First M. Lastname
Address Line 1(715) 555-5555
City, State 00000email@address
2-3 lines stating where you will be attending school (CVTC, UW-Stout, etc.), what you will be studying (major in business, education, marketing, etc.), and what you intend to do with this degree (teach and coach, start my own business, work in a hospital, etc.). Use clear, concise language; sound certain of your plans.
High School Name: Class Rank- 5th of 50; GPA- 3.46; ACT- 28
Advanced coursework: will graduate with 6 university credits
Technical College Name: Certified Nursing Assistant, June 2011.
Academic Achievement- National Merit Finalist; Award for top five students per class, 9-12.
Sports Awards- special conference and/or state awards
Badger Girl State- UW Oshkosh, 11. Participated in week-long session learning governmental skills.
DAR Citizenship Award- Selected by school staff and Senior class, 12.
National Honor Society
- Member, 10-12; vice-president, 12. Coordinated Blood Drive donor recruiting.
- Junior Varsity, 9-10; Varsity, 11-12. Team was first in conference, 9-12; played at State Tournament, 10-12; second place in Division 4, 11.
- Varsity, 9-12; co-captain, 12; lettered 10-12; All-Conference second- team, 12.
Student Council
- Member 10-12; vice-president, 12. Coordinated homecoming activities; reported to school board.
Class Officer
- Treasurer, 11; prom committee.
- Prose, 9; group interpretation 10-12. Advanced to state 9-11, received 2 silver medals and 1 gold.
Service Club Name
- Founding member, 10-12; president 12.
- Role in school musical, 9-11; lead in Cinderella, 12.
- Band (Class A trumpet solo, 11),Swing Choir (9-12).
- Attended state convention in Madison, 9; helped with fruit sales and Fishing Has No Boundaries, 9-11.
Annual Staff
- Co-editor, 12; designed parts of 2009 and 2010 yearbook, 10,11.
Blood Drive - Organized donor recruitment for blood drive as part of National Honor Society, 11-12.
Sunday School Teacher- Taught 2nd grade class at Hope Lutheran, 11.
Food Pantry- Organized food drive and assisted Food Pantry with distribution through LEO Club, 10-12.
Tutor- Volunteered as math tutor to assist other students during their study hall, 11-12.
Other Service- Regularly volunteer with Lions Club, Catholic Church, VFW, Community Fair.
Nursing Home Name- Certified Nursing Assistant, 8-16 hours per week, 12.
Grocery Store Name- Cashier, 10-20 hours per week, 11.
Restaurant Name- Dishwasher and bused tables, 10-15 hours per week, 9-10.
Babysitting- Cared for 6 and 8 year old during summer and school vacations, 9-10.
Optional section- list number of family members; include other sibling who may be in college/tech (example: Family of five; older brother is a sophomore at UW-Madison, younger sister is in eighth grade). If applicable, consider adding parent/family education (example: I will be the first in my family to attend a university).
Teacher, Name Department
Lake Holcombe Public School
27331 262nd Avenue
Holcombe, WI 54745
Other’s Name, Relationship to you
Address Line 1
City, State 00000
(715) 555-5555
This section will not be included in your resume. It’s here to give information on preparing it.
Resume Tips:
*Use 12 point font in Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri; margins may be .5 to 1.0
*Limit resume to 2 pages
*List activities, awards, service by importance (most impressive first)
* Listed “References” should be from the people writing letters for you.
*Have at least two people proofread your resume.
(Times New Roman)
Letters of Recommendation:
*1- 2 letters of recommendation (from teacher, coach, boss, community member, etc.) may be included.
*Vary who you ask—one from school, one outside of school
*Ask for the letters as soon as possible; letters usually take 1-2 hours to write, be sure to thank the person writing a letter for you.
Due Date:
Resume with letters of recommendation is due the first Wednesday in February.
Applying for a scholarship on the list:
To apply for any scholarship on the Local Scholarship List, submit the essay by 3:15 on the due date; essay topics are on the scholarship list. Your essay and a copy of your resume, letters of recommendation, and transcript will be sent to the organization making the selection.
Note: late essays will not be accepted, no exceptions.
Scholarships listed are subject to change; whenever possible students will be alerted of changes through email and announcements.
In submitting a resume and essay for distribution, the student is granting the scholarship committee the right to share their resume and transcript with the organization making the scholarship decision.
B. VanDoorn, 10/2015