2017 Community of Practice/CommitteeReporting Form
Due: February10, July 21

Instructions: please type your answers in the spaces below and email the form to LLAMA at . If you have questions about the form or the LLAMA budget, contact Kerry Ward at the above email or 800-545-2433, ext. 5036.

Your Name:Email:

Section/Division Committee:

1. What special projects, publications, collaborations, etc., did your group work on since the last report?

2. What Midwinter or Annual Conference programs did your group produce since the last report?

3. What webinars or online discussions did your group produce since the last report?

4. What does your group plan to work on in the next six months?

5. Do you have any suggestions for tools, resources or support that would:

  • Help you to better accomplish your work?
  • Improve your volunteer experience with LLAMA?
  • Improve operational efficiency?
  • Other ideas for improvement?

6. Do you anticipate needing funding for any new projects? Please use the below form.
Please note: the LLAMA budget includes funding for conference programs, preconferences, special events (like PRXchange and awards programs), webinars, etc., and you do not need to submit a budget request for any activity that regularly takes place at a conference.

FY17Budget Request for a New LLAMA Product or Member Service

The LLAMA Innovation Fundsupports the development of new ideas, products, or services that will better serve our members. If your group would like to request funding for such a project, please complete this form and send to the LLAMA office, . For potential projects and/or new areas for development, see the

2015-16 Strategic Directions.

Brief Descriptionof the Product or Service Idea:

Proposed by (section and/or committee):

Outcome (what difference will the project make and what is the intended audience?):

Start Date and Duration of Project/Tactic:

Budget (itemize rev/exp and attach separate sheet if necessary)
Revenue Estimate (registration fee, product sale, sponsorship, etc):
Expense Estimate (development cost, presenter/consultant fee, marketing, technology purchase, etc):

Ability to Re-purpose for New Audience (use content for webinar, online course, publication, etc.):

Potential Partners that Could Strengthen the Project (either internal or external to ALA):

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