.
Councillor Matthews explained that the Review of Public Administration will bring massive changes to Local Government and that the DOE had set up a task force in order to take these changes forward.
Councillor Matthews stated that NILGA had also reviewed its own arrangements through the IDeA in order to meet the challenges of the RPA.
Councillor Matthews asked Mr McCorry to give a brief introduction as to what these recommendations are, what support NILGA will give and the approach they are going to take.
Mr McCorry explained that the previous RPA Task Force established 9 work streams but had had unsatisfactory political involvement and that new structures are now required.
Mr McCorry described the IDeA recommendations for the RPA Task Force:
- Political Leadership – Revised Taskforce Structure
§ Strategic Leadership Board
§ Policy Development Panels
§ Local Delivery and Implementation Pilots
- Effective Implementation and Delivery
§ Joint Secretariat of DOE and NILGA
§ Robust resourcing strategy
§ Set of core criteria and guidance for recruitment of individuals
§ Member appointments to the Board and Panels and the recruitment/secondment of core staff.
§ Capacity Building Programme
- Communication and Engagement
§ Effective communications strategy – Local Government Lead – NILGA
§ Set up pilot Local Area Arrangements
§ Adopt a shared vision for Local Governance in N Ireland
§ Agree, adopt and implement the recommendations made by the IDeA’s Review of NILGA.
Mr McCorry explained that these new structures had been put into place in order to help move NILGA to where it should be. In order for this to happen IDeA recommends that governance arrangements should be modified to corporate clear, efficient and timely decision making by executive and to have stronger relations between NILGA political groups and their political parties; that there should be external mentoring support for President, Vice Presidents & Executive; a new and reconstructed senior officer structure and increased policy and research capacity.
Mr McCorry stated that Councils are the key stakeholders and that NILGA is seeking support from Council to adopt this new strategic approach.
In reply to Councillor M Black, Mr McCorry stated that there are a number of working groups around the RPA Policy Board model, and that the aim is to make RPA process more streamlined.
Councillor McDonnell stated that it is uncertain as to what is going to happen. He stated that it is very much top down and that the nine working groups are unable to deliver and therefore need the help of the Local Government.
Councillor McConaghy stated that there are great concerns regarding the assembly and the new Councils, and enquired if they would be formed by 2009.
Councillor Matthews stated that the new Councils are proposed for 2009, with six months shadowing.
In reply to Councillor McConaghy, Councillor Matthews stated that if the Executive is still not in place, then the new Councils will still be formed.
Councillor McMullan stated that at the last Local Government Meeting it was stated that Councils should support SOLACE and NILGA, so that they can come together to provide a high level of advice.
Councillor McShane stated that Council’s are reluctant to join together therefore how can things progress proactively.
Councillor Matthews stated that this is a problem that will have to be overcome, and that it will be up to the political parties to have a common party view.
Councillor McMullan expressed his concern regarding how this will affect childrens services, youth groups and Education Service.
In reply to Councillor McShane, Mr McCorry stated that the Chief Executive’s of each Council are kept informed of decisions made at the SOLACE meetings.
Councillor McDonnell enquired regarding the feedback from the other Councils.
Councillor Matthews stated that they are getting good feedback from other Councils, however they still have to speak with some.
Having answered members other queries, the Chairman thanked Mr McCorry and Councillor Matthews for their presentation to Council.
Councillors Harding and McMullan left the meeting at this point.
The Technical Services Report, having been circulated, was taken as read.
Market Street Toilets – Update
The Head of Technical Services (HTS) explained that Whittaker and Watt had been appointed by Council to redesign ground level toilet facilities over the existing Market Street site.
He explained that DRD Roads Service had confirmed ownership of the adjacent parking bays but stated that they would be willing to consider any additional land requirements Council may have at this site.
The HTS explained that Whittaker and Watt had been asked to prepare a site plan showing an enlarged toilet facility at this location, which was attached to his report.
After further discussion,
Councillor M Black proposed,
Seconded by Councillor McConaghy and resolved,
“That Council should proceed with the plans drawn up for the Market Street toilets.”
DDA Audit – Update
The HTS explained that in order for Council to implement the findings in the DDA Audit Report it is necessary for Council to establish a policy on access to goods, facilities and services, a draft copy of which was circulated.
The HTS stated that this policy will allow Council to determine appropriate resources and response to the findings included within the DDA Audit Report.
After discussion, it was agreed to accept the draft policy on access to goods, facilities and services.
Councillor McMullan returned to the meeting at this point.
