System safe temporary storage of municipal solid waste while producing biogas and safe management of liquid drippings induced fermentation.



1. Brief description

2. Methodology

3. System uses

4. Claims

5. Plans

1. Brief description

The present invention relates to a novel system for the safe temporary storage and processing of municipal solid waste above and below surfaces and using special fabric bags and special design.

For the manufacture of bags special technical fabric is used. Over the special technical fabric, waste is deposited and special fabric wrapped around them and then stitched with special sewing or fusible machine, creating the bag. In the bag there are 3 valves. There is a valve at the top for extraction of biogas and a valve for introducing water or any other fluid mixture. At the lowest point , there is a drain valve leachate. The biogas and leachate led to temporary storage tanks.

The system can be developed into an integrated system for energy recovery of waste stored with minimal cost compared with other systems. The system is used for any amount and type of waste.

2. Methodology

The storage process begins with the deposition of of specialized technical fabric at the territory, at which the bags are constructed in the selected store. The dimensions of the specially produced technical fabric may vary, depending on the desired size of the bag. The special technical fabric, has the specifications listed in the following table:

WEIGHT / 1150 g/m2 / DIN EN ISO
Breaking strength / stamen
weft / 4000 N/5cm
3500 N/5cm / EN ISO
Tear Resistance / stamen
weft / 550 N
500 N / DIN 53 363
ADHESION / 100 N/5cm / EN ISO
m².bar.d / DIN 53 380
Fire behavior / <100 mm/min / ISO 3795
APPLICATION / Agriculture, biogas plants, resistant to fats

The wastes enter the storage place from the garbage tracks. These wastes can be Municipal Solid or liquid waste, mill waste, dairy waste, waste Farms, etc. The waste can then be compressed to reduce their volume. Then the waste is put onto the open special technical fabric, covering about half of fabric. The remaining fabric is wrapped around the waste, thus creating the storage bag, closed on the spot or by special machine double seam or a special heat-sealing machine ( Figure 1 ) . In the case of wastewater, the bag is prefabricated and wastes are placed inside the means of a special valve. The specific technical fabrics are made with new technology materials that withstand very high pressures without tearing or cracking, (thus avoiding the unpleasant odors from waste throughout the period of storage).

Figure 1: Method of waste disposal and creation of storage bags

At the specific technical fabric bag storage, there are at appropriate points leachate drainage valves, exhaust valves biogas and water inlet valves. The following diagrams show the structural layout of the bag.

Figure 2: Construction of the bag

Figure 3: Layout of multiple bag

The use of specialized technical fabric, which is the construction material of the bag (1), ensures that the bags are tightly sealed. This ensures the complete absence of unpleasant odor in the surroundings. Inside the bag ​​fermentationsare made, which are expected as a consequence, digestion of waste placed in the bag to be carried (7).Result of this process is the production of biogas. The bag has at the center of the upper side, special biogas outlet valve (3) through which the produced biogas exits the bag and can be stored temporarily in a biogas reservoir (6). The stored biogas can then either be burned in situ, through special torch, or transported, to be used in various applications. Through fermentation carried inside the bag are liquid waste (leach ate)is alsoproduced. The bag has a trough , special valve basin drainage. Effluents have the potential to lead to a special tank leach ate (5), which remain provisional until their transfer in biological purification.Alternatively, if possible, the leach ate can be transported directly to the sewage network.The leach ate drainage tube may be above ground (as in diagram), or underground. Given the unknown composition of the potential for waste storage, there is the possibility of leachate to not be suitable for direct use in biological purification. The construction of the bag there is a special water inlet valve or any other suitable liquid mixture (4). This valve is located on top of the bag. This valve allows, where necessary, water is introduced or any other suitable liquid mixture so as to reduce the toxicity of leach ate generated. This valve can simultaneously be any other possible use for import of substances inside the bag.

Figure 4: Layout bags in stacks

3. System uses

The above system can be used for temporary storage of waste until transport to landfills, incineration plant, pyrolysis or any other form of waste treatment. Alternatively, the same space can be embedded integrated energy recovery system of total waste. It can also be used to restore XADA (site for the uncontrolled landfill of waste), safe caching of existing waste.

The system can be used to temporarily store the following types of waste :

1. Mixed Municipal Solid or Liquid Wastes

2. Pressers waste

3. Livestock waste

4. Cheese waste

4. Claims

1. The use of said system for storing Municipal Solid Waste .

2 . All of the above for the temporary storage of municipal waste and processing it to produce biogas

3. Use bags with a technical fabric of the aforementioned specific standards for storage and processing of all types of waste

4. Sacks, with specific technical fabric above specifications, valve drain leachate

5. Sacks, with specific technical fabric above specifications, valve exhaust gases produced from the treatment of waste in the bags