Ocean Park School is
A safe, respectful and inviting place,
Where we set high standards and celebrate our achievements,
Where learning is challenging and engaging, and
Where we prepare students to lead successful lives as stewards of their world!
Title I School Wide Program Plan
Demographics-Overview of School
Ocean Park Elementary is part of the Ocean Beach School District, which is located on the North Beach Peninsula in Southwest Washington. Ocean Park School serves K-4 students residing in the north end of the Peninsula roughly from the north side of Cranberry Road to Ledbetter Point.
Enrollment for 2016-2017 is approximately 176 students. The Free and Reduced rate is 77%.
In September 1999, a small group of parents and the building administrator initiated discussions revolving around a parent support group for Ocean Park School. As a result, the parent organization, Friends of Ocean Park School (FOOPS) was founded under the auspices of the Ocean Beach Education Foundation. This group provides volunteers for Picture Day, Book Fairs, monthly staff appreciation celebrations, volunteers for the classrooms, and other school events as well as leading fundraising events and managing various money raisers such as Campbell’s Soup Labels, cookie dough sales, ink cartridge recycling, box tops, online auction, Safeway receipts, etc. FOOPS is also a critical component of staff appreciations and overall support for Ocean Park School.
Our parents are involved with their student’s education and are continuously encouraged by the administration to be involved. . We have nearly 100% attendance at conferences; school performances are standing room only, and monthly award assemblies always have parents and relatives in the bleachers. Parents also volunteer regularly in the classrooms and for field trips.
Ocean Park School has a strong cadre of volunteers and support from the community as evidenced below:
· Friends of Willapa National Wildlife Refuge provide classes and culminating field trips to refuge sites
· FOOPS sponsors Family Night assemblies, STEAM Night, Math Night and others
· Parent Nights occur 2-3 times per year and can include members of the community
· Timberland Library—bi-monthly visits by classrooms to check out books, Summer reading program, annual presentation to staff regarding resources available
· FOOPS donates money for books for RIF (Reading is Fundamental - book give away) 3 times per year. All students went home with 10 new books for the summer.
· Friends of Timberland Library donate funds from book sales to the school library
· Pacific County Health Department: STARs program, Drug & Alcohol information classes, Pacific County Fire District #1 brings Fire Safety classroom demonstrations and a poster contest during Fire Prevention Week in October
· Health Department sponsors nutrition classes for K-1-2 and 4th grade
· Loyalty Day Committee sponsors guest speakers in May
· A local restaurant provides incentives for monthly reading calendars (ice cream cones)
· Shellfish Growers Association donates proceeds of Shellfish Festival booth to FOOPS
· Community members and churches donate school supplies and clothing
· Local stores collect box tops and labels and donate food and supplies
· Fundraisers, through the parent support group, are used to improve and supplement outdoor equipment, field trips and supplies to the school.
· Grants received from Ocean Beach Education Foundation, Readiness to Learn, Zahl and Templin Foundation
· Students attend Boys & Girls Club: homework help program also.
· Student performances at senior center and participation in Loyalty Days, and 4th of July parades
· Ocean Park School volunteers log over 3,000 hours per year
· Ocean Park School will provide a 5 year after school and summer school program after the OBSD received a 21st Century Grant in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club and Save the Children Foundation.
Component 1 – Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Conduct/review annual needs assessment (SW Plan and end of year program review)
· Twice yearly at School-wide Staff meetings
· End of year in May 2015
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data
In addition to the state-mandated tests, student assessments have been conducted annually since 1999 and results reported to parents at conferences and other appropriate times during the school year. Grades 1-4 are assessed for reading fluency three times a year using AIMSWEB probes. The AIMSWEB program is a formative assessment system that informs the teaching and learning process by providing continuous student performance data and reporting improvement to parents, teachers, and administrators to enable evidence-based evaluation and data-driven instruction.
