British Paediatric Otolaryngology Course

Thursday 15th– Friday 16th March 2018

Kennedy Lecture Theatre, UCL Institute of Child Health, London

Course Director: Ben Hartley, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London


Thursday 15th March


09.30 Paediatric ENT Emergencies SessionChairBen Hartley (GOSH)

09.30 Introduction and WelcomeBen Hartley(GOSH)

09.35 Airway emergencies Neil Bateman(Manchester)

10.00 Neck and periorbital Infections Richard Hewitt(GOSH)

10.20Mastoiditis and Complications of AOMWilliam Hellier(Southampton)

10.40 Infant Nasal obstruction and Choanal Atresia Chris Jephson (GOSH)

11.00 Discussion and Questions


11.45Top Tips in 15 minsChairBen Hartley (GOSH)

Craniofacial syndromes Michelle Wyatt (GOSH)

Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibromas Richard Hewitt(GOSH)

Tracheal Surgery Richard Hewitt (GOSH)

12.45 LUNCH

13.45 Paediatric Head and Neck SessionChairRichard Hewitt (GOSH)

13.45 Vascular anomalies Ben Hartley(GOSH)

14.15 Branchial and preauricular anomalies Neil Bateman(Manchester)

14.35Lymph nodes Michael Kuo(Birmingham)

14.55 Questions

15.00 Head and Neck lump panel Chair Ben Hartley (GOSH)

Panel Richard Hewitt, Neil Bateman, Michael Kuo, Ravi Thevasagayam, Steven Powell


Middle Ear Session

16.00 Cholesteatoma William Hellier (Southampton)

16.20Retraction pockets and PerforationsIain Bruce(Manchester)

16.40 Questions

18.30 Drinks Reception

Friday 16th March

09.00 Airway SessionChairBen Hartley (GOSH)

09.00 Evaluation of StridorMichelle Wyatt (GOSH)

09.20 Laryngomalacia and Vocal cord paralysis Keith Trimble (Belfast)

09.40Subglottic stenosis Ben Hartley (GOSH)

10.00 Tracheostomy technique Michael Kuo(Birmingham)

10.20 Airway foreign bodies Mike Saunders (Bristol)



11.30Audiology Chair Chris Jephson(GOSH)

11.45 Sensorineural Hearing Loss James Ramsden (Oxford)

12.05 Cochlear Implantation Lesley Cochrane (GOSH)

12.25 Microtia – Neil Bateman( Manchester)

12.45 LUNCH

13.45 T’s A’s and G’s finale

13.45 Otitis Media with effusion – where are we in 2018?James Ramsden (Oxford)

14.05 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea- Steven Powell (Newcastle)

14.25Tonsillectomy in 2018Dan Tweedie (London)

14.45 Questions and Discussion

15.00 Close