Future Construction Contracts
The HTS stated that in line with the construction industry best practice, it is recommended that all future contractors bidding for Council Construction Contracts be asked for qualifying documentation to ensure Council appointments guarantees that only qualified and competent contractors are employed.
In reply to Councillor O Black, the HTS stated that they had always requested this information, but this was to formalise what was required.
Councillor Harding returned to the meeting at this point.
After discussion, it was agreed to the qualifying documentation for all future contractors bidding for Council Construction Contracts.
Councillor McMullan enquired if Council would be able to see this information.
Councillor O Black stated that they had to think about the data protection implications.
The HTS stated that the information would not be discussed with one Councillor that it would be discussed if need be during a Council Meeting.
Re-connection charge for Trade waste cut off
Proposal to change twice yearly payment of trade waste to annual
It was agreed to discuss the above items together.
The HTS stated that due to high numbers failing to pay trade waste charges before the cut off period, it is proposed to introduce a £150 reconnection charge to offset the administration costs associated with this procedure.
The HTS also proposed to change the present arrangements of trade waste charges from twice yearly being charged for periods of 3 months in arrears and 3 months in advance, to one annual payment which would incorporate the ability to pay monthly in advance by direct debit.
Councillor McCambridge stated that she felt that this was fair but stated that she would be worried if the service was cut off, illegal dumping would occur.
Councillor M Black stated that she did not agree with the re-connection charge.
Councillor McDonnell stated that he felt it was more of a penalty.
The HTS stated that the £150 reconnection charge covers the cost of work involved for staff.
Councillor McMullan enquired if it was mandatory to collect the waste.
The HTS stated that it was not mandatory, that a service is provided, however if they do not avail of the service they would have to get rid of the waste themselves.
Councillor McCambridge stated that it appears that people entered into an agreement to pay for the trade waste services but some are failing to pay the charges.
The HTS stated that all business entered into the contract. He also stated that three reminder letters are sent out prior to removing the service.
The HTS also explained that at the moment the businesses are paying the fees three months in advance, and one annual payment would be of benefit to them. He stated that 90% of the businesses would like the direct debit approach.
Councillor O Black stated that she agreed with annual payment for trade waste, as in will decrease the number of people forgetting to pay, however, she state that she felt that the re-connection charge was too much.
The HTS also stated that additional collections will be accommodated by means of raising an additional invoice at the end of the summer period, for those that need it.
After discussion,
Councillor McCambridge proposed,
Seconded by Councillor O Black and resolved,
“That in the letter sent to companies failing to pay trade waste charges that it would clearly state that the Council are introducing a re-connection charge.”
After further discussion,
Councillor McCambridge proposed,
Seconded by Councillor O Black and resolved,
“That the twice yearly payment of trade waste would be changed to an annual payment.”
2006 NI Amenity Council – Super Valu Best Kept Results
The HTS stated that the results of the Super Valu Best Kept Awards are included in the report, he stated that Cushendall received the Most Improved Town or Village Award with a prize of £150.
Councillor McMullan stated that this award recognises the hard work put into building the Friends Community Garden.
Councillor O Black stated that she wished to congratulate everyone involved with the garden and queried where the prize money will be used.
The HTS stated that the money is awarded to Council and it is it’s decision as to where it will go.
Councillor O Black stated that she would like to see the money go to the Friends Group.
Councillor McMullan stated that it would come in useful but stated that the Friends Group would like a sign or an interpretive panel for the garden.
After discussion, it was agreed that costings would be brought back to Council regarding the cost of an interpretive panel for the Friends Community Garden, Cushendall.
Christmas and New Year Recycling
The HTS explained that the Council are urging everyone to recycle all their Christmas and New Year cards. He stated that they can be recycled in the paper banks located at Sheskburn House Ballycastle, McKillop’s Cushendall and the Community Centre Bushmills.
Councillor O Black enquired if this notice could be put into the Church bulletins.
This was agreed.
Councillor McIlroy and Newcombe left the meeting at this point.
Litter bins at Leyland Road
Councillor M Black stated that more litter bins are needed on Leyland Road, she explained that at the moment there are only two bins which are not sufficient.
The HTS stated that he would look at the issue regarding litter bins on Leyland Road.
This was agreed.
After discussion,
Councillor McConaghy proposed,
Seconded by Councillor O Black and resolved,
“That the Technical Services Report be adopted”.
The Tourism and Leisure Service’s Report, having been circulated, was taken as read.
Request for Free Parking at Giants Causeway Visitors Centre
The Head of Tourism & Leisure Services (HTLS) stated that a request had been received from Macmillan Cancer Support for free parking for approximately 40 classic cars which are touring from Cape Wrath to Cape Clear.