Students in grades 2-4 are also given the STAR Enterprise assessment (Renaissance Place) three or four times a year. First Grade and kindergarten students are given the Start Enterprise Early Literacy assessment three times a year. Quick Phonics Inventory is given to all kindergarten, first and second graders and 3rd and 4th graders who are scoring significantly below grade level. Writing assessments are conducted three times a year using district adopted prompts.
Data from the fluency tests, Star Enterprise, and classroom-based assessments are used to place students at the appropriate reading instructional level. This data is analyzed within one week of testing. Placement and interventions are implemented immediately. Students are moved freely throughout groups based on need. RTI team and classroom teacher monitors fluency data and determines interventions for strategic or intensive students. These students are monitored throughout the year. Delivery of assistance is targeted for specific children using a rank order list of student needs and those served.
Teachers are included in the decision-making process through grade level and staff meetings during which students’ academic and social issues are discussed. Teachers use the information to develop flexible instructional groupings in their classes to match students’ skill need areas. This process ensures that all student academic needs are being met and helps to prevent students from being placed into special education due to lack of appropriate level of instruction.
Student assessment and progress results are shared with parents through a formal reporting system with conferences two times a year and progress reports which address key academic areas once a year. Frequent parent contact by the teachers is part of our program. Parent Compacts are part of the December Conferences.
Ocean Park Elementary School Goals 2016-2017
Board Goals 2016-2017
Goal 1: Early Learning All students will have access to one year of Pre-Kindergarten
Building / Improvement Goal / Actions / TimelineOcean Park / Ready for Kindergarten / Amy Curry – Early Childhood fellow – Amy will bring information back to school and kindergarten team. Relevant information will be shared with the superintendent and school board
Allyce Ostgaard will be teaching Ready! classes with Ramona Ulbricht for pre-school parents starting in November,
OB kindergarten teachers will meet annually with preschools on the peninsula to analyze data and share ideas.
Math Night in conjunction with EACAP
Pre-k families and k families / On-going
Goal 2: K-3 Reading
All students will be reading at grade level by the end of the 3rd grade or at their developmentally appropriate level if on an individualized education plan.
Building / Improvement Goal / Actions - Menu dependent on grade level / TimelineOcean Park / Students will improve reading fluency and move toward benchmark goals / Family letter books weekly
Library/Book bags daily or weekly
Focus on sight word mastery
Phonics emphasis
CBM correct/minute
Real word connection songs/video of phonic songs pull it down, left brain/right brain technique
Fidelity to QPS – use assessment to drive instruction and interventions / On-going
Students will improve vocabulary and comprehension as evidenced by STAR assessments, classroom based assessments and SBAC / Differentiating instruction
Reading A-Z
On-going assessment – link standards and lesson plans when using Planbook
Provide read aloud time in every self-contained class every day
Grades 1+ - students take books home every day to read
Resume reading logs for ice cream
Teachers will choose activities from the digital library K-4, bi-weekly / On-going
OP will increase community involvement in the area of reading / Community members come in for evening event and read a book – kids bring in volunteers and popcorn
Community involvement/support
(ice cream from Adelaide’s) / Plan for spring or 2017-2018
OP will increase parent involvement in the area of reading / Sending news letters home to families with resources and reading tops / On-going
Teachers will improve reading instruction k-4 / Teachers will use grade level academic language according to the WA State Standards.
3rd and 4th grade teachers will give SBAC interim assessments monthly / On-going
Goal 3: 3-8 Math
By the end of the 8th grade, all students will be Algebra ready or at their developmentally appropriate math level if on an individualized education plan.
Building / Improvement Goal / Actions / TimelineOcean Park / Students will learn about the Smarter Balance math question stems / · Teachers will do a Smarter Balance type question once a week from the Digital Library
· 3rd and 4th grade teachers will schedule the interim assessments / On-going
Students will increase their ability to explain math problems during number talks / Teachers will follow the Number Talk Annual Plan presented by our math coach, Heidi Clarke. / On-going
Develop a pacing calendar for math to meet standards for tests, align common core / Teachers will create an annual math plan / Spring 2016
Students will memorize multiplication facts by end of 3rd grade / Daily practice – multiple times a day
Mental math / On-going
Students will increase number sense / Pre plan, necessary tools (Heidi and Allyce), focus on strategies through Number Talks, Kim Sutton, etc. / On-going
Teachers will link standards and lesson plans when using Planbook / All teachers will use Planbook for weekly lesson plans. / On-going
Goal 4: 9-12 Career and College Ready
All students will be on a designated pathway and course selection will be aligned to their pathway and graduate on time.
Building / Improvement Goal / Actions / TimelineOcean Park / Students will have an understanding that their goal is to graduate from high school and have a career goal after graduation
We will provide opportunities to foster students to become successful, contributing adults / · Staff will say at least once a week, “When you graduate from high school,” and/or “When you go to college,” etc.
· Link lessons w/real life experience
· Students will learn about the variety of jobs on the peninsula and around the world
· OP will hold a career/job fair – invite parents / On-going
Goal 5: Pre-Kindergarten – 12 Social and Emotional
Student’s social and emotional needs will be met through mental health partnerships, outreach, counseling, clubs, athletics, and activities.
Building / Improvement Goal / Actions / TimelineOcean Park / Students will learn to self-regulate their emotions / · Teachers will teach the MindUp curriculum. The first two weeks will be devoted to breathing techniques. Starting in the 3rd week, teachers will begin lesson 1.
· All staff will model breathing and respect.
· Use ACES training to teach students to be more mindful and compassionate
· Differentiate between rules and procedures
· OPSM skills – goal and earn-it
· GLAD – Show respect, make good decisions, solve problems, be your best self
· Increase tools for students to use for independent problem solving
· Additional services (Willapa)
· Refrain from negativity
· “I can” statements or similar / September 6 – December
On-going all year
Goal 6: Facilities
Our schools and grounds will be well maintained and be safe environments for our students.
Building / Improvement Goal / Actions / TimelineOcean Park / Students will leave their classrooms clean and tidy: floors picked up, chairs stacked, etc. / · Staff will design a plan to teach students the necessary skills for taking care of their classroom.
· Staff will schedule time at the end of the day or class period for clean-up. / Sept. 6
Student responsibility increases to help changes in custodial schedules / Floors, tables in classroom
Classroom jobs assigned daily
Garbage can rules followed / On-going
Increase awareness of responsibility to keep their space clean / Teacher, reteach, look around
Students take ownership of low level chores / On-going
Goal 7: Recruit and Retain Quality Employees
The district will ensure a focused approach to recruiting and retaining the best candidates for our positions
Building / Improvement Goal / Actions / TimelineOcean Park / Interview team does amazing job of recruiting and selecting teaching staff. We need to retain excellent teachers. / · Support, camaraderie, family atmosphere, sense of belonging
· Change the weather to entice people to stay
· Brochure specific to the individuals working with kids, families of the area and resources
· People to contact to ease transition (Family Resource Person)
· Accurately portray the area, the students, the demographics, extra curricula activities, etc. / On-going
Goal 8: Parent Involvement
Ocean Park will increase parent involvement tied to student academic achievement
Building / Improvement Goal / Actions / TimelineOcean Park / Provide an opportunity to teach parents about the technology used in school and provide them opportunities to practice using the various tools. / Set a night – arrange baby sitting
Parent technology night – typed cheat sheet
Possible link on web site to tutorials for kid programs
Math Whizz
RAZ – kids
GYNZY / Fall 2016
Provide more opportunities for parents and families to be involved in the school
Create welcoming atmosphere especially for those families who may have a negative association with school
Figure out ways to make school enchanting and intriguing so that the conversation and excitement flows to the families / Welcome parent to participate in their child’s school experience, give some access to parents who work till 5
Bring parent to school day and extend “meet the teacher” to 6:00
Story night
Math night
STEAM night / On-going
Increase awareness of good parenting and conflict management, nutrition, routines, etc. / Parenting classes – Elly
Ready! pre-school parenting classes – Allyce and Ramona / ?
Component 2 – School wide Reform Strategies
· Reading