
OA Hockey Booster Agenda

2016 – 2017Season

  • Treasurers Report
  • Jason Bourne update on financial condition-Three fundraisers including players car wash in Oct , holiday plant sale by mid-Nov and Easton based fundraiser in Jan 2017.As well as 10+ business banner,50/50 and puck toss to center ice for 5 home games. Goal is to raise some $10,000.
  • Officers Elections
  • President – Larry Costello
  • Vice President – Kevin Gottwald
  • Treasurers – Jason Bourne
  • Secretary – Pam Carroll
  • Equipment Managers – Wanda DiMartinis and Jen Gallagher
  • Middle School Rep. –Paul Nigro-needs some support for coaching and parent reps.
  • Web Administrator – Jarek Nikiciuk-Site in great shape.
  • Miscellaneous Pics and e mail communications – Heather Robillard-Working quite well thanks!
  • Middle School
  • Junior High League has begun! -Foxboro League -2 Teams, A and C levels.Paul Nigro to share 2016-17 schedule with Coach Bertoni.
  • Tuition $480.00 for full time players, Paul to check to investigate jacket interest for 6th-7th grade players.
  • 22 League Games, 3 Playoff Games, 2 Practices with varsity/JV
  • 22 Players signed up .Parents assisting, need CORI forms signed. (Larry C/Bill M)
  • High School
  • Varsity schedule finalized and tryout dates to be shared..
  • Open skate for high schoolers on Fridays till 11/25 @ Asiaf Friday’s 4-5PM. Booster supported-please note.
  • Off Ice Physical sessionsat Training Fix on WED. Very affordable compared to others. Contact captains (Jared/Eric)
  • Family run Fri night pasta nights to include both varsity and JV. Coaches available for 1-1 discussion when season starts (other than game day). Character and Commitment are two key themes this year.
  • Hockey Video & Pictures
  • Video - 6 games total-All home games 3 varsity and 1 JV, 2 middle school.Budget $300.
  • Heather (TBD) Pics to be taken in Dec 2016 early in season
  • Equipment
  • Inventory Existing equipment-Socks good, helmet stickers and numbers good.varsity practice shirts need a count from captains before any new orders.
  • Pregame OA Warm up jackets –TBD tonight(Check on QTY needed for all 30 players, including upcoming freshmen and coaches.)
  • New pant covers this year-order placed with Piesco’s-ready for start of season.Jason has in budget already, ½ down payment made.
  • OA Clothing
  • Inventory : $2,000 worth of merchandize to sell this year, left over from last year.
  • Website
  • Jarek is maintaining .
  • Heather has been handling Chimp mail e-mail.All are receiving our communications.Thank you to both of you
  • Fundraising
  • New booster volunteers needed , please spread the word to new families joining the OA hockey program.Review car wash proceeds.$600 + $364.75=$964.75 total.
  • Open Discussion: *Next Meeting Date-Tues Oct 18th*Player Parent Coaches Meetinglate Nov around tryout dates which are Mon-Wed Nov 28th-30th at Brockton Asaif.
  • Rosters : will be made available at all home games. Will check with rink to investigate hanging $ raising OA hockey banner in lobby and along glass.
  • Thank you : To all booster volunteers that make this year a fun filled experience. Continued success to the families and players! It’s never too early to let your local businesses know the hockey community is looking for any support they can provide.