Constitution of Defibs for Moray Group


Defibs for Moray

Address of Office:

9 Woodside Park


IV36 2GJ

Constituted on:


Aims and Objectives:

We aim to raise funds for:

1.  purchasing and installation of AEDs (Automated Electronic Defibrillators) in the Moray area

2.  raising awareness of CPR and AEDs

3.  assisting in the training of the public in CPR and AED use

4.  maintaining AEDs to ensure batteries are adequate, replacing when required and to replace expired/expiring pads. General upkeep and maintenance of storage boxes will also be required.

Initially focus will be for the Forres area and future fundraising will be for other areas of need as identified by the Committee.


1.  Fundraising for AEDs, installation of boxes, training and awareness

2.  Open bank accounts

3.  Employ staff

4.  Take out insurance

5.  Recruit volunteers

6.  Organise courses and events

7.  Support fundraisers

8.  Cover expenses of Officers and Members to further Aims and Objectives of the Group

9.  Work with other groups to further Aims and Objectives of the Group

10. Acquire and manage assets in order to further Aims and Objectives of the Group


1.  Membership of the Group shall be open to any person over 18 or any organisation living or located in the Moray area who is interested in helping the Group to achieve its aims, willing to abide by the rules of the Group and willing to pay any subscription agreed by the Committee.

2.  Membership shall be available to anyone without regard to gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion or belief.

3.  Every individual member and each organisation shall have one vote at General Meetings.

4.  The membership of any member may be terminated for good reason by the Committee but the member has a right to be heard by the Committee before a final decision is made.

5.  Each member organisation shall appoint a representative to attend meetings of the Group and notify the Group’s Secretary of that person’s name.

6.  Membership subscriptions will be decided by the Committee and adjusted by the Committee.


1.  The group shall be managed by a Committee elected at the group’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). There will not be more than 6 members on the Committee.

2.  Officers of the Committee will be Chairperson, Secretary and treasurer. One member may hold the position of more than one Officer.

3.  The Committee shall meet at least 3 times per year.

4.  The Chairperson shall chair all meetings.

5.  The quorum for all meetings shall be 3 members.

6.  Voting at Committee meetings will be by a show of hands and in the case of a tie the Chairperson will have a second vote.

Duties of the Officers:

1. Chairperson

·  Call meetings of the Committee and Group

·  Chair meetings of the Committee and Group

·  Represent the Group at functions and meetings

·  Act as spokesperson of the Group

·  Contacting emergency services to ensure updated records of AED sites

·  Maintain Website

·  Maintain Social Media

2. Secretary

·  Take and retain minutes of meetings

·  Prepare the agenda for meeting in consultation with the Chairperson

·  Maintain the membership list

·  Deal with correspondence

·  Collect and circulate any relevant information within the group

3. Treasurer

·  Supervise the financial affairs of the group

·  Keep proper accounts that show monies collected and paid by the Group

4. Vice Chairperson

·  Assume the role of Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson with the Chair person’s prior consent or in his/her incapacity

·  Stand in for Other officers in their absence with the Chair person’s and the other officers’ prior consent.

·  Represent the Group at functions and meetings

·  Act as spokesperson of the Group


1.  Any monies obtained by the Group shall be used for the Group

2.  Any bank accounts opened for the Group shall be in the name of the Group

3.  Expenses will be refunded on completion of appropriate form and provision of receipts were required

Annual General Meeting:

1.  The Group shall hold an AGM in the month of June.

2.  All members will be given at least 14 days notice of the AGM and shall be entitled to attend. Voting will be restricted to members of the Committee.

3.  The business of the AGM shall include:

·  Receiving of a report from the Chairperson on the Group’s activities

·  Receiving of a report from the Treasurer on the Group’s finances and

·  Considering any other matter as may be decided.

Special General Meeting:

A Special General Meeting may be called by the Management Committee or by any members to discuss an urgent matter. The Secretary shall give all members fourteen days notice of any Special General Meeting together with notice of the business to be discussed. All members shall be entitled to attend and vote. The quorum for the SGM shall be 3 members and at least 2 Officers shall be in attendance.

Alterations to the Constitution:

Any changes to this Constitution must be agreed by at least two-thirds of those members present and voting at any General Meeting.


The Group may be wound up if the Committee feel it has achieved its Aims and Objectives and that continuation of the Group serves no purpose.

Upon dissolution of the Group any assets remaining after all debts are paid shall be given to another Group with similar aims or transferred to a new Group to further good works within Scotland.

The named charity to receive this is:

The Sandpiper Trust
c/o BASICS Scotland
Sandpiper House
Aberuthven Enterprise Park
Main Road

This Constitution was adopted at a general meeting of the Group on


Signed by:


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Vice Chairperson